مستخدم:محمود عبدالله 2000/ملعب6

This is a timeline of the War in Donbass, from July to September 2014. The timeline follows an ongoing conflict between Ukrainian government and anti-government pro-Russian separatists allegedly supported by Russian troops in the دونباس region in eastern Ukraine.

1 July


The Ukrainian military renewed their attack to drive out pro-Russian rebels in the early morning, staging large-scale ground and air assaults in eastern Ukraine throughout the day. The Ukrainian military conducted heavy artillery barrages on the rebel-controlled city of Slovyansk.[1] The villages of Stary-Karavan and Brusivka, south of Krasnyi Lyman, were brought back under government control.[2]

South-west of Slovyansk, near Andriivka, the television tower on Mount Karachun collapsed after rebel forces shelled Ukrainian positions nearby.[3]

According to the Health Department of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, four civilians were killed and five wounded in a minibus when shells hit the rebel-held town of كراماتورسك in Donetsk region.[4][5][6] Meanwhile, pro-Russian media reported that around 15 civilians were killed today in كراماتورسك.[7]

Ukrainian authorities claimed to have won back control of the Dolzhanskyi border crossing (south of Sverdlovsk). A policeman was reported killed in the city of Donetsk when separatist fighters tried to seize the interior ministry's regional headquarters, and a tank battle between rebels and government forces was reported near the town of Karlivka. In Mar'inka, Donetsk Oblast, and Metalist, Luhansk Oblast, Ukrainian forces shelled a number of pro-Russian checkpoints.[8]

One Ukrainian soldier was killed and 17 wounded in the fighting. A Ukrainian Su-25 was damaged by rebel fire.[1]

2 July


A Ukrainian Su-25 crashed during landing approach due to a mechanical failure. No airport structures were damaged. The pilot ejected and survived.[9][10][11] Another Ukrainian aircraft, a Su-24, was hit by a shoulder-launched surface-to-air missile. The pilot managed to fly the fighter 300 km with a crippled engine before landing safely.[12]

North-east of Luhansk, the towns of Stanytsia Luhanska and Mykolaivka were badly hit; nine civilians were killed.[11][13] The Ukrainian authorities said the bloodshed happened when rebel forces launched rockets from a بي إم-21 غراد rocket launcher; the Grad was later seized by government forces.[14][15][16] A resident of the Kondrashovka locality (part of Stanytsia Luhanska) said that an aircraft first targeted an insurgent position nearby, but that its second strike hit the village. The deputy commander of a Ukrainian battalion said the place may have been hit both by the aircraft and by shelling from outside.[17] Heavy fighting was reported in and near the village of Metalist, north of the city of Luhansk. Tank and artillery fire was also reported in the nearby neighbourhood of Kambrod.[18]

Fighting was reported in the area of the Izvaryne border post, with Ukrainian units being shelled and one of their armoured vehicles destroyed by a mine.[19]

Ukrainian forces pounded rebel positions in Donetsk Oblast with self-propelled 152 mm howitzers.[20]

Five Ukrainian soldiers died by the end of the day with another 21 wounded.[21]

3 July


According to Ukrainian sources about 300 rebels tried to cross the Russian border to return home. Russian border guards opened fire at them from all weapons.[16][22] Another Russian border post in Novoshahtinks was damaged by rockets fired from Ukraine. This was the second incident of this kind in Novoshahtinsk since 20 June.[23]

One civilian died and another suffered major injuries after stepping on a landmine outside Luhansk airport.[24]

The Ukrainian army regained control of Raihorodok and Rai-Oleksandrivka (north-east and east of Slovyansk) as well as Zakitne and Riznykivka (west and south-west of Siversk).[25]

The Ukrainian army claimed that its forces surrounded the town of ميكوليفكا, Donetsk Oblast, and that six rebel fighting positions were destroyed by a combination of artillery and airstrikes. According to the Ukrainian claims, 150 pro-Russian militants lost their lives during aerial and artillery bombardment, while two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and four wounded.[26]

Three road policemen died and another suffered major injuries when two unidentified armed men opened fire on them during a traffic stop.[27]

4 July


The Ukrainian army reported 13 killed and nine wounded in separate incidents across the fighting in Eastern Ukraine.[28][29]

A column of three tanks, three "Grad" MRLS and several armoured vehicles was spotted near the border with Russia in the region of Luhansk, in an area controlled by rebel troops.[30]

Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov wrote on his Facebook page that Mykolaivka is completely under control of governmental forces.[31]

Members of the Ukrainian battalion "Donetsk" launched a raid on the seat of the local prosecutor in Artemivsk, occupied by pro-Russian forces.[32] Two armoured personnel carriers fired on the building during 20 minutes, destroying a civilian type vehicle and causing some damage.[33] The armoured vehicles later retreated toward the Kharkiv-Rostov highway.[32]

5 July


Pro-Russian forces launched a "Grad" multiple rocket attack on Luhansk airport.[34] Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities announced the death in action of seven servicemen in the village of Novoselovka, Donetsk Oblast. Other six were injured.[35]

Pro-Russian forces abandoned the town of سلوفيانسك and retreated towards Kramatorsk in the face of a Ukrainian army encirclement. The Ukrainian flag was hoisted over the city council building.[36][37][38] In a message, that was read out next day in دونيتسك, rebel commander Igor Strelkov stated that the retreat was necessary for the purposes of achieving the final goal – to drive Kiev's armies from the east before marching on the capital itself.[39]

An armed group in two vessels and several small craft landed near the town of Sjedove, on the Azov Sea shore, and destroyed a Ukrainian border post and radar station with RPG, mortar and small arms fire. One Ukrainian guard was killed and eight wounded.[40][41][42]

The Ukrainian flag was hoisted over the city council building of كراماتورسك.[38][43] The bulk of pro-Russian forces fell back to Horlivka.[44]

The separatists also left دروزهكيفكا (فولغوغراد) and Kostyantynivka.[45][46]

6 July


Ukrainian authorities announced they have regained control of Artemivsk.[47]

Separatist sources from the Republic of Donetsk claimed that a Ukrainian T-64 was knocked down by pro-Russian tanks during a battle in Dmytrivka, near the border with Russia.[48]

There were reports of fighting in the villages of Piski and Karlivka.[49]

In Donetsk city, militiamen attacked the state prison guard headquarters in an attempt to seize weapons.[42][50][51]

7 July


With the bulk of pro-Russian forces fallen back to Donetsk, including the former defenders of Sloviansk, the rebels began to fortify the city and prepare for a stand against the advancing Ukrainian military.[52][53]

Six pro-Russian tanks and one armoured fighting vehicle attacked Luhansk airport, held by Ukrainian forces. The Ukrainians responded with mortar fire.[54]

One Ukrainian border guard was wounded after a mortar attack on Biryukovo checkpoint, south of Sverdlovsk, Luhansk Oblast.[55]

Nine Ukrainian border guards were killed and 112 wounded defending the Russian-Ukrainian border from pro-Russian forces since the beginning of the military operations.[56]

At least three bridges were destroyed by rebel forces. All the bridges lead into Donetsk city. One of the destroyed railroad bridges was over a highway. The highway was now also blocked.[57]

Deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Mykhailo Koval declares that "all along its perimeter the Russian-Ukrainian border is under the tight control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and State Border Service".[58]

8 July


Separatist units assumed control of بوباسنا.[59][60]

9 July


The Chief of Staff of the Ukrainian territorial battalion "Carpatia", Yuri Baran, was killed by a pro-Russian sniper during military operations near the town of Amvrosiivka.[61]

Pro-Russian forces continued to besiege Luhansk airport. The facilities were shelled using four tanks and two "Grad" rocket launchers.[62] Ukrainian sources claimed that two tanks and one "Grad" system were destroyed in the course of an air strike.[63]

The Ukrainian border checkpoint at Dolzhansky, Luhansk Oblast, was destroyed after two days of heavy mortar fire. The facilities were hit by more than 200 mortar rounds.[64]

Three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 27 were wounded in the Donbass region during the last 24 hours.[65] Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and a journalist lightly injured near Luhansk when their position was pounded by pro-Russian forces with mortar fire.[66] Another soldier died in Muratova, Luhansk Oblast, when the convoy where he was riding on was ambushed by pro-Russian militias. Three others were injured.[67]

10 July


Ukrainian troops took control of the town of Siversk.[68] They have also recovered the border checkpoint of Chervonopartyzansk, east of Sverdlovsk.[69] In the area of the Dolzhansky border post, four Ukrainian soldiers were killed when their armoured personnel carrier struck a landmine.[70]

The fighting continues at مطار دونيتسك الدولي, held by Ukrainian army.[71] Separatist sources claimed to have beaten off a Ukrainian offensive involving tanks in Karlivka, northwest of Donetsk city. According to them, the Ukrainian army withdrew 10 كيلومتر (6.2 ميل) towards the village of Halytsynivka.[72] Earlier, the commander of the battalion "Donbass", Semen Semenchenko, reported that his troops had destroyed a number of bunkers and sangars in Karlivka, killing "25 militiamen" for the loss of one soldier killed by sniper fire.[73] A town near سفرودونتسك and the city of لوهانسك were shelled by the Ukrainian army. Separatists responded with counter-battery artillery fire.[74][75]

11 July


Ukrainian forces have retaken the border post of Izvarine, east of Krasnodon.[76]

Pro-Russian forces attacked a concentration of Ukrainian troops with "Grad" rockets, inflicted heavy damage and casualties to two motorised army brigades at Zelenopyllia, Luhansk Oblast, south of Rovenky. At least 19 Ukrainian soldiers were reported killed, and around 100 other wounded. Fighting was still ongoing by evening.[77][78][79] It was later claimed that the rocket system used in the attack was the newer اعصار 9A52-4 (سلاح).[80] Four other Ukrainian servicemen were killed near the Dolzhanskyi border post.[81]

Ukrainian forces replied to that shelling by launching strikes against separatist groups in the areas of Perevalsk, Gomolsky, Dzerzhinsk, Izvarine.[82][83]

An armoured convoy of six tanks, six armoured vehicles, two "Grad" systems and eight "Kamaz" trucks crossed through the Luhansk city centre, according to eyewitnesses.[84]

A Russian-made unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down by Ukrainian troops.[85]

12 July


In the early morning hours, pro-Russian forces attacked the Ukrainian army with "Grad" rockets and mortar fire in several locations in Donetsk and Luhansk, killing seven Ukrainian servicemen and wounding 33.[86] Later, two Ukrainian soldiers were killed in action at Alexandrovka, Luhansk Oblast.[87]

Fierce fighting erupted around the village of Maryinka, southwest of Donetsk city.[88][89] Six people were killed and four wounded.[90] Elsewhere in Donetsk, six other people died and eight were injured at late evening in the Petrovsky neighbourhood.[90]

The Ukrainian Air Force claimed to have destroyed 14 enemy vehicles in the last 24 hours.[91]

Pro-Russian tanks attacked Luhansk international airport.[92]

A large column of armoured vehicles crossed into Ukraine from Russia through the area of Krasnodon, Luhansk Oblast.[84][93]

13 July


Three artillery shells hit the Russian town of Donetsk, which is only 1 كيلومتر (0.62 ميل) away from the border. One civilian died, and two were seriously injured. An investigation into the matter is ongoing. The Russian Foreign Ministry warned of "irreversible consequences, the responsibility of which lies on the Ukrainian side", calling the shelling "an aggressive action".[94][95]

Ukrainian army broke through the pro-Russian lines around لوهانسك with the village of Sabivka being taken, and battles taking place into the villages of Heorhiivka and Rozkishne. The Ukrainian army used 70 tanks in this assault according to rebel commander Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, who claimed that his troops repulsed the offensive.[96] Late in the evening, the Ukrainian government claimed that its troops had reached Luhansk airport and broken its encirclement.[97] An armoured convoy of six tanks, six armoured vehicles, two "Grad" systems and eight "Kamaz" trucks crossed through the Luhansk city centre, according to eyewitnesses.[98][99]

14 July


Fighting over Luhansk airfield has intensified, with both sides claiming that the airport is under their control.[100][101][102] Ukrainian officials claim that their army has retaken several villages around Luhansk, while the rebels claim that a Ukrainian armoured column was destroyed near the airport.[103]

A Ukrainian An-26 transport aircraft was shot down by a surface-to-air missile over eastern Ukraine while flying at 6,500 متر (21,300 قدم). The Ukrainian defence minister claimed that the altitude is far from the reach of a shoulder-launched missile, suggesting that the aircraft was downed by Russian forces.[104][105][106] Two crewmembers were captured by pro-Russian militiamen, four were rescued by Ukrainian forces and the other two were unaccounted for.[107] The missing aviators were found dead on 17 July.[108]

Pro-Russian forces carried out a mortar attack on Donetsk airport.[109]

15 July


The town of Snizhne in أوبلاست دونيتسك was attacked with rockets by an unidentified aircraft, leaving at least eleven people dead.[106][110][111]

Six Ukrainian soldiers were killed fighting the rebels in several locations along the border with Russia.[112]

Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed and eight wounded when the village of Amvrosiivka was hit by several "Grad" rockets.[113]

16 July


Separatist forces broke the Ukrainian army encirclement around the town of Stepanivka and launched an offensive supported by tanks, anti-tank missiles and mortar fire in the area of Marynivka, south of Snizhne.[114][115][116] In Stepanivka, the attack was led by three tanks which assaulted the positions of a Ukrainian armoured brigade.[117] Three Ukrainian soldiers were wounded, and the village of Marynivka suffered heavy damage.[116] Pro-Russian sources claimed that two Ukrainian armoured vehicles were destroyed and another one captured by the rebels.[115]

