ويكيبيديا هي مشروع تحرير جماعي لـموسوعة علمية وثقافية بمختلف اللغات. لطلب المساعدة في أي وقت تجد وصلة (مساعدة) في هامش كل صفحة على اليمين.

لا تتردد في قراءة الوصايا الأولى للتحرير و التعديل و إنشاء المقالات الجديدة و تنسيقها وفقا لمعايير ويكيبيديا. تم تخصيص ساحة التجربة لاحتواء تجاربك وخطواتك الأولى في التحرير والتعديل.

يمكنك الاستفسار و طرح الأسئلة المتعلقة بطبيعة العمل في ويكيبيديا، كما يمكنك أيضا طرح الأسئلة العلمية أو الأدبية.

يمكنك أيضا التعريف بنفسك في صفحتك الشخصية، بكتابة معلومات عنك: اللغات التي تتكلمها، من أي بلد أنت، ما هي محاور اهتمامك...

لا تنس التوقيع في صفحات النقاش بكتابة أربع مدّات، هكذا ~~~~. ولكن يجب عدم التوقيع في صفحات المقالات الموسوعية، لأنها تصبح ملكا للجميع لحظة إنشائها .

نرجو منك الاطلاع على ركائز ويكيبيديا الخمسة و المعايير المتبعة (الحياد، و عرض مصادر ومراجع التحرير، و أسلوب التحرير، و معايير السيرة الشخصية، وتفادي كتابة السيرة الذاتية). كما وجب ألاّ تنس عدم النسخ من الإنترنت لأسباب حقوق التأليف والنشر. يمكنك أيضا المساهمة في أحد مشاريع ويكيبيديا وانتقاء موضوع يعجبك.

نرحب بمساهمتك في رفع الصور لإثراء المقالات، مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار احترام القوانين الصارمة المتعلقة باستعمال الصور واحترام حقوق التأليف والنشر. يوجد أيضا ويكيبيديون متطوعون في ورشة الصور لتحسين صورك وترجمة الصور المطلوبة.

أخيرا، وهو أهم شيء، نرجو منك أن تتمتع بالمساهمة معنا في هذا المشروع!

إذا كانت لديك أي استفسارات أو أسئلة أخرى، يمكنك طرحها في هذه الصفحة أو في صفحة نقاشي.

-- إلمورو (سل لا تتردد) 13:10، 6 مايو 2009 (ت‌ع‌م)

How to create a detector burials and Baseach treasures copper


The idea is simply to make a Sikh copper moving freelyH without objection or external stimulationThey simply scientifically and tend to the origin of the signal or frequencyNear in the region is known that each element metal frequencyEmit to topLet us make a Sikh copper moving freely here differed designersThis bars them from use copper handles and some of them use plastic handlesPlastic handles two pipes of plastic that is usedHealth extenders in homes for the extension of waterThe length of each pipe 15 centimetersBring Sdadtan from plastic from the same shop Health ArticlesAnd Nthbthma thermal Balkkawi (with Amoosreign)Nthagb all covered pipe from the top (at the lathe)By copper and thick user if we use 4 mmNthagb five Sikh so allow to move freelySkewers copper length of each skewer eighty centimetersL-type Namlhma Stone Twenty then enter the opening of the pipe so that it stays above the pipeFive centimeterHere completed work device AlseachHandles plastic handle all the hands are placed either above waist levelSlightly below the chestThe distance between them twenty centimeterJust keep training!!!


Brothers buried target flattened out and emit signals towards the topBut they tend slightly toward the magnetic north by the depth of the targetMeans the target signal in the form of a circle by expanding the depth of the targetAnd tend toward magnetic north and reference centerAny that whenever target deeper the farther a signal center to the northAnd determining the approximate depth of the target and determine the point goal Altakis be notRub directly, but to the south of half a meter to one meter and sometimes more if the target deep frequently

Comes the stage of keeping the device hands on their chest a little more than the length of the handleThe process of keeping the device and leave the freedom of skewers of the most important process of movement to a Alseach and needPatience and exercise and I think that most of the Brotherhood has an idea about itThen we come to the most important, but an experience of the device at imaginary targets of the well water vacuum caveGold went into a cave buried examine copper, silver and observe how indicates the device every timeHow does X and this process is more important to rehearse on the use of the deviceBut here Added Note that the device IAX on all metals and open space and waterFor the rest of the interview

To cancel the vacuum and scan for target inside a cave or tombEmpty much lighter (lighter) with your left hand to the handle of the deviceAny be between the handle and the hand This eliminates the vacuum and looking for metal inside the vacuum

Important note another examination varies Balseach from one area to another by the presence of soil and rock mineralsWhere there are three or four frequency of metals such as gold most important frequency quartz, a con soModern appliances Allaktroneh therefore necessary to note

To deepen the experience using Alseach by fake targetsThe way Takis device on my observations targetsFirst about your imaginary target under the ground to a depth of meters and left for a dayBetter to hide the target someone else so that you are unaware of its placeWhen you walk to the device and approaching the smelt the machine starts to move hand goal if the goal isYour right to move the device to the right if the device is left moves left follow the movement of the device (Alseach)When the device is above the target working Xe intersect Alseach so Sikhs left approaching your right shoulderAnd vice versa