Near the village of Dmytrivka, Ukrainian 152 mm howitzers, supported by mortar fire, stopped another pro-Russian assault.[117]

A Ukrainian Su-25 fighter was shot down over eastern Ukraine by a Russian Air Force Su-27, according to the spokesman of Ukraine's National Security Council, Andriy Lysenko. The pilot ejected successfully.[118][119] Another Su-25 was hit and damaged by a shoulder-launched surface-to-air missile.[120]

Eyewitnesses reported that three salvos from a "Grad" multiple rocket launcher were fired from the Russian town of Gukovo into Ukrainian territory.[121][122]

The Ukrainian army transferred 15 wounded soldiers from the 72nd armoured brigade (misreport of 72nd Guards Mechanized Brigade?) to Gukovo, Russia, for medical assistance. The brigade, surrounded by rebel forces in the border town of Chervonopartizansk, had no chance of evacuating the men to Ukrainian hospitals.[123] Other two Ukrainian servicemen from the National Guard were rescued with severe injuries by members of the Russian Federal Security Service in the border area of Kuybyshevsky District, Rostov Oblast. One guard died later from his wounds, while four of the soldiers were in critical condition.[124] All the Ukrainian personnel was put under arrest.[125]

Also on the border, the outpost of Izvarine was "cleared of Ukrainian troops", according to the self-proclaimed Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Donetsk, Igor Strelkov. There were reports of more than 200 fatalities among the Ukrainian forces in this area of the border. Andriy Lysenko acknowledge that "there was not possible" to establish the real number of victims at the moment.[126]

Eleven Ukrainian soldiers were killed in battle with rebel forces.[127]

17 July


In أوبلاست دونيتسك, north of Torez, near the Russian border, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur with 283 passengers and 15 crew members on board, was hit by a surface-to-air missile at an altitude of 10,000 متر (33,000 قدم) and crashed.[128][129][130][131] Both the Ukrainian military and the opposition have stated that they are not responsible for the incident. The White House confirmed that the United States is investigating what happened[132] and that it is believed the plane involved was a Boeing 777.[133] Malaysian Deputy Foreign Minister Hamzah Zainuddin said that the foreign ministry would be working closely with the Russian and Ukrainian governments regarding the incident.[134]

Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and eleven wounded during military operations in eastern Ukraine.[135]

Russian authorities reported that 20 artillery shells fired from Ukraine landed near the border checkpoint of Kuybyshevo, five of them without exploding.[136]

18 July


Donetsk rebels have reportedly found the black box of flight MH17 and "are most likely to hand it over to the [Russian] Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC)".[137][138][139] Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin said in an interview to Hromadske.TV that the black boxes are on Ukrainian territory and shall be handed over to a governmental commission.[140]

Fighting in Popasna left two Ukrainian soldiers killed and six wounded.[141]

Luhansk's local government reported 20 civilians killed after heavy shelling on the city.[142] Meanwhile, the local airport was the target of "Grad" rockets and mortar fire.[143]

After being fired at from Ukraine, Russian troops in the area of Kuybyshevo responded with artillery fire against Ukrainian positions in Marynivka.[144]

There were 19 attacks on different Ukrainian checkpoints across eastern Ukraine.[144]

The Ukrainian Minister of Defence claimed that the Ukrainian army took control of the south-eastern outskirts of Luhansk city.[145][146]

19 July


Luhansk's residents denied the Minister of Defence report about Ukrainian troops entering into the southeastern neighbourhoods of the city.[147]

Acting President of Regional Luhansk Administration, Iryna Vergina, reported that a convoy of 15 armoured vehicles entered Luhansk city from Russia before dawn.[148][149][150]

One of the crewmembers of the An-26 shootdown on 14 July was rescued by Ukrainian forces in Luhansk Oblast.[151]

Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed in action and 20 wounded in the last 24 hours.[152]

Fierce fighting involving tanks, mortar fire and "Grad" rockets was reported around Luhansk's airport during the morning.[153] The Ukrainian army claimed that its forces opened a corridor between the frontline and the airfield.[154] The fighting extended to the west, to the village of Heorhiyivka.[155]

Three "Grad" rocket launchers fired into Ukraine's territory from the Russian area of Novaya Nadezhda, Rostov Oblast.[156]

20 July


Ukrainian forces have launched an operation to regain control of Rubizhne which they apparently captured by evening according to the presidential office,[157] meanwhile سفرودونتسك is surrounded. Fierce clashes also took place south of Rubizhne on the outskirts of ليسينسك and around بوباسنا.

Eight Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 50 wounded in operations in eastern Ukraine.[158]

Ukrainian military sources on the ground reported that they have suffered four dead and 15 wounded inside Luhansk airport, which was still surrounded by pro-Russian forces. An early attempt to reach a relief column from the Ukrainian National Guard was thwarted by a rebel ambush, which resulted in the death of a soldier and injuries in seven others.[159]

21 July


The Ukrainian army has reclaimed Dzerzhynsk over the separatists and entered Soledar.[160][161]

Heavy battles occurred on the western outskirts of Donetsk with shooting and shelling reaching as far as the Donetsk train station,[162] as a result five civilians died and twelve were wounded,[163] and Ukraine claims that the western suburb of Pisky fell under Ukrainian control.[164] According to military sources on the ground, the situation of the Ukrainian troops at the Avdiivka garrison, north of the besieged airport (48 05 55N 37 45 14E), became critical after the rebels carried out an intense bombardment with tanks, mortars and "Grad" rockets.[165]

Twenty-three rebels were taken prisoner by the Ukrainian Army as they tried to flee the besieged city of ليسينسك.[166]

The head of a non-governmental organisation claimed that a relief force evacuated the wounded and replenished the Ukrainian troops defending Luhansk airport. He also reported that the army took control of the village of Heorhiivka.[167]

A checkpoint in the area of Novoazovsk was bombarded from the sea.[168]

22 July


سفرودونتسك has been taken by the Ukrainian national guard.[169] During their retreat, the rebels blew up the bridge over the river Borovaya, which divides Severodonetsk from Rubizhne.[170] Most militiamen have also left ليسينسك,[171] like the minister of Defense for LNR Alexey Mozgovoy and the Kazak Chieftain Kizitsin[172] who fled through the village of Bila Hora before the Army ring completely closed around the city, but other fighters chose to stand in the city till whatever end.

Pro-Russian militants blew up a railroad bridge on the Sentyanivka-Shypilov railway.[173]

Ukrainian soldiers have driven separatists out of بوباسنا.[174]

Thirteen Ukrainian soldiers were killed during the last 24 hours in the operational area. Three of them died when a van bomb exploded at a checkpoint in Kamyenka, Donetsk Oblast.[175]

Artillery shells from Ukraine landed on the Russian border checkpoint of Kuybishevo and on the Russian village of Primiusskiy. No casualties were reported, though the border post was evacuated.[176]

Luhansk airport was again attacked with "Grad" rockets, and Ukrainian troops in the town of Metalist were pounded by mortar fire.[177] Ukrainian forces recovered the nearby town of Lutuhyne.[178][179]

An armoured carrier and a tank belonging to the rebels were knocked down in the area of Marynivka, Donetsk Oblast.[177] Igor Strelkov claimed that pro-Russian armoured and infantry units took over the villages of Chervona Zorya and Kozhevnya, along the border with Russia south of the Ukrainian-held town of Marynivka. This manoeuvre left the Ukrainian garrison surrounded from three sides.[180] The Russian border checkpoint at Primiusskiy was evacuated after three artillery shells fired from Ukraine exploded nearby.[181]

In ستاخانوف a rally was held to demand that pro-Russian separatists leave the town.[182]

Ukraine will undergo a partial mobilisation of its 1,000,000 reserve force to create 15 additional combat units and 44 sustainment units to reinforce the forces that are already fighting in the Donbass.[183]

23 July


Two Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 fighters were shot down in the rebel-held area of Savur-Mohyla. Ukrainian authorities claimed that they were hit by long-range antiaircraft missiles launched from Russia.[184][185] Ukrainian Prime Minister, أرسيني ياتسينيوك, said later in an interview that one of the fighters was probably shot down by an air-to-air missile.[186]

Source states that rebel forces retreated from the villages of Karlivka, Netailove and Pervomaiske, leaving the west road to Donetsk airport opened to Ukrainian forces. Avdiivka, to the northwest, remained in pro-Russian hands. According to source, separatist leader Igor Strelkov stated that the move was made to reinforce the inner defences of Donetsk city.[187][188] Pro-Russian sources also acknowledge that the Ukrainian army attacked the border villages of Chervona Zorya and Kozhevnya, occupied by the insurgents. The rebels lost two tanks and two armoured vehicles.[189] Eventually, the rebel units withdrew from the two locations.[190] Meanwhile, the separatists claimed they had stormed and took control of the nearby town of Dibrivka, and that the Ukrainian garrison entrenched themselves inside WWII bunkers built on high ground.[189][191]

A Colonel from the Ukrainian National Guard was killed by the rebels when his troops were ambushed at ليسينسك while trying to take the city from pro-Russian forces.[192]

Ukrainian troops claimed to have shot down a Russian unmanned aerial vehicle near the town of Amvrosiivka.[193] Also northeast of Amvrosiivka, in the village of Hryhorivka, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 22 wounded by Russian artillery fire, according to SBU officials.[194]

The International Committee of the Red Cross formally declared the conflict in the Donbass region to be a "war", allowing for future war crimes investigations.[195]

24 July


The Ukrainian government claimed that its forces entered Lysychansk and that after heavy fighting they began to round up the remaining separatists into custody.[196] Late in the evening, Semen Semenchenko, the commander of Donbass Battalion claimed on his Facebook page that his forces and elements of the 24th Mechanised Brigade reached the city hall and raised the Ukrainian flag.[197] During these operations, Ukrainian units also claimed to have taken the village of Verkhnokamyanka west of Lysychansk.[198]

Four Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 35 wounded in eastern Ukraine overnight.[199]

Vice News journalist Simon Ostrovsky posted that Slavyansk police started to exhume the bodies of those who were killed by pro-Russian separatist from a mass grave.[200][201]

Two pro-Russian tanks fired at the Ukrainian garrison besieged in Luhansk airport.[202]

The Ukrainian government claimed the Ukrainian 79th Airmobile Brigade, besieged in Marynivka since 15 July, was partially relieved. Ukrainian government claimed that more than 75 casualties were evacuated from the front line.[203]

US Department of Defense spokesman Col. Steve Warren said that "there is no question" that the القوات البرية الروسية were firing artillery at Ukrainian military targets through the common border in the last several days. Earlier, US State Department spokeswoman ماري هارف declared that Russia was stepping up its delivery of weapons to pro-Russian rebels.[204]

The Ukrainian Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, resigned after his new tax to support the military was rejected by a parliamentary majority.[205]

25 July


Thirteen Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 19 wounded in action during the last 24 hours. Nine armoured vehicles and pieces of artillery were also lost in the same period.[206][207]

Artillery fire from Russia hit Ukrainian positions in Kozhevnya and Deakovo.[208]

Sources from the Luhansk republic claimed that the Ukrainian garrison at Heorhiivka was virtually destroyed by artillery fire, which knocked down a tank and an armoured carrier and injured 30 Ukrainian servicemen. The same sources announced that a Ukrainian armoured column was ambushed in the district of Bakhmutvka. They claimed two tanks and two armoured carriers destroyed. More than 100 Ukrainian soldiers were allegedly wounded.[206]

26 July


Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 20 wounded overnight in the course of the operations in the Donbass region.[209]

In Dyakove, between أنتراتسيت and the Russian border, members of the 79th airmobile brigade are confronted for a second day to continuous shelling (mortars and بي إم-21 غراد rocket launchers combined) and attacks by separatist forces.[210] Wives and mothers of the soldiers staged a protest on the bridge of Nikolaev to demand to the government the opening of a corridor to evacuate the troops.[211]

Pro-Russian sources claimed that the militias of the Donetsk republic took control of the border checkpoint of Marynivka after several hours of fierce fighting.[212] To the request of the Ukrainian government, the Russian border service opened a corridor to evacuate Ukrainian casualties through the region of Rostov.[213]

The Ukrainian 24th armoured brigade, surrounded by pro-Russian forces at the border outpost of Dolzhansky, lost all its heavy equipment and vehicles and suffered more than 100 casualties after days of being pounded by howitzer and "Grad" fire.[214]

The commander of the battalion "Donbass", Semen Semenchenko, claimed that Ukrainian troops reached بيرفوميسك, where they were confronted by around 1,000 militiamen from Stakhanov and Alchevsk.[215]

Ukrainian reports claim that Ukrainian forces from Svetlodarsk entered ديبالتسيفي (دونيتسكا) with the support of artillery fire and armoured vehicles.[216]

Russian forces attacked the border checkpoint at Novoazovsk with "Grad" rockets and mortar fire, wounding four Ukrainian guards.[217]

27 July


Ukrainian forces launched an unexpected offensive against the separatist territory, claiming to have regained control of Shakhtarsk and entered Torez.[218][219][220] According to Russian sources, there were street battles at evening in Shakhtarsk, where local residents reported that the Ukrainian National Guard took control of Postnikov mine, mine nº 12 and its parking lot.[221] The fighting prevented a Dutch policemen team to reach the area where Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 crashed on 17 July.[222]

Ukrainian sources claim that a military convoy from Russia, composed of 19 tanks, six armoured carriers and four "Grad" systems passed through the town of Krasny Luch.[223]

Heavy shelling from the village of Chernikov in Russia killed four Ukrainian servicemen and wounded two in the Ukrainian border checkpoint of Dolzhansky.[224]

Ukrainian Minister of Defence Valeriy Geletey acknowledged that 41 Ukrainian soldiers from the 51st armoured brigade deserted from their besieged border outpost and sought shelter into Russian territory.[225] Geletey also announced a successful resupply mission to the 79th and 72nd airborne brigades.[226]

Rebel forces fired on Luhansk airport using three "Grad" launchers.[227]

Twenty-three members of the "Aidar" battalion were killed battling with pro-Russian forces in and around the town of Lutuhyne, west of Luhansk city.[228]

The US State Department produced satellite photos proving that Russian artillery had fired on Ukrainian territory.[229]
The photo for show of 21 Julys the marks left by separatist multiple rocket launchers (47°49′48″N 38°47′21″E / 47.829983°N 38.789291°E / 47.829983; 38.789291 and 47°52′07″N 38°47′49″E / 47.868517°N 38.796844°E / 47.868517; 38.796844) near Hryhorivka with impacts on Ukrainian positions (47°54′23″N 38°51′22″E / 47.906274°N 38.856239°E / 47.906274; 38.856239 and 47°54′27″N 38°53′52″E / 47.907425°N 38.897781°E / 47.907425; 38.897781) in Marynivka.

The picture for 23 July views self-propelled artillery (47°47′43″N 39°03′21″E / 47.795398°N 39.055710°E / 47.795398; 39.055710) south-west of Nova Nadezhda in Russia and a shelled Ukrainian unit (47°54′55″N 39°05′06″E / 47.915364°N 39.084978°E / 47.915364; 39.084978) east of Dibrivka.
The image for 25/show of 26 Julys blast marks of multiple rocket launchers (47°49′14″N 38°59′52″E / 47.820417°N 38.997688°E / 47.820417; 38.997688) also south-west of Nova Nadezhda in Russia and impacts (47°53′02″N 39°09′09″E / 47.883888°N 39.152527°E / 47.883888; 39.152527) on Ukrainian forces south-east of Dibrivka. Later Ukrainian SBU released more detailed phothos but mil.ru slide by slide show they origin and dates (and on some content) were doctored.[230]

28 July


The Ukrainian government claimed that its forces had retaken ديبالتسيفي (دونيتسكا) and the hill of Savur-Mohyla, south of Torez.[231] Pro-Russian officials strongly denied the claims.[232]

The Ukrainian border checkpoint at Krasnaya Talovka, Luhansk oblast, was shelled from Russian territory. The attack wrecked the control tower and the building's main office. Two guards were wounded and four killed.[233]

The commander of the 79th Ukrainian airborne brigade reported that 54 paratroopers from the unit have deserted up to 27 July.[234]

Pro-Russian forces attacked Ukrainian positions at Dyakovo from nearby woods, killing two paratroopers and injuring seven.[235]

The Twitter account of President Poroshenko claimed that Ukrainian troops took control of the village of Stepanivka. He also announced the release of the pilot of a Su-25 shotdown by the insurgents.[236] Ukrainian media claimed that Ukrainian soldiers broke through rebel lines in the village of Avdiivka, northwest of Donetsk city.[237]

Eight Ukrainian servicemen, wounded in action, were rescued by the Russian border service near Kujbyshevo and evacuated to Ukraine through the humanitarian corridor established on 26 July.[238]

29 July


CNN reported, citing US officials, that the Ukrainian army fired three OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles at pro-Russian militias near the town of Snizhne during the past 48 hours.[239][240]

Russian airforce's aircraft repeatedly overflew Ukrainian territory, including the rebel-held city of Luhansk.[241]

Ukraine's "Aidar" battalion claimed to have taken control of the town of Noviy Svet, south of Donetsk city.[242]

Ten Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 55 wounded during the last 24 hours of operations.[243]

Twenty-one soldiers from the 24th armoured brigade, who had been evacuated through the Russian region of Kuibyshev after enduring heavy "Grad" rocket attacks, arrived in Zaporozhie, home of the brigade's headquarters. Several of them suffered from shell shock.[244]

30 July


Ukrainian authorities stated that they had recovered Avdiivka just northwest of Donetsk city.[245]

The separatists continued their efforts to recover the strategic hill of Savur-Mohyla.[246] Ukrainian soldiers said that two rebel trucks and a tank were destroyed during the clashes.[247] The Ukrainian government claimed that the militias' siege on the 72nd airborne brigade has been lifted.[248]

The Ukrainian State Border Service said that seven tanks from Russia crossed into Ukraine through the Russian village of Novaya Nadezhda. They headed toward the town of Dibrivka, Donetsk Oblast.[249]

31 July


Ukrainian sources acknowledged that Savur-Mohyla changed hands several times in the last days. They also claimed that Russian forces would cross the border under the pretense of being "peacekeeping troops".[250]

Rebel forces left the villages of Marynivka and Stepanivka.[251]

A Ukrainian military spokesman asserted that 11 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, 51 wounded in the last 24 hours of operations.[252]

Members of the Ukrainian "Luhansk" said that they killed 15 militants and captured a significant number of them during clashes in the city of Severodonetsk.[253]

Twenty-one Ukrainian paratroopers were killed at Shakhtarsk in the course of a heavy rocket attack, according to Ukrainian media.[254][255] Later reports tell of a pro-Russian militias' ambush using mortar and tanks against an armoured column, giving the figure of 11 dead, 10 missing and 13 wounded. Rebel sources claimed that they took 13 prisoners.[256]

Out session Ukrainian parliament vote: the explanatory note to the draft law No. 4309a to rise till 2015 war tax.[257]



1 August


The Ukrainian army withdrew its troops from several areas along the border with Russia, like Dovzhansky, Izvaryne and Chervonopartyzansk, where the daily shelling and "Grad" rocket fire made their positions untenable.[258] The 79th and 72nd airborne brigades, deployed around Dyakovo, were among the retreating units.[259]

Ukrainian forces reportedly drove separatists from the towns of Krasnohorivka and Staromykhailivka west of Donetsk and from the village of Kontarne north-east of Shakhtarsk.[260][261]

Ukrainian authorities said that new military equipments have been sent from Russia to rebel forces using a pontoon over the Donets river in Popivka and Sukhodil north-east of Krasnodon.[262]

A Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle in a surveillance mission was shot down by rebel forces using a surface-to-air missile.[263]

Separatist sources claimed that pro-Russian militants wrestled control of Savur-Mohyla from Ukrainian troops.[264]

2 August


At least 49 settlements in Donetsk Oblast were left without electrical power supply due to damage caused by heavy fighting in the area.[265]

Separatist sources claimed that their troops destroyed five Ukrainian armoured vehicles near Amvrosiivka. They also reported to have repelled Ukrainian attacks at Savur-Mohyla, Torez, Shakhtarsk and Zuhres.[266]

Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 attack aircraft reported shot down by separatists between Yenakiyevo and ماكيفكا in the Donetsk region, with the pilot ejecting.[267]

3 August


The Ukrainian military stated that ten Russian tanks entered Ukraine through uncontrolled border sections. The tanks, according to this source, were heading towards Donetsk city.[268]

On the border, Ukrainian units were shelled again from Russia. Near Chervonopartyzansk, soldiers of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade endured six hours of heavy artillery fire.[269] On 3 August the القوات المسلحة الأوكرانية announced that they have split the Donetsk and Luhansk controlled areas, separating the two rebel forces.[270]

Ukrainian forces took control of the town of Yasynuvata, a key railroad center in Donetsk Oblast.[271]

An artillery shell fired from Ukraine hit a house in the village of Vaseckiy, Rostov Oblast, Russia.[272]

4 August


Members of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade who were encircled near Chervonopartyzansk on the border east of Sverdlovsk have succeeded for the most part to break through to Ukrainian-held territory; other soldiers who covered the departure finally escaped to a Russian border post in Gukovo.[273][274] Between 311 (according to Ukrainian officials), 438 (according to Russian FSB sources) and 449 (as per OSCE observers) Ukrainian soldiers and border guards laid down their weapons and crossed into Russia since 2 August.[275][276][277]

The commander of the Azov battalion said that Ukrainian forces had retaken the locality of Maryinka south-west of Donetsk.[278]

Pro-Russian media claimed that hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers surrendered in Shakhtarsk.[279]

Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 14 wounded during the military operations in the Donbass.[280]

5 August


Ukrainian forces withdrew from Yasynuvata, which they claimed was done to prevent civilian casualties.[281]

Three Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 45 wounded in the past 24 hours.[282]

There was heavy fighting in the districts of Petrovsky, Alexandriivka y Maryinka, Donetsk city. At least two civilians died as a result.[283]

Russian forces had launched four "Grad" rocket attacks on Ukrainian positions from Russia since 2 August, according to Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko.[284]

6 August


Eighteen Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 54 injured in eastern Ukraine over the last 24 hours. According to the National Security and Defense Council, yesterday the Ukrainian forces were involved in battles near Orlovo-Ivanivka, Kumachove, Shumy, Novoivanivka, Marivka, Krasnyi Yar, Stukalova Balka, Savur-Mohyla and the Luhansk airport.[285]

Ukrainian scouts from an airborne unit involved in a "search and destroy" mission were ambushed by pro-Russian forces near Ilovaisk, southeast of Donetsk city. There were an undetermined number of casualties.[286]

Ukrainian units reportedly advanced in an attack near the villages of Latysheve and Rozsypne south-east of Snizhne, but withdrew from Shakhtarsk, leaving a key corridor between Donetsk and Luhansk under enemy occupation.[287] Separatist officials later claimed that their forces ambushed a large armoured convoy in a minefield in this area, knocking out several vehicles.[288]

The Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs reported that 245 Ukrainian servicemen, who were forced to cross the border into Russia after enduring weeks of pro-Russia bombardment, were being interrogated by Russian military authorities in a camp at Gukovo, Rostov Oblast.[289] Three dead and 28 wounded were handed over to Ukrainian authorities.[290]

In Donetsk itself, the mobile network was off after a day of heavy shelling.[291]

7 August


Heavy fighting in Horlivka caused the death of five inhabitants; the Annunciation cathedral was burned to the ground.[292][293]

Separatist commanders said that Ukrainian forces have retaken control of Panteleymonivka north-east of Donetsk and Miusynsk north-east of Snizhne.[294]

Pro-Russian forces shot down a Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 with a "Buk" surface-to-air missile near the town of Yenakievo. The pilot managed to eject,[295] and separatist sources later claimed he was captured and interrogated.[296] Meanwhile, a Mi-8 helicopter used for medical evacuation was forced to crash-land after being hit by rebel gunfire.[297]

More than 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers and guards, who had been besieged by separatist militias for weeks, withdrew from the border with Russia after breaking through the rebel lines.[298]

Seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 19 wounded during the past 24 hours of military operations.[299]

Ukrainian authorities said that they were suspending the 20 kilometres no-fighting zone around the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.[300]

The head of the خدمة أمن أوكرانيا (the Ukrainian secret services) claimed that instead of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing, rebellion commanders wanted to shoot Aeroflot Flight 2074 from Moscow to Larnaca in Cyprus, to provoke a Russian invasion. But militiamen who were supposed to fire from Pervomaiske north-west of Donetsk finally took position in Pervomaiske south-east of Snizhne.[301]

Members of the Jewish community in Luhansk were ready to be evacuated to Israel through the charity fund "Keren Edidut" and the local synagogue.[302]

8 August


The Ukrainian army took control of the village of Kruhlyk, in Luhansk Oblast,[303][304] and the town of Miusynsk, between Krasny Luch and Sniznhe.[305]

The town of Amvrosiivka and the Ukrainian checkpoints around it were shelled by Russian troops across the border for 20 minutes.[306]

After the Ukrainian withdrawal of the previous day, the pro-Russian militia said it had occupied the localities of Panchenkove, Dovzhanske, Astakhove, Dzerzhynskyi, Mykhailivka, Hirnyk, Orikhove, Nyzhnii Naholchyk, Bobrykove, Dyakove, Chervonyi Zhovten.[307]

Fifteen Ukrainian soldiers and guards were killed and 89 wounded in the past 24 hours, most of them during the massive retreat of Ukrainian forces from the border areas.[308] Separatists claimed that they captured 18 "بي إم-21 غراد" multiple rocket launchers and "Osa" mobile air defence missile systems. 15 armoured vehicles and tanks were also left behind by the retreating Ukrainian troops.[309]

According to the Ukrainian government, Russia prepared the entry into eastern Ukraine of a large military column, under the pretense of bringing humanitarian aid with the International Red Cross.[310]

9 August


Ukrainian forces reached the city of Krasnyi Luch,[311][312] and Separatist leader Girkin initially admitted that this move meant that Ukrainian forces had surrounded دونيتسك, the main stronghold of pro-Russian rebels.[313] Officials of the Donetsk republic later claimed that the Ukrainian troops were forced to withdraw from the city by evening.[314] The Ukrainian army said they also captured the localities of Khrustalne, Vakhrusheve and Bokovo-Platove around Krasny Luch.[315] The rebels claimed that a militias' battalion retook these villages at evening.[316]

The pro-Russians also reported to have lost control of Savur-Mohyla, claiming that the improving artillery support for the militias "reduces the tactical value of the hill".[316]

Ukrainian forces took back Dyakove.[317]

There was a multiple-weapon assault from Russia on the border checkpoint of Milove, Luhansk Oblast. The attackers used RPO-A Shmel flamethrowers and mine-scattering shells. Four Ukrainian guards were injured when they stepped on mines.[318]