Added note here I am my experience has been on the brass handleAnd the hand touches the handle directlyAnd now I try my by plastic handles which isolates the bodySkewersBecause there are two schools of skewers School says that the blood type and touchHands is necessary and exactly the opposite school says it should beThere insulator between the hands and skewersMay God help us all

Peace be upon you my brothers and sistersHere Sastaan files of one of the brothersAnd that I support what came to explain to you and to increase experienceWill lift you four Word files speak about the signals thatGraduated from the trove and method of determining points of refraction and the phantom pointsAnd drag points and center bull's

Of course breaking point is the point when the device is opened when your directionToward the goalPhantom is the first point point device Aax after breaking pointPoint clouds are the first point of the targetThe center point is the mid-point of the targetOn the three-goal first circle circle circles refractionSecond Chamber phantom points and many digs it and can not find anythingThird Circuit points clouds which surround the target from abroadFinally, the center point of the target

Added Here are some comments brother Karim files of interest Bwages copper different kinds give the signal trove at the site, but when you drill there is nothing except what happened to cause it do not catch the point trove but catch point of discharge in the magnetic field and here we must know the location of these points as the distance between two points deal on this basis: -Depth trove = distance between Nkotain refraction division 2Trove = Center box output for 4 points refractionThis regarding Albwages traditional ... As sophisticated Albwages it combines the characteristic response to drag points and the formation of energy and combines two properties with the capability to interact with all the characteristic ions inspection system and a specific location on the surface of the ground above the deep .... see annex

No doubt that copper Bwages considered supplements It gives researchers information semantics for burials sites but .......... fields that deal with skewers copper discharge resulting from the fields drag Ground which constitute points refraction so that the distance between the point of refraction The center trove is the depth trove and bars give point zero points clouds and not on points center (an energy) and these points away from the trove distance simple but points refraction forge points imaginary lies between the breaking point and point clouds ... The more depth trove greater the distance between the center points of unreality that gives Sikhs mark X as well as drilling and when it is not foundSomething being dug up point delusional and not above the center point intermediate points drag-and here comes the difference between amateur and expert (professional) ....... see Annex

For plastic handle, it is not an insulator we are talking about ions and static electricity, but he is assistant circumstantial but in the end it may cause interference if not emptied from static electricity accumulated on the outer surface.For the body's interaction with ions and passed to the bars here we find a somewhat controversial issue:1 - not necessarily going skewers toward trove with influence on the body are moving towards the closest Valcbr Listings deeper and the body derives energy from ions available to a battery for the device and a specific reference by taste, it could be hidden west researcher and energy body derived from the ion has to do with the signal issued from the north, especially since ions released as astronomical distances very long distances.2 - It is well known that the best means of research or testing are to stand north of the region to be examined with direct skewers west and sometimes east sometimes to make sure direction to place expected and can be derived energy from trove likely north and heading towards Devin western superiority in quantity or proximity Distance and depth!For repulsion is not only at the point of fracture, a point that is a measure of the depth of the margin distance between themselves and point clouds plus distance point clouds second best quadrature points drag-and-drill in the middle and have depth = half arm points drag + distance between point clouds and breaking point. Manufactured device burials and Baseach treasuresManufactured device burials and Baseach treasures Manufactured device burials and Baseach treasuresImportant vaccination aware of skewers after exerciseAnd vaccination simply touching the bars and not one Sikh left The article that you want that you're looking forAs you can vaccinate gold or copper or silver and even coalLooking for what you want and this experimenterThe way that damaged Ptb on a skewer copper leftOr put it in your mouthAnd on a skewer right put mercury or left him with nothingBetter vaccination when searching Psych one HoualemtamThen prove BalsekhienHowever, if the handle copper bait directly handle

If gold and inlaid with better caliber 24Indicate gold or metal blasted gold asymptotic named quartz and a third metal forgot his name

I hope that you find useful the following observations1 - First my brother skewers not looking random, but by someone versedThe expert should you need to look for region-specific acres, for example, where the signalOr described here is to locate the metal in the area of inventory2 - Stand in the region suspected to be able to commandOn skewers and drove out how an imaginary target and deliberately buried for examination after readingImmunization states and the HolyAs that Nvsik affect you learn to control themWait a minute, and you are standing and better to be north of the target areaEven bars moving to the direction of what3 - Follow the bars and you follow the skewers toward the goal of no haste slowlyBy moment what open bars away from each repel Whoa this breaking pointTick better to have someone else with you even offer Tax skewers StandThis point phantom continued in a straight line until Tax bars againThis is a point the clouds continued until Altakis stops continued Saax againThis point fictitious interview tick lasted until the opening barsThis breaking point corresponding to the firstHere you walked in a straight line from the north to the south and put signalsCheck again from the east, west and south center of these departmentsIs the goal4 - If it turns out you suspect region of more than one goal UseGold and vaccination attention Elly form of soil and only dig the two regionsIf there was a definite goal the be Hsrth in region of two or three

Gold Detecting and Prospecting

--Jehad2008 (نقاش) 13:30، 23 سبتمبر 2012 (ت ع م)