Ukrainian sources announced the destruction of two pro-Russian armoured convoys by airstrike, one near Horlivka and another near Antrasit. They also acknowledged the death of 13 Ukrainian soldiers in the last 24 hours.[319] The separatist seized a Ukrainian tank during a counterattack in Torez.[320]

The Ukrainian president, P Poroshenko, ordered an investigation about the failures of the operations in the Ukrainian-Russian border. In the area 3,500 Ukrainian military personnel are reported missing.[321]

10 August


Ukrainian authorities reported heavy fighting around the strategic city of Krasny Luch.[322] There was fighting also in other 20 settlements around the Donbass.[323] Three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 27 wounded.[324]

Ukrainian units entered the settlement of Krasnyi Yar, south-east of Luhansk airport.[325] They also retrieved control of Ivanivka north of Kransyi Luch.[326]

Pro-Russian forces repelled a Ukrainian army assault led by four battalions on the rebel-held town of Ilovaysk.[327]

11 August


Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered a humanitarian convoy to enter Ukraine,[328] apparently in agreement with the Red Cross and the Ukrainian government.[329][330][331]

Ukrainian forces seized the villages of Korsun, Krynychna and Verkhnya Krynka south of Horlivka.[332]

The Russian army pounded Ukrainian positions in the village of Stepanivka with artillery fire and "Grad" rockets. The Ukrainians claimed that the settlement was utterly destroyed.[333]

According to the Ukrainian government, "During the ATO as of 9 am today, 568 soldiers were killed, 2120 people were injured,"[334]

Six Ukrainian servicemen were killed in action and 24 wounded in eastern Ukraine overnight.[335]

One hundred and six prisoners escaped from a high-security prison on the outskirts of Donetsk, after it was struck by artillery shells. One prisoner was killed.[336]

12 August


Ukrainian forces regained control of Komyshuvakha and Kalynove, close to بيرفوميسك.[337][338]

The Ukrainian army also drove separatist militias out of فوهليهيرسك (دونيتسكا).[339]

Separatist sources claimed that a major battle continued for Ilovaysk, where their troops retook the nearby villages of Zelene and Fedorivka to the north and Hrabske to the south of the town. They also reported fierce fighting around Krasny Luch and Miusynsk. The pro-Russians acknowledged that the Ukrainians controlled the main routes there, while the militias hold the countryside.[340]

A motorcade of 280 Kamaz military trucks left Moscow loaded with 2,000 tons of aid for Ukraine. The deputy head of the Ukrainian Presidential Administration, Valeriy Chaly, stated that they will stop any Russian convoy from entering the territory of Ukraine and will only allow aid to be offloaded at the border, that the convoy must be met at a border area where there is not current fighting, and that Red Cross workers must be present. The International Red Cross stated that they are not in charge of the convoy at the moment and is still working with Russian and Ukrainian officials on the issue. The convoy was to cross into Ukraine near بيلغورود, Russia.[341] According to former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma, the convoy should pass through the border controls in Kharkiv Oblast, most probably via Goptovka. He also said that OSCE observers should be allowed to check the cargo.[342]

Georgian president جيورجي مارغفيلاشفيلي stated that his nation was also ready to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine. He re-asserted Georgia's support of Ukraine's territorial integrity and fight against separatists, stating that Georgia is also a victim of Russian aggression.[343]

Six Ukrainian servicemen were killed and another 31 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[344]

13 August


Eleven Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 41 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[345]

Twelve pro-government militiamen were killed in an ambush in Donetsk Oblast.[346] The Ukrainian National Guard entered the town of Hirske, north of Pervomaisk, Luhansk Oblast.[347]

Pro-Russian units occupied Zymohirya, west of Luhansk.[348]

Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, Sergei Avakov, announced that a Russian convoy carrying humanitarian aid will not be allowed to cross through Kharkiv Oblast. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said the country would only accept humanitarian aid from the Red Cross.[349]

The UN said that in the last two weeks of fighting in Donbass, the death toll has doubled to over 2,086.[350]

14 August


Ukrainian forces reclaimed Novosvitlivka, cutting the main road between Luhansk and Russia.[351]

Pro-Russian militias recaptured the villages of Marinivka and Stepanivka.[352]

Nine Ukrainian servicemen were killed and another 18 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[353] President Poroshenko announced the release of 25 Ukrainian soldiers captured by Donetsk's pro-Russian militias.[354]

Igor "Strelkov" Girkin resigned as Minister of Defence of the self-styled Republic of Donetsk. Prime Minister Alexander Borodai appointed Vladimir Kononov, aka "Tsar", as new commander in chief.[355]

The Russian humanitarian convoy parked near the rebel-held border checkpoint of Izvaryne, escorted by military helicopters.[356][357][358]

British media in situ reported that an armoured column of 23 vehicles with official Russian plates crossed the border with Ukraine at sunset, ahead of the intended humanitarian convoy, still halted in the Russian village of Donetsk.[359][360]

15 August


Ukrainian forces recovered the villages of Oleksandrivske, Bulavynske and Chornukhyne, south-west and east of Debaltseve.[361]

Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed over the past 24 hours.[362] Spokesman of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko stated that 65 soldiers were injured in the ATO zone over the same period.[363]

Armed forces of Ukraine took control of the M-04 highway surrounding لوهانسك, insurgents counterattacked to retake the highway.[364]

Forces of the National Guard of Ukraine entered the rebel held city of Luhansk and engaged in street to street fighting. Insurgents fortified their positions in the city to stop the advance.[365] National Guard Forces reached the regional hospital in Luhansk as fighting for the control of the city continues.[366]

Ukraine reported that more Russian troops entered its territory from Gukovo and headed for Luhansk with the objective of encircling the Ukrainian forces in the area.[367] Ministry of Internal Affairs adviser Anton Heraschenko said that a large armoured convoy from Russia, composed of more than 70 vehicles, passed through the town of Snizhne.[368]

The Ukrainian government claims to have destroyed a part of a Russian convoy heading from Donetsk, Russia towards Molodohvardiysk. The details of where this took place have not been confirmed as yet.[369]

The Ukrainian border checkpoint at Uspenka, Donetsk Oblast, was destroyed by "Grad" rockets fired from Russia.[370]

Meanwhile, inspection of the humanitarian convoy began with State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and OSCE monitors present to inspect the convoy.[371] Moreover, the convoy was further slowed by the absence of proper documentation to cross the border, however both the governments of Ukraine and Russia stated they will make every effort to formalise the humanitarian convoy as soon as possible.[372]

Ukraine announced that the Ukrainian peacekeeping forces deployed to Kosovo as part of the NATO mission in Kosovo will return to Ukraine by the end of August.[373]

A Canadian C-130 aircraft delivered the third and final planned non-lethal military aid shipment to Ukraine which included body armour, helmets, medical kits, and surveillance equipment.[374]

16 August


Three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 13 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[375]

Four civilians were killed by artillery fire in Donetsk city.[376] Pro-Russian militias also claimed that a "Tochka" ballistic missile hit the southwestern outskirts of Luhansk. No victims or major damage were reported.[377]

Ukrainian forces regained control of جدانيفكا, Donetsk Oblast,[378] while separatist troops intensified their attempts to retake the key town of Novosvitlivka and to gain control of the highway between Snizhne and Shakhtarsk.[379]

Ukrainian units also entered Horodyshche east of Debaltseve, with fightings reaching Zorynsk further north.[380]

Seventeen Ukrainian soldiers from the 72nd armoured brigade crossed into Russia seeking asylum. They laid down their weapons and turned themselves to Russian border guards at Matveyev Kurgan, Rostov Oblast.[381][382]

Although Russia denies aiding or sending troops into Ukraine Alexander Zakharchenko, the newly appointed leader of the self-proclaimed جمهورية دونيتسك الشعبية admitted in a video released on 16 August that the rebel forces were in the process of receiving 150 armoured vehicles, including about 30 tanks, which may refer to the column of Russian vehicles seen crossing into Ukraine earlier. Moreover, he stated that 1,200 new fighters who spent 4 months training in Russia would be joining his forces. He did not specify where the vehicles would come from. The video was recorded on 15 August.[383] On 18 August Zakharchenko claimed that all military equipment of the Donetsk People's Republic was taken from the Ukrainian military "The hardware that our enemy gives us by abandoning it is enough for us".[384]

Ukraine's special forces were conducting operations inside the cities of لوهانسك and دونيتسك without air or artillery support.[385]

At evening, pro-Russian separatists shot down a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet in the لوهانسك region of eastern Ukraine.[386]

17 August


The key town of ياسينوفاتا, in the outskirts of Donetsk, was retaken by the Ukrainian army, announced Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.[387]

Ukrainian forces also took control of the village of Krymske on the Donets river north-west of Luhansk.[388]

Fierce fighting was reported around Savur-Mohyla hill, where pro-Russian forces launched a major counter-attack.[389] Separatist militias from Luhansk shot down an Mikoyan MiG-29 aircraft.[390]

Ukrainian forces continued the battle for Luhansk, hoisting the national flag over the police station in the Zhovtneviy neighbourhood.[391]

According to Andriy Lysenko, a column of three "Grad" rocket systems from Russia passed through the town of Dyakovo. Another column of armoured vehicles reached the village of Nizhniy Nagolchik, Luhansk Oblast.[392]

Ukraine's Air Force carried out an airstrike on pro-Russian separatists بي إم-21 غراد rocket launchers located in Sukhodilsk, Luhansk Oblast.[393]

18 August


Nine Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 20 wounded over the past 24 hours.[394][395]

Ukrainian forces entered the center of Stanytsia Luhanska, where their tanks engaged pro-Russian militias entrenched in Zmeinoiy hill.[396]

A group of civilians trying to flee Luhansk came under artillery fire east of the city; victims are reported.[397]

Ukrainian forces recovered Maloivanivka and Adrianopil east of Debaltseve.[398] They are reported to have released Zorynsk and Yashchykove.[399]

President Poroshenko announced a full reassessment of the ATO (anti-terrorist operation) in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian troops will be regrouped to enhance their offensive capabilities and cut the flow of weapons and militants from Russia.[400]

Donetsk People's Republic prime minister Zakharchenko stated in a press conference that if the Ukrainian government would make "reasonable proposals to lay down arms, close borders, we will talk on equal terms as equal partners".[384] But added "They must recognize us as a state, now it is already impossible to ask for a certain degree of autonomy".[384]

19 August


One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another 28 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[401]

The commander of the Donbas Battalion, Semen Semenchenko, was wounded in battle in the town of Ilovaisk.[402][403] Minister of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov, announced that Semenchevo will be awarded the order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.[404] He suffered shrapnel injuries in his hip and back, and underwent a successful surgery at a Dnipropetrovsk hospital.[405] After an increasing number of casualties, including four soldiers killed, the battalion left the battlefield later that day.[406]

A pro-Russian armoured column consisting of 13 tanks and 30 vehicles reached Luhansk city.[407] The convoy broke the Ukrainian siege of the city by slipping through the villages of Pionerske and Mykolaivka.[408]

The village of Vesela Gora was hit by "Grad" rockets fired by pro-Russian forces.[409]

20 August


Nine Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 22 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[410]

Separatist militias from Luhansk shot down a Su-24M, the two crewmembers ejected successfully.[411] A Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopter was also shot down in Luhansk region on 20 August, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. There were no survivors.[412]

Parts of the city of Luhansk were lost and recaptured by the Ukrainian army.[413]

Ukrainian troops repulsed a tank attack in the area of Ilovaisk,[414] and managed to recapture most of the city.[415]

21 August


Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 24 wounded over the last 24 hours.[416]

Fierce fighting continued for the town of Ilovaisk, where according to the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs 16 servicemen were killed in action.[417] Pro-Russian militias reportedly held the eastern parts of the settlement.[418]

Ukrainian officials reported that their forces captured a Russian army BMD-2 armoured vehicle near Lutuhyne.[419]

Ukrainian units entered Malomykolaivka and Illiriya south-west of Lutuhyne.[418][420] They also regained control of Stanytsia Luhanska.[421]

An undisclosed number of Ukrainian servicemen were wounded when two checkpoints in the area of Novoazovsk were hit by mortar fire.[422][423]

22 August


The Russian humanitarian convoy parked at Izvaryne checkpoint eventually moved into Ukraine without the permission of the Ukrainian authorities. The convoy passed through Krasnodon, Samsonivka, Lyse, Burchak-Myhailivka and Nikolaevka via dirt roads before reaching Luhansk city.[424]

Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 23 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[425]

Ukrainian forces drove Pro-Russian militias out of Rodakove, west of Luhansk.[426]

Mykola Zelenec, honorary consul of Lithuania in Luhansk, was abducted and murdered by unknown assailants in the city of Luhansk, controlled by pro-Russian militias.[427][428]

23 August


At mid-afternoon of August, the 23rd, all the vehicles of the convoy had returned to Russia, Paul Picard of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe told reporters in the Russian town of دونيتسك.[429] Yet, according to Ukrainian governmental sources the returning trucks were carrying the equipment looted from the Ukrainian defence industry enterprises in Donbass region, loaded by the "rebels". On 27 August Mr Lavrov stated, that the Russian side would like to repeat, and not once, the action of helping those in need, [with water, and salt, and bombs].

According to Reuters correspondent this day could be considered for Russian special forces, and the GRU, the "dealer", as a day of "play again" the "Crimean scenario" – reportedly the "little green men", dozens of heavily armed strangers with Russian accents, set up a road block at the weekend southwest of Amvrosiivka, near the settlement of Kolosky, about 10 kilometres from the Russian border.[430][431] Apparently the action of these men could be viewed in connection with other Russian paratroopers, who were captured and whose recorded testimonies were published by Ukrainian authorities some hours before the presidents of Russia and Ukraine met in Minsk on 26 August.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel held talks in Kiev with Ukrainian officials and expressed hope for a peaceful solution to the conflict that has claimed more than 2,000 lives.[429]

Three civilians were killed in the outskirts of Donetsk city amid fierce fighting.[432] Donetsk republic's militias claimed that they destroyed one tank, one armoured fighting vehicle and three armoured personnel carriers in Petrovsky, west of the city. They also reported four Ukrainian tanks knocked down in Krasnohorivka, three howitzers and two armoured vehicles in Maryinka and one artillery battery near the airport.[433]

The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs claimed that 40 armoured vehicles and three surface-to-air missile systems "Strela-10" were destroyed and 500 militiamen killed during an attack on a rebel base at Rovenky, Luhansk Oblast.[434]

According to Luhansk republic's militias, two "Tochka" ballistic missiles hit the districts of Zhukovskiy and Chernigov in the town of Rovenky, controlled by pro-Russian forces.[435] Three civilian residents, among them a child, were reported killed.[436]

24 August


Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and eight were wounded over the past 24 hours.[437]

Ukrainian media reported that القوات البرية الروسية's armoured forces equipped with 250 vehicles and artillery entered the town of Amvrosiivka, in what seemed to be a major offensive against Mariupol.[438] Earlier, five pro-Russian tanks, supported by "Grad" rocket fire, had overrun a Ukrainian checkpoint at the village of Elenovka.[439] The town of Telmanovo was also allegedly taken over by separatist forces,[440] but this information was strongly denied by Ukrainian officials.[441]

In a response to the يوم الاستقلال (أوكرانيا) military parade in Kiev, the pro-Russian militias marched dozens of captured Ukrainian army soldiers through دونيتسك; there are reports that local prisoners were asked to and in some cases forced to march in it as well to swell the number of "prisoners"[442] People watching this parade chanted "fascists" at the captured soldiers and some threw bottles at them.[442] The rally was intended to evoke the Soviet's march of thousands of German prisoners through Moscow in 1944.[443]

25 August


Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 31 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[444]

Ukraine claimed that Russian armoured forces, under the disguise of pro-Russian militants, had invaded the area surrounding Novoazovsk, and that fierce battles were ongoing around the villages of Shcherbak and Markyne. The Russian column consisted of 10 tanks, two armoured fighting vehicles and two Ural trucks.[445] According to the same sources, the offensive had been blocked with two Russian tanks destroyed and 10 members of "an intelligence-sabotage group" seized.[446] The surviving vehicles broke in the direction of Telmanovo.[447] At evening, fighting continued to rage at Shcherbak and Huselshchykove.[447] The commander of the "Donbass" battalion, Semen Semenchenko, reported that the strength of the Russian column was 50 vehicles, and that some of them headed towards the area of Amvrosiivka.[448]

Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said that two Russian Mi-24 attack helicopters attacked a Ukrainian border checkpoint in Krasna Talivka, Luhansk, in support of an attempt by militants to enter Ukraine in two armoured personnel carriers and two armoured fighting vehicles. The separatists also pounded the Ukrainian outpost with mortar fire. Four border guards were killed and three others wounded.[449][450]

In Illovaisk, the commander of Ukraine's "Kherson" battalion was killed in battle.[450]

Russia wants to send a second humanitarian aid convoy to eastern Ukraine, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.[451]

Two Ukrainian servicemen, Major Alexander Kandesyuk and Major Alexei Shepelyuk, blew themselves up with a grenade while injured and surrounded by Russian paratroopers killing 12 Russian servicemen.[452]

26 August


Twelve Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 19 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[453]

Ukraine captured 10 Russian paratroopers near Dzerkalne (20 km away from the Russian border) who according to Russia "crossed [the Ukrainian border] by accident on an unmarked section" and according to Ukraine "were carrying out a special mission".[454]

Fighting in the Novoazovsk area continued.[455] Ukrainian media reported that 30 Russian tanks, armoured personnel carriers and infantry from تاغانروغ took over six villages around Novoazovsk,[456] but this was initially denied by Ukrainian officials.[457] The separatists claimed that they took control of the road section between the village of Kuznetzovo-Mykhailivka, in Telmanovo region, and the town of Novoazovsk.[458]

27 August


Thirteen Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 36 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[459] The Ukrainian military claimed to have killed 250 militantes in the areas of Horlivka and Ilovaisk.[460]

Rebels shelled the Government held town of Novoazovsk as a counter-offensive on government held parts of the region and was able to push into the port of Novoazovsk. Ukrainian military sources acknowledged that rebel and Russian forces captured seven settlements north and northeast of Novoazovsk.[461] They also admitted the fall of Starobesheve, southeast of Donetsk city, to "Russian occupiers".[462] At evening it was learned from the commander of a Ukrainian army special company in the area that Russian tanks had overrun Novoazovsk and that Russian troops were in control of the town.[463] The Ukrainian navy command ship Donbass shot down a Russian drone in the Azov sea, off Mariupol.[464]

There were 40 mortar, artillery and "Grad" rocket attacks from Russia on Ukrainian forces in the past 24 hours.[465]

Ukrainian volunteer regiments organised major protests in Kiev near government buildings to complain about the lack of reinforcements.[466][467]

Experts at the IISS in London have told the BBC that they have identified a Russian tank in a separatist column in eastern Ukraine that they say could only have come from across the border in Russia.[468]

28 August


Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said that two columns of Russian tanks crossed the border from the village of Veselo-Voznesenka, after overwhelming the Ukrainian border guards defending the area. The attack was preceded by "Grad" rocket fire. A senior NATO official stated that, "at least 1,000 Russian troops have poured into Ukraine with sophisticated equipment...". The city of Mariupol and the three Ukrainian divisions around it are under a three-pronged attack.[469] It was confirmed that Ukrainian troops have lost control of Novoazovsk, and the villages of Amvrosiivka and Starobeshevo.[470] Savur-Mohyla hill was also taken over by pro-Russian forces after several days of fighting.[471][472]

NATO spokesman, Dutch Brigadier General Nico Tak released DigitalGlobe satellite imagery showing Russian self-propelled artillery engaged in military operations "inside the sovereign territory of Ukraine". In Brigadier General Nico Tak words: "Over the past two weeks we have noted a significant escalation in both the level and sophistication of Russia's military interference in Ukraine." The NATO report states these new Russian movements are, "only the tip of the iceberg" of Russian involvement. Tak further stated: "We have also detected large quantities of advanced weapons, including air defence systems, artillery, tanks, and armoured personnel carriers being transferred to separatist forces in Eastern Ukraine. The presence of these weapons along with substantial numbers of Russian combat troops inside Ukraine make the situation increasingly grave".[473][474][475]

Russian president Vladimir Putin asked the rebels to open "green corridors" to allow encircled Ukrainian troops to flee the war zone.[476]

In response to the Russian invasion, Ukraine ordered national mandatory conscription.[477]

29 August


Ten Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 30 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[478]

Russian sources claimed that during the night, villages of Starchenkovo, Respublika, Zeleny Yar, Boyevoye, Malinovka, Demyanovka, Starodubkovka, Chervonoye Pole and Osipenko west of Mariupol were captured from Ukraine, thereby threatening to encircle the city from land.[479]

Ukrainian forces began reinforcing Mariupol against possible Russian invasion, sapper units were active in laying mines to prevent entry into the city.[480] A National Guard Unit was ambushed while travelling to reinforce forces in Debaltsevo, killing 19 servicemen.[481]

Ella Polyakova and Sergei Krivenko, members of the Russian human rights council stated that over 100 Russian soldiers have been killed in a single battle on 13 August while operating in support of separatists in Ukraine. They also claimed that during the same incident over 300 Russian troops were wounded near Snizhnye. Several family members of Russian soldiers protested the military's actions as they were informed that they were on various training exercises and not in Ukraine.[482]

Ukraine's National Guard took the town of Komsomolske, in the Starobesheve district of the Donetsk Oblast, under their control.[483]

The commander of the "Aidar" battalion, Sergiy Melnychuk, announced that his forces withdrew from the strategic towns of Khryashchuvate and Novosvitlivka, southeast of Luhansk, under the pressure of Russian tanks and troops, which according to him operated with "obvious professionalism".[484] Pro-Russian media confirmed that their forces expelled the Ukrainian troops from both locations.[485]

Another Su-25 fighter was shot down in eastern Ukraine by a surface-to-air missile. The pilot ejected safely.[486] Ukrainian forces reported about this in a brief statement posted Saturday on the Facebook page for the so-called operation against separatists.[487]

Pro-Russian forces claimed they shot down four Ukrainian Su-25 assault planes, two near Donetsk and the other two near the settlements of Voikovo and Merezhki.[488]

30 August


According to Semen Semenchenko, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko agreed with pro-Russian rebels to use a corridor to withdraw the Ukrainian troops besieged at Illovaisk. The troops would be allowed to flee carrying with them their side arms and battle flags. The Ukrainian who had been taken prisoners would be exchanged later for Russian troops at Kharkiv.[489] Earlier, the Ukrainian Security Council had acknowledged that their forces were completely surrounded at Illovaisk.[490]

Ukraine said that on 29 August Russian tanks, using "tactics of Chechen war", had flattened a small border town of Novosvitlivka on the border with Russia and fired on every house.[491] Andreiy Lysenko claimed that Russian tanks destroyed "virtually every house" in the town.[492][493]

In a meeting with EU leaders in Brussels, Poroshenko said that his country is "close to a point of no return - full scale-war".[494]

31 August


Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 34 wounded over the past 24 hours.[495]

Russian-backed forces destroyed a column of more than 30 military vehicles in and around the village of Novokaterynivka near Starobesheve south east of دونيتسك. The column was apparently retreating south after being encircled in the closing stages of the Battle of Ilovaisk. The circumstances of the conflict are disputed.[496] Ukrainian forces accused pro-Russian rebels of reneging in safe passage for encircled Ukrainian troops. Ukrainian battalions claim that pro-Russians killed 'hundreds' and took dozens prisoner after Ukrainian forces came with white flags.[497] The rebel side reported that they broke the agreement and did not surrender heavy equipment, a condition set for a safe retreat.[498] The condition of retreat were communicated as retreat with heavy equipment by BBC. Some troops from Illovaisk area had broken the encirclement in small groups up to company size and escaped to the Ukrainian army frontline.[499][500]

Ukrainian media reported that the Russian airforce hit Ukrainian artillery positions in the outskirts of Schastia, Luhansk Oblast.[501][502]

At mid-afternoon two vessels of the Ukrainian Coast Guard were attacked and left in flames off Mariupol. The strike was apparently carried out by two military helicopters.[503][504] The Ukrainian military later reported that the patrol boats were hit by "guided missiles" and that one of them, the Grif, was sunk with the loss of two of her crew.[505]

There was heavy fighting around Donetsk airport, besieged by pro-Russian forces.[506]

Pro-Russian militias claimed that, after three months of fighting, they have taken over Luhansk airport.[507][508] Earlier, Ukrainian military sources reported that their troops had moved out from the nearby village of Heorhiivka.[509]



1 September


Ukrainian Minister of Defense Valeriy Geletey declared that the ATO (anti-terrorist operation) was over, and that Ukraine is now facing a "Russian full-scale invasion". He stressed the need to "build a defense against Russia not only in the areas formerly occupied by terrorists, but also in other regions of the country".[510] Advisor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anton Heraschenko said that the Russian invasion didn't start with the offensive on Novoazovsk on 27 August, but with the assault of two Russian airborne divisions from ريازان and كوستروما into the areas of Savur-Mohyla and Amvrosiivka on 24 August.[511]

According to Ukrainian military spokesman Leonid Matyukhin, there were ongoing battles of Ukrainian forces with pro-Russian rebels for the airport of Luhansk. Government troops were fighting a Russian-backed tank division.[512][513] Later in the day, Ukrainian security council acknowledged that Ukrainian troops had withdrawn from Luhansk airport "in an organised manner".[514] Ukrainian forces also retreated from nearby Lutuhyne, after enduring an offensive led by "Russian T-90 tanks".[515] Separatist sources claim that their troops seized the town of Vesela Hora, south of Shchastia, the last Ukrainian stronghold around Luhansk city.[516]

Ukrainian sappers destroyed Luhansk Airport as troops were forced to retreat.[517] According to pro-Russian sources, the Ukrainians also retreated from Olenivka, south of Donetsk city.[518]

For the second time in 24 hours, Russian aircraft struck Ukrainian positions in the region of Luhansk. The villages of Pobjeda, Oleksiivka and Dmytrivka were hit by aerial bombs.[519]

The Ukrainian army established a defensive line between Komsomolsk and Rozdolne to support the safe passage of Ukrainian troops from the area of Illovaisk and to block the advance of Russian and rebel forces toward the regions of Zaporozhe and خيرسون أوبلاست.[520]

2 September


Fifteen Ukrainian soldiers were killed and another 49 were wounded over the past 24 hours.[521][522]

A بسكوف newspaper reported that nearly an entire company of paratroopers from the 76th Guards Air Assault Division, stationed at the city of Pskov, Russia, was lost during combat in Ukraine.[523] Russian troops killed in Ukraine were reportedly being buried in Ukraine to avoid publicity.[524]

Rebel troops claimed the control of the main route between Donetsk city and Mariupol after the fall of the villages of Dokuchajevsk, Novotroitske and Olenivka.[525]

3 September


President Petro Poroshenko said he had agreed with Russian President Putin by phone on a "ceasefire process" for the east. His office initially reported that a "permanent ceasefire" had been agreed but later revised its statement after a contradictory statement by US President Barack Obama.[526] Putin stressed that Russia did not agree to a ceasefire as it was not party to the conflict.[527] Later, a seven-point plan envisaged by Putin on his flight from بلاغوفيشتشينسك (أمور أوبلاست) to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, was published by ITAR-TASS.[528]

OSCE members reported for the first time that small-arms and artillery were fired into Ukraine territory from Russia between 28 August and 3 September.[529][530]

The bodies of 87 Ukrainian soldiers killed in the Battle of Ilovaisk were transferred from Zaporozhe to the Kiev forensic mortuary for identification.[531]

"Aidar" battalion commander Serhiy Melnichyuk reported that Luhansk power station at Shchastia was mined and will be blown up if they will have to retreat. Luhansk power station provides most of the power to Luhansk territory.[532]

The insurgents shelled the village of Pobieda, in the Novoaidar district of the Lugansk Oblast, using بي إم-30 سميرتش multiple rocket launchers. It was reported by some Ukrainian sources that the village was completely destroyed.[533][534] A OSCE Special Monitoring Mission visited Pobieda and spoke to the mayor who said that at least ten rockets had struck the village. The OSCE mission saw several unexploded rockets as well as shell holes.[535]

4 September


Battles took place around Mariupol, where Donetsk People's Republic artillery pounded Ukrainian positions east of the city.[536] Ukrainian officials claimed that an attempted assault on the stronghold was repulsed[537] and at least four rebel tanks were destroyed.[538] The "Azov" battalion reported that there were no casualties on the Ukrainian side at Mariupol, and the Ukrainian artillery destroyed a Russian howitzer battery.[539]

Ukrainian media reported that the headquarters of the Ukrainian "Kiev-12" battalion in Dmytrivka, north of Luhansk city, were destroyed by "Smerch" rocket fire. There was an undisclosed number of killed and wounded.[540] The battalion was the last Ukrainian army unit to withdraw from the outskirts of Luhansk.[541]

Ukrainian troops also left the town Debal'tsevo under separatist and Russian pressure, according to a battalion commander,[542] amid fears of being encircled into another pocket like in the area of Ilovaisk.[543] The "Kievan Rus" battalion was eventually surrounded and besieged by hostile forces.[544]

5 September


Seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 59 wounded over the past 24 hours.[545] The Kiev-2 battalion repelled the Russian offensive in the area of Debal'tsevo.[546]

"Aidar" battalion sources reported that one of their companies was ambushed and annihilated near Vesela Hora, Luhansk Oblast, by what they described as "Russian special forces".[547]

In Minsk representatives of Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels signed the Minsk Protocol, which established a ceasefire that entered into force at 18:00 local time.[548][549][550]

Just minutes after the announcement of the truce, the Donetsk People's Republic called a press conference for 9 September "on why Ukraine is breaking the ceasefire".[551][552] The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the incoming NATO joint military exercises in Ukraine were a threat to the current ceasefire agreement.[553]

There was heavy fighting around Mariupol. A strongpoint manned by troops of the "Azov" battalion at Shyrokyno, 20 km west of the city, was shelled and destroyed by pro-Russian forces.[554] The separatists claimed that they entered the eastern district of Mariupol and the village of Sartana, 7 km to the north.[555] Shortly after the ceasefire announcement, rebel troops fired artillery and "Grad" rockets on Ukrainian positions from the direction of Novoazovsk and Bezimmene.[556]

6 September


According to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko he and Russian leader Vladimir Putin had agreed that the ceasefire between Kiev and separatist rebels was largely holding. Both sides, DPR rebels and the Ukrainian military accused each other of breaking a tenuous Kremlin-backed truce only hours after it came into force across the war-battered east.[557]

According to the spokesman of Ukraine's National Security Council, Andriy Lysenko, separatists forces broke the ceasefire on 10 occasions overnight, although the situation was "generally calm".[558] Dimitry Tymchuk reported that after the truce came into force, DPR troops attacked the Ukrainian military in several locations. He cited the Donetsk airport, where he claims that the rebels used "rocket launchers and flamethrowers". He also told of shootings in Popasna, Krasnogorivka, Zolote and Novotroitske.[559]

Gunfire was reported at afternoon by local residents and authorities in the outskirts of Donetsk city.[560] The Red Cross informed that a humanitarian convoy near Stanytsa Luhanska was forced to come back by heavy shelling in the area.[561]

More details emerged on the ambush in which a company of the "Aidar" battalion was lost. The attack took place in the first hours of 6 September, and 11 servicemen were killed. The sources refuted an early information about the death of the battalion's commander.[562]

Around 22:30 pm heavy shelling was heard in the eastern outskirts of Mariupol, apparently fired from pro-Russian armoured vehicles. The military actions were taking place in the area of the village Shyrokyno, east of ماريوبول. Positions of Ukrainian forces were shelled by the DPR forces. Ukrainian troops didn't shoot in return. At 23:04 shelling from Grad systems were reported on the outskirts of Mariupol. The fire was coming from the direction of Novoazovsk, where DPR forces were stationed. More than 100 salvos were reported in just two hours. The Ukrainian army checkpoint "Skhidnyy" in the eastern district of Mariupol was under severe bombardment. Local residents have been urgently evacuated.[563] Two fatalities from the shelling on Shyrokyno were reported by the local morgue.[564]

At 5:01pm a message posted on the official Twitter account of DPR stated that the armed forces of Novorossya were taking Mariupol.[565]

Donetsk rebel forces said that a Ukrainian armoured column entered Telmanovo, breaching the ceasefire agreement. The pro-Russians knocked down a number of vehicles before retreating to the east.[566] The Ukrainian military admitted that they lost an infantry fighting vehicle and a truck, but claimed that the village "had been under control of the Ukrainian army just before the ceasefire".[567][568]

BBC News Online published a video in the middle of which Pavel Gubarev declared: "Of course, I will be glad if missiles stop exploding here. But I will be more satisfied when our rebel army reaches the border of Romania. Then, there will be an independent state called New Russia."[569][570]

People began digging ditches around major cities in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Sumy, and Kherson regions of Ukraine in fear of a further Russian invasion.[571]

7 September


Shelling was audible in the port of Mariupol and explosions and gunfire were reported near Donetsk مطار دونيتسك الدولي.[572][573] In Mariupol, two people were killed and four wounded when unknown assailants poured gunfire indiscriminately on civilian vehicles. "Azov" battalion officers put the blame on "enemy infiltrators".[574]

The Ukrainian army eventually pulled back from Telmanovo, according to rebel reports.[575]

Pro-Russian forces reported seven violation of the truce committed by the Ukrainian army; one militant was killed in Olhovatka, and several others wounded.[576] The Ukrainian side claimed that the militias broke the ceasefire ten times in the areas of Mariupol, Donetsk and Debal'tsevo.[577]

A Russian armoured convoy crossed the border in the southern area of Luhansk Oblast, according to Ukrainian officials. The column was made of T-72 tanks, Strela-10 and Vityaz surface-to-air missile systems. No other confirmation was received to these claims.[578][579]

8 September


According to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad, at least 3,000 people have been killed in the conflict since mid-April this year.[580] It was later explained by the representation of the United Nations in Ukraine that the actual number may be two, three, or even four times greater.[581]

According to the Ukrainian army, the separatists broke the ceasefire 45 times in the last 72 hours.[582]

President Poroshenko announced, during his visit to ماريوبول, that during last four days of ceasefire 1,200 Ukrainian prisoners and hostages were released.[583] According to him 863 people still remain in captivity.[584]

A Ukrainian military post at Slavyanoserbsk, Luhansk Oblast, manned by the National Guard, was surrounded by what Ukrainian media described as "Russian forces" consisting of four T-72 tanks two airborne armoured vehicles, two Infantry fighting vehicles, and two armoured personnel carriers.[585]

The Ukrainian National Security Council claimed that pro-Russian troops gave a three-day deadline to the inhabitants of the village of Nikishin to leave their houses. The location of Nikishin is crucial to launch an offensive on Debal'tsevo.[586]

Alexey Mozgovoy, one of the top separatist military leaders, declared in a lengthy YouTube video his refusal to accept the ceasefire agreement.[587]

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense told of several violations to the ceasefire at late evening. They reported that the truce was broken at Popasna, Nikishin, Nyzhnya Krynka, Kirov, Fashchivka, Avdiyivka and Mayorsk. The airport of Donetsk was hit by "Grad" rockets.[588] Rebel sources said that Ukrainian troops attacked Krasny Luch, and blew up a bridge at Pavlopolsky. They also claimed that a Ukrainian T-64 "Bulat" was knocked down and captured near Novosvitlivka.[589]

9 September


The Ukrainian National Security Council said that five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 33 wounded since the implementation of the truce.[590] The same sources claimed that there were 89 "rebel and Russian" attacks on Ukrainian security forces since 5 September.[591] The City Council of Donetsk said that the city was subjected to heavy shelling overnight.[592]

Three Ukrainian border guards were killed and two seriously wounded when the vehicle they were riding on struck an improvised explosive device at Nizhnebaranikovka, Luhansk Oblast.[593]

Military spokesman Andreiy Lysenko reported 20 rebel attacks on Ukrainian troops,[594] including "Grad" rockets and artillery volleys in the village of Tonen'ke, northeast of Donetsk city.[595]

10 September


Ukrainian sources reported that the Donetsk airport was successfully defended against an assault by pro-Russian armoured forces overnight. [596] Heavy shelling resumed on three districts of Donetsk city at evening.[597]

Pro-Russian militants fired on Ukrainian positions in the locations of Debaltseve, Vilkhivka, Avdiivka, Yasynuvata, Krasnohorivka, Kirovske, Maiorsk and Maloorlivka.[598]

11 September


According to the Ukrainian National Security Council, while the ceasefire is generally holding, there were pro-Russian attacks on the Ukrainian military in Starolaspa, Tonen'ke, Vuhlehirs'k, Tsentral'nyi, Pervomaisk, Popasna and Leninske. The airport of Donetsk was hit by artillery fire.[599][600]

Part of Donetsk oblast bordering Russia has changed its status overnight and was marked on official map as a territory under control of rebels.[601]

The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs claimed that militias fired at a civilian bus near Pervomaisk, killing a young mother and her 10-month-old child.[602]

Ukrainian sources reported that heavy fighting erupted when pro-Russian militias attempted to seize a checkpoint at the village of Maiorsk, northwest of Horlivka. The attack was repelled by Ukrainian troops. Meanwhile, one Ukrainian soldier was killed and two seriously wounded due to heavy rebel fire at Debaltseve.[603][604]

12 September


A bus was hit during the shelling of the village of Khanjenkovo, northeast of Makiivka. Three people were wounded.[605]

The district of Petrovsky, in Donetsk city, was shelled for almost four hours.[606] The water supply in the city could not be restored because of the intermittent bombardment.[607]

A civilian vehicle hit a mine near the town of Stanytsa Luhanska, killing one woman and wounding one border guard.[608]

Late evening, local residents reported that rebel forces launched an assault on Donetsk airport, preceded by heavy shelling which included "Grad" rockets. The facilities were set ablaze, and separatist media claimed that their troops captured five Yak-52 and one A-29 aircraft. The latter was denied by Ukrainian officials.[609][610][611]

Valentyn Nalyvaychenko, chief of the Security Service of Ukraine, said that while the Russian military presence in Ukraine had diminished, there are "residual troops" around Starobesheve and other parts of Donetsk and Luhansk. He also claimed that these troops continued to fire on Ukrainian positions.[612]

13 September


At dawn mortar fire was reported against Ukrainian troops in Donetsk airport and Debal'tsevo.[613]

According to Ukrainian officials, 200 rebel troops from Panteleymonivka "under Russian flag" attempted to breakthrough the Ukrainian positions around Vasilivka, southwest of Horlivka.[614][615] The villages of Krynychne, Zhdanivka and Troits'ke were hit by "Grad" rocket fire.[614]

A second Russian humanitarian convoy composed of at least 200 trucks entered Ukraine.[616]

14 September


The Ukrainian National Security Council denounced the entry of the second Russian "humanitarian convoy" in Ukraine on 13 September as "illegal".[617]

Pro-Russian forces, supported by six tanks and "Grad" rocket fire, attempted to storm the airport of Donetsk once again. Additionally, the city's Mayor said that the districts of Kuibyshev and Kiev were hit by heavy shelling. There were civilian casualties.[618] It was later learned that three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and several wounded in the assault on the airport.[619] The same sources declared that the nearby towns of Karliivka, Pisk, Avdiivka and Krasnogorivka were "under threat".[620]

In the last few days, there were attacks on Ukrainian positions in 26 locations around Donetsk Oblast, and in another six around Luhansk Oblast.[621]

15 September


Donetsk city council said that six civilians were killed and 15 wounded overnight by artillery fire, the worst violence since the beginning of the truce. Explosions were heard all day from the direction of the airport.[622] One person was killed and five other injured due to heavy shelling in ماكيفكا. The water supply in the city was cut off after the local potabilisation plant was hit.[623]

The head of the OSCE mission in Ukraine reported an increasing number of ceasefire violations over the past 48 hours.[624]

Andrei Purgin, Donetsk People's Republic First Deputy Prime Minister, declared that they signed the ceasefire agreement only to "stop the humanitarian catastrophe".[625]

The US-led exercise - "Rapid Trident" - began in Yavoriv, near Lviv in western Ukraine, about 1000 km from regions of Luhansk and Donetsk. According to a US statement, the 11-day drill will practice "peacekeeping and stability operations", including "countering improvised explosive devices, convoy operations, and patrolling". Approximately 1,300 military personnel from 15 nations including Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Romania, Spain, and the US, as well as NATO observers, will participate in the exercise.[626][627][628]

Over the weekend, Ukrainian Defence Minister Valery Heletey said Nato countries had begun arming his nation in the fight against the rebels. While the issue of restoring Ukraine's nuclear arsenal was not on the agenda, Mr Heletey said it would not be ruled out in the future.[626][628][629][630]

16 September


The Ukrainian military reported three soldiers killed and two wounded in the operational area over the last 24 hours.[631] The same sources claimed that there were 26 pro-Russian attacks on Ukrainian positions in different locations around the Donbass, 19 in Donetsk Oblast and seven in Luhansk. According to them, the separatists are trying to push the Ukrainian troops out of the areas of Donetsk city, Avdiivka, Debaltseve, and Shchastia.[632]

Three civilians were killed and five wounded amid heavy shelling in Donetsk city overnight.[633]

The United Armed Forces of Novorossiya was formed on that day therefore merging the military forces of Novorossiya's constituent republics into one united armed service.

17 September


President بترو بوروشنكو started his visits to شمال أمريكا from Canada, where he met with Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper.[634][635][636]

رئيس روسيا Vladimir Putin, in a letter addressed to his colleague, Petro Poroshenko, warned Ukraine against implementing deals with the European Union.[637]

There was fierce fighting around Donetsk airport.[638] According to Ukraine's Security Service, سبيتسناز were involved in the siege of the airfield. Two civilians were killed and three wounded by shelling in the Donetsk's district of Kiev, where gas pipelines were damaged.[639]

Ten civilians died when the town of Nyzhnya Krynka, where Ukrainian troops were stationed, was hit by "Grad" rockets, according to the Ukrainian National Guard.[640][641] Pro-Russian forces also shelled the towns of Orlivka and Kurakhovo.[642] In Luhansk Oblast, there was a power outage on Shchastia after two transformers were struck by artillery fire,[643] and one civilian was killed when he stepped on a mine near the border area of Krasnaya Talovka.[640] Members of the Ukrainian Security Service, assisted by the "Chernigov" and "Aidar" battalions, raided a rebel hideout, and recovered a weapons cache in Severodonetsk.[644]

18 September


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said in his speech at both chambers of the US Congress that 17 Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 39 injured since the beginning of the latest ceasefire.[645]

Ukraine's National Security Council reported pro-Russian attacks on 21 settlements in the Donbass, 14 in Luhansk Oblast and seven in Luhansk.[646] One Ukrainian border guard was killed and three wounded by hostile fire.[647]

The towns of Chernukhin, in Luhansk Oblast, and Debaltseve were hit by artillery fire. Members of the "Kievan Rus" battalion, encircled around Debaltsevo, endured a continuous bombardment since 15 September.[648] Pro-Russian forces were regrouping around the area in Fashchivka, Kirov and Luhans'ke.[649]

19 September


A memorandum was signed in Minsk between the parts which had agreed on 5 September ceasefire. The nine-point document established a 30 km buffer zone dividing the warring factions, where all weapons with a calibre exceeding 100 mm will be banned.[650]

According to the latest Ukrainian map of the area of operations, pro-Russian forces in Luhansk Oblast took over a 2,000 km² salient surrounded by the settlements of Krasnaya Polyana, Lutuhyne, Sabovka, Slovyanoserbsk, Pervomaisk and Shchastia.[651][652]

A miner was killed during the shelling of the town of Kirov, east of Donetsk city. Komsomolets Donbas, the mining company where the victim worked, had suspended activities on 28 July due to heavy bombardment of its facilities.[653] In Donetsk itself, heavy gunfire was heard in the districts of Kiev, Petrivsky and Kirov.[654]

In Mariupol, local residents of the districts of Sartana and Talakovka reported "Grad" rocket fire incoming from the village of Orlivs'ke. Water supply to the city centre was cut off because of a damaged pipeline.[655]

20 September


SACEUR of NATO Allied Command Operations general Philip Breedlove said in Vilnius, Lithuania, that the ceasefire agreement signed in Minsk on 5 September is a "cease-fire in name only", stating that "the number of events, and the number of rounds fired and the artillery used across the past few days match some of the pre-ceasefire levels".[656][657][658]

One Ukrainian soldier was killed and seven wounded overnight.[659] There were attacks on Ukrainian positions in the settlements of Pesk, Ridkodub Shakstarsky, Tsentralnyy, Zolote, Roszypne, Pryovrazhne and Nyzhnya Krynka. The Ukrainian troops returned fire. Some of the engagements involved "Grad" rocket strikes.[660]

Some media reported two Ukrainian soldiers killed and 16 wounded in Debaltseve. They also claimed that the Ukrainian forces in the area were surrounded from four sides.[661] The latter was denied by the Ukrainian military.[662]

A large explosion rocked the city of Donetsk when an artillery round hit a government-owned chemical factory in Kuybishev.[663][664] Shelling was also reported on the districts of Kirov and Kiev.[665]

A metal workshop was hit and damaged by a single artillery round in Mariupol.[666]

21 September


Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed in action and eight wounded in the past 24 hours.[667] The Ukrainian authorities reported ceasefire violations in 23 places around the Donbass, including Debaltseve and the airport of Donetsk.[668] The northern and eastern outskirts of Mariupol were hit by "Grad" rockets and mortar fire.[669]

Ukraine's National Security Council announced that their troops withdrew from the towns of Zhdanivka, Rozivka and Yunokomunarivsk, in Donetsk Oblast, to stabilise the front.[670]

22 September


Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the past 24 hours. The deaths brought to 39 the number of Ukrainian troops and civilians killed since the ceasefire took effect.[671][672] Rebel troops fired on Ukrainian forces on 40 occasions overnight, according to Dmitry Tymchuk. The attacks took place in Donetsk airport, Debaltseve, Hranitne, Pisky, Trudivs'ke and the outskirts of Mariupol.[673] In the area of Debaltseve, "Grad" artillery rockets fired by separatist forces destroyed "dozens" of apartments in the last 24 hours. Water and power supply to the town was cut off.[674]

Local residents claimed that pro-Russian militias from Yasynuvata, supported by tanks, launched an offensive on Avdiivka, northwest of Donetsk city. An undetermined number of military and civilian casualties were reported.[675]

Ukrainian troops in Donetsk airport repelled a pro-Russian assault led by tanks and supported by "Tyulpan" self-propelled mortars.[676] In Donetsk city, heavy bombardment killed one civilian in the district of Kuybishev. Several houses and gas pipelines were damaged.[677]

23 September


The spokesman of Ukraine's antiterrorist operation (ATO), Vladislav Seleznev, reported that 13 civilians were killed and 30 wounded in the course of pro-Russian shelling on the areas of Yasynuvata and Debaltseve in the past 24 hours.[678] There were no attacks on Ukrainian positions overnight.[679] Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko claimed that five rebel militants died in battle during an internal dispute between members of the "Oplot" and "Kalmius" battalions in Donetsk city.[680]

The North Operational Command of the Ukrainian army said that their forces in Luhansk Oblast came under pro-Russian mortar fire late in the morning. No fatalities were reported.[681] In Hranitne, north of Mariupol, separatist troops fired self-propelled mortars on Ukrainian positions. Three rounds landed on the local school, vacated at the time.[682] Sporadic explosions and gunfire was heard in five districts along Donetsk city. Twenty-eight companies and 988 users were still without gas supply, according to the city council.[683]

Ukrainian forces built a defensive line in Mariupol from the eastern outskirts of the city to the town of Volnovakha, where a pro-Russian offensive from the direction of Novotroits'ke was halted the day before.[684][685]

24 September


Donetsk city endured the worst shelling since the beginning of the truce, according to local and rebel sources. Two civilians were killed and the district of Kuybishev was left without power overnight.[686]

Ukrainian military sources reported eight soldiers wounded in the last 24 hours. They claimed that a pro-Russian offensive supported by mortar, tanks, artillery and "Grad" rockets was repulsed around the town of Maloorlivka, Donetsk Oblast.[687] There was also sporadic shelling on Donetsk airport and in the area of Debaltseve.[688]

Military analyst Dmitry Tymchuk said that pro-Russian forces fired on Ukrainian positions more than 50 times over the last 24 hours. Ten attacks were carried out on Donetsk airport, where the rebels used tank, mortar, "Grad" and artillery fire. There were seven strikes on Ukrainian troops in Debaltseve, while the town of Trokhizbenka, Luhansk Oblast, was the target of mortar and small arms fire on four occasions. The ceasefire was also broken by the separatist in the settlements of Avdiivka, Krasnohorivka, Hranitne, Popasna, Maloorlivka, Orlovo-Ivanivka, Nikishyne and Kirillovka. Tymchuk also denounced that the Minsk memorandum of 19 September regarding the use of heavy weapons was not being observed by the militias in several areas of the front, specially around Donetsk, Avdiivka and Debaltseve.[689]

The North Operational Command of the Ukrainian army claimed that their troops fenced off a pro-Russian assault on a strategic bridge over the Seversky Donets river near Shchastia. The attackers used automatic grenade launchers. No casualties were reported.[690]

25 September


Ukrainian officials claimed that pro-Russian forces fired on Ukrainian troops in Donetsk airport, in the area of Debaltseve and in Shchastia in the past 24 hours. A thrust on Nikishyne by the militias was stopped by the Ukrainian army. Dmitry Tymchuk reported 22 rebel attacks on Ukrainian positions. The main actions took place in Debaltseve, Donetsk airport, Maloorlivka, Pisky, Popasna and Ridkodub. Nikishyne was stormed by the separatists, who attempted to overrun the Ukrainian troops in the village four times.[691] In the nearby village of Kamyanka, one Ukrainian BTR-80 armoured personnel carrier was knocked down and three Ukrainian soldiers wounded.[692][693]

The eastern district of Mariupol was the subject of a "Grad" rocket strike which lasted for 20 minutes. Initially, two border guards were reported dead,[694] but this was later denied by Ukraine's Border Service.[695] Two other Ukrainian servicemen were wounded.[694] The nearby village of Talavnovka was hit by eight artillery rounds fired from the rebel-held settlement of Kominternovo. Two houses and a parking lot were damaged.[696] The rebels also fired "Grad" rockets on the encampment of Ukraine's 25th airborne brigade near Debaltseve.[697] Rebel sources claimed that they inflicted severe losses on their enemy in this attack.[698]

Donetsk airport was struck by heavy shelling at late evening, as well as Donetsk city's district of Kiev. Large fires could be seen at both locations. Small arms fire was heard in Pisky.[699]

Seven steel mills in the Donbass region halted their production due to the lack of raw materials and transport problems caused by the war.[700]

Three mass graves were reported to have been found near Donetsk by separatists. The OSCE confirmed that three mass graves had been found near the city.[701]

26 September


One civilian woman was killed and 16 other people wounded when the town of Shaschstia was struck by mortar fire.[702] Fierce fighting was reported around Donetsk airport, and in Debaltseve a Ukrainian outpost and a number of civilian houses were attacked with "Grad" rockets. Ukrainian troops returned fire. A meeting between Ukrainian and pro-Russian officers took place at Soledar, Donetsk Oblast, to talk about the implementation of the artillery buffer zone and the clearing of minefields in accordance with the Minsk agreements.[703] In Mariupol, a depot storing winter clothing for the troops was set on fire by unknown saboteurs.[704]

27 September


One Ukrainian soldier was killed and eight wounded over the past 24 hours.[705] Fighting continued around Debaltseve, where the militias attempted to overrun the Ukrainian positions, and in the area of Donetsk airport.[706] In Donetsk itself, the districts of Kiev, Petrovsky and Kuybisheb were hit by artillery fire. One civilian fatality was reported. Shelling also resumed in Mariupol, where the eastern district and the village of Vynohrade were struck by several rounds.[707]

28 September


The commander of a company of the Ukrainian army's 93rd armoured brigade, the main unit defending Donetsk airport, was killed in the course of a pro-Russian tank assault on the facilities.[708][709] In an earlier briefing, military spokesman Andriy Lysenko claimed that all the attacks on the airfield were beaten off. He also reported fighting around Debaltseve and Shchastia, and shelling on Avdiivka and Talavnovka. Three Ukrainian servicemen were wounded overnight.[710] Ukraine's antiterrorist operation (ATO) spokesman, Vladislav Seleznev, also told of fighting at Pisky, Horlivka and the route between Luhansk and Artemivsk.[711] Meanwhile, Dmitry Tymchuk recorded 72 attacks on Ukrainian positions in 21 locations overnight. The separatists used mortars, artillery and multiple rocket launchers. Tymchuk also claimed that there were internal battles between different pro-Russian factions.[712]

Ukrainian officials said that militias in the city of Alchevsk declared a general mobilisation and imposed martial law.[713]

Donetsk People's Republic sources claimed that six civilians died and 18 were injured as a result of the heavy shelling on the city conducted by Ukrainian forces from the local airport. Three militiamen were also killed. The mechanical engineering plant of "Tochmash" was hit, along with two power transformers nearby.[714]

Ukrainian troops in Debaltseve said they defeated an assault led by "Russian marines' special forces".[715]

Another mass grave was found in eastern Ukraine by the Donbass self-defence forces near Nizhnyaya Krinka village.[716]

29 September


Nine Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 27 wounded during a tank assault on Donetsk airport on Sunday, military spokesman Andriy Lysenko reported. According to local authorities, sporadic shelling killed three civilians in Donetsk city. Residential and administrative buildings were also hit.[717][718][719]

Meanwhile, separatist sources claimed that their forces suffered five killed and eight wounded. They reported six civilians dead in the past 24 hours.[720]

At evening, Dmitry Tymchuk recorded 11 pro-Russian attacks on Ukrainian positions in a three-hour period from 18:00 to 21:00 hours.[721]

30 September


Pro-Russian tanks attacked Donetsk airport at 6:15 a.m.[722] According to Dmitry Tymchuk, there were another 40 violations of the truce by rebel forces overnight in the settlements of Sanzhanovka, Redkodub, Chernukhin, Maryinka, Krasnohorivka, Malohorlivka, Kamyanka, Debaltseve, Smile, Novobakhmutivka, Starohnativka, Tonen'ke and Nikishyne.[723]

Ukrainian Marines claimed to have destroyed a separatist truck and a mortar position at Hranitne.[724]

The city council of Donetsk said that two civilians were killed and three wounded after fresh shelling. "Grad" rockets landed in nearby Avdiivka.[725]

One civilian was killed and two wounded as a result of a "Grad" rocket attack on Popasna.[726] One technician from DTEK was also killed by the explosion of a "Grad" rocket in Semenivka, northwest of Avdiivka, where he and his co-workers were repairing power lines.[727]


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  234. ^ "Командование 79-й бригады десантников сообщает о 54 дезертирах". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 28 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  235. ^ "Вблизи Дьяково десантники уничтожили лесополосу с террористами". Podrobnosti. 28 يوليو 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2014-10-30. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |deadurl= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
  236. ^ "Бойцы АТО освободили Степановку". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 29 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  237. ^ "Украинские военные вошли в Авдеевку - СМИ". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 29 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  243. ^ "За минувшие сутки погибли 10 военных, ранены - 55". Ukrayinska Pravda. 29 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  244. ^ "Солдаты 51-й бригады после пересечения границы с РФ нашлись в Запорожье. Их не задерживали". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 29 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  247. ^ "Десантники знищили дві фури з боєприпасами і танк, що проривалися до Савур-Могили". Ukrinform. 30 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  250. ^ "АТО: растет риск вторжения "миротворцев", идут бои за Саур Могилу". Liga News. 31 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  251. ^ "Штаб ДНР: украинские войска активизировали наступление по всем направлениям вокруг Донецка". Information Telegraph Agency of Russia. 31 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  253. ^ "Батальон "Луганск" уничтожил 15 террористов в Северодонецке". Liga News. 31 يوليو 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  258. ^ "Отдельные подразделения отведены с Должанского, Изварино и Червонопартизанска на новые безопасные рубежи, - СНБО". Censor.net. 1 أغسطس 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2014-10-29. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |deadurl= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
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  260. ^ "Силы АТО освободили еще четыре населенных пункта". Segodnya. 1 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  261. ^ "Сили АТО зачистили від терористів частину західного передмістя Донецька". UNN. 2 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  262. ^ "СНБО: Самолеты, танки и террористы из России и дальше прорываются в Украину". Segodnya. 1 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  263. ^ "Боевики ракетой с "Бука" сбили украинский беспилотник". Ukrayinska Pravda. 1 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  264. ^ "В ополчении заявили о взятии под контроль Саур-Могилы". Rossiysky Dialog. 1 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  265. ^ "Из-за боевых действий в Донецкой области обесточены 49 населенных пунктов". Segodnya. 2 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  266. ^ "Ополченцы окружили крупную группировку украинской армии у Тореза и Шахтерска". Saint Petersburg Newspaper. 2 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  269. ^ "Українські бійці щосили тримаються під потужним артобстрілом з Росії". Ukrinform. 3 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  270. ^ "Територія, що контролюють бойовики на Сході України, скоротилася на 75%". TSN.ua. 3 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  271. ^ "Силы АТО освободили Ясиноватую и разблокировали пути на Дмитровку и Дьяково". ZN.ua. 4 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  272. ^ "Снаряд с Украины попал в жилой дом в Ростовской области". Tvzvezda.ru. 3 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  273. ^ "Часть 72-й бригады ВСУ отступила на территорию России - Дмитрашковский (видео)". Segodnya. 4 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  274. ^ "С попавшими на территорию РФ украинскими военными установлена связь на дипломатическом уровне – СНБО". Segodnya. 4 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  275. ^ "На території РФ перебувають 311 українських військових - РНБО". Korrespondent.net. 4 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  276. ^ "Свыше 400 украинских военнослужащих перешли в Россию". Tengri News. 4 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  277. ^ "ОБСЕ сообщила обстоятельства отступления в Россию 72-й бригады". Liga News. 5 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  278. ^ "Мар'їнка вже під контролем сил АТО". Ukrinform. 4 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  279. ^ "702 бойца украинской армии сдались в плен в Шахтерске – ДНР". Tvzvezda.ru. 4 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-01-11.
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  281. ^ "Силы АТО вышли из Ясиноватой на время эвакуации местного населения". Segodnya. 5 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  282. ^ "За минулу добу загинули 3 українських військових". Deny. 5 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  283. ^ "В результате боев в Донецке погибли два мирных жителя - горсовет". Liga News. 5 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  284. ^ "РНБО: Російські військові чотири години обстрілювали "Градами" позиції АТО". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 5 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  285. ^ "18 Soldiers Killed over the Last 24 Hours". Censor.net. 6 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  286. ^ "Разведчики попали в засаду возле Иловайска, данные по потерям уточняются - Тымчук". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 6 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  288. ^ "На минах у Снежного подорвались 19 единиц украинской бронетехники". Vzglyad. 7 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  289. ^ "На территории России остаются 245 украинских военных, их допрашивают". Day. 6 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  290. ^ "С лечения в России уже вернулись 28 украинских военных". Ukrinform. 6 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  291. ^ "В Донецке неспокойно, слышны взрывы, не работает мобильная связь - горсовет". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 6 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  292. ^ "В результате артобстрелов украинских силовиков в Горловке погибли пять человек". Information Telegraph Agency of Russia. 7 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  296. ^ "Ополченцы сообщили о перевозке на допрос экипажа сбитого истребителя". Interfax. 7 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  297. ^ "Сепаратисты подбили санитарный вертолет - спикер АТО". Korrespondent.net. 7 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  299. ^ "За сутки погибли 7 украинских силовиков, 19 ранены - СНБО". Liga News. 7 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  300. ^ "Ukraine government suspends ceasefire at MH17 crash site after recovery mission halted". Reuters. 7 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  302. ^ "Иудеев Луганска готовят к эвакуации в Израиль - община". Interfax. 7 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  303. ^ "Украинские войска освободили Круглик Луганской области". Ukrajinska Pravda. 8 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-08-08.
  304. ^ "Сили АТО звільнили від терористів місто Круглик на Луганщині". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 8 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  305. ^ "У Луганській області силами АТО узято під контроль місто Міусинськ - активісти". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 8 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  306. ^ "Війська РФ протягом 20 хвилин обстрілювали місцевість біля Амвросіївки з важкої артилерії - РНБО". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 8 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  307. ^ "Сводка от штаба Армии Юго-Востока по итогам 8 августа". RusVesna. 8 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  308. ^ "За добу в зоні АТО загинули 15 військових, 89 були поранені". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 8 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  309. ^ "Ополченцы заявили, что силовики вышли из окружения, оставив технику". RIA Novosti. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  310. ^ "Чалый: Россия ночью хотела ввести колонну "миротворцев" на территорию Украины". Segodnya. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  311. ^ "Стрелков: Донецк попал в полное окружение". RIA Novosti. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  312. ^ "Игорь Стрелков: Красный Луч захвачен противником, Донецко-Горловская группировка войск Новороссии полностью окружена". RusVesna. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  314. ^ "Ополченцы отбили Красный Луч у украинских силовиков". MK.ru. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  315. ^ "Авиация нанесла удар по Красному Лучу, идут уличные бои, заявили в ДНР". RIA Novosti. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  316. ^ ا ب "В ДНР заявляют, что украинская армия якобы отступила от Красного Луча". Dialog. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  317. ^ "Сводка от Штаба ополчения МО ДНР: Противник развивает наступление". RusVesna. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  318. ^ "Погранзаставу в Меловом обстреляли из огнеметов с территории РФ". Liga News. 9 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  437. ^ "За сутки в зоне АТО погибли 5 военных, 8 ранены". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 24 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  438. ^ "В Амвросиевку вошли российские войска без знаков отличия". Liga News. 24 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  439. ^ "Террористы ДНР начали наступление на Еленовку к югу от Донецка". Liga News. 24 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  440. ^ "Террористы захватили райцентр Тельманово на Донетчине - СМИ". Liga News. 24 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  453. ^ "12 Ukrainian army soldiers killed in east Ukraine fighting over past 24 hours". Kyiv Post. 19 أغسطس 2013. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-08-26.
  454. ^ Captured Russian troops 'in Ukraine by accident', BBC News (26 August 2014)
  455. ^ Ukraine crisis: Putin, Poroshenko meet in Minsk amid border violence, CBC News (26 August 2014)
  456. ^ "З боку Росії увійшли 30 танків та військові - джерело". Ukrayinska Pravda. 26 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  458. ^ "Сепаратисти повідомляють про зачистку в Іловайську і контрнаступ на південь". Korrespondent.net. 26 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  459. ^ "13 servicemen die in eastern Ukraine in past 24 hours". Kyiv Post. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  460. ^ "Возле Горловки и Иловайска уничтожены 225 террористов, танки, "Грады", минометы и "Смерч"". Podrobnosti. 27 أغسطس 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2014-10-28. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |deadurl= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
  461. ^ "Террористы при помощи российских окупантов захватили села Маркино, Ковское, Щербак, Климкин, Седово-Васильевка, Кузнецы, Розы Люксембург". City News. 27 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  462. ^ "Российские наемники захватили села возле Новоазовска". Podrobnovsti. 27 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  463. ^ "Новоазовськ захоплений російськими військами – командир спецроти". Ukrayinska Pravda. 28 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  464. ^ "Прикордонників у Херсонській області атакували із Криму - РНБО". Korrespondent.net. 28 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  465. ^ "В Украине продолжают фиксировать многочисленные факты обстрелов территории Украины со стороны России - МИД". Infoline. 27 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  466. ^ https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/28/world/europe/ukraine-russia-novoazovsk-crimea.html?_r=0
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  473. ^ "NATO releases satellite imagery showing Russian combat troops inside Ukraine". NATO. 28 أغسطس 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2014-08-28. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |dead-url= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
  474. ^ "NATO releases satellite imagery showing Russian combat troops inside Ukraine". NATO. 28 أغسطس 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2014-08-29. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |dead-url= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
  475. ^ "NATO releases satellite imagery showing Russian combat troops inside Ukraine". NATO. 28 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  476. ^ "Путин призвал боевиков Донбасса выпустить бойцов АТО из окружения". Liga News. 28 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  477. ^ https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/29/world/europe/ukraine-conflict.html
  478. ^ "Reuters: 10 Ukrainian soldiers killed in eastern conflict in past 24 hours". Kyiv Post. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  479. ^ "TASS: World - Self-proclaimed republics' forces practically encircle Mariupol — Novorossiya News Agency". TASS. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
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  481. ^ "Силы АТО попали в засаду на пути в Иловайск - 4 убитых, 19 ранены". ЛIГА.Новости. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
  482. ^ "Exclusive: Over 100 Russian soldiers killed in single Ukraine battle - Russian rights activists". Reuters. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
  483. ^ "Ukraine National Guard now controlling Komsomolske in Donetsk region". Kyiv Post. 29 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-08-29.
  484. ^ "Комбат Айдара заявив про відступ під натиском російської армії". Korrespondent.net. 29 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  485. ^ "Ополченцы взяли под контроль Новосветловку и Хрящеватое, блокирован Мариуполь". Rossiya 1. 29 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  486. ^ "В Донбассе из российского ЗРК сбили украинский самолет Су-25". Liga News. 29 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  487. ^ "Ukraine says fighter jet shot down". Business Week. 30 أغسطس 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2014-08-30. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |dead-url= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
  488. ^ "TASS: World - Donetsk militias shoot down four Ukrainian assault planes". TASS. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
  489. ^ "Комбат Донбасса заявил о наличии коридора для силовиков в районе Иловайска". Korrespondent.net. 30 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  490. ^ "Совбез признал, что не может вывести силовиков из-под Иловайска". Korrespondent.net. 29 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  491. ^ Balmforth، Richard؛ Croft، Adrian (30 أغسطس 2014). "Ukraine says Russian tanks flatten town; EU ready to prepare sanctions". Reuters. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-08-30.
  492. ^ "Ukraine says Russian tanks flatten town; EU to threaten more sanctions". Reuters. 30 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  493. ^ Российская армия уничтожает украинские населенные пункты по чеченскому сценарию. sprotyv.info (بالروسية). Information Resistance. 30 Aug 2014. Retrieved 2014-08-30.
  494. ^ "Poroshenko: Ukraine 'close to point of no return'". BBC News. 30 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-08-30. Mr Poroshenko also said that he would discuss the possibility of a ceasefire at a meeting in Belarus on Monday
  495. ^ "За сутки в зоне АТО погибли 4 украинских военных, 34 ранены, - СНБО". RBC. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  496. ^ http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2014-09-02-EU--Ukraine/id-58576462dd0844889ba8fb1cfdee49af |title=Ukrainian troops routed as Russia talks tough
  497. ^ "Fears of massacre after accusations Russians reneged on safe passage for Ukrainian forces". The Daily Telegraph. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
  498. ^ "Правда за ложью: сам не желая, свидомый активист объяснил, как погибли колонны карателей". اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  499. ^ http://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2014/08/31/7036331/ |title = Из Иловайска вырвались генерал Хомчак и комбат "Ивано-Франковска"
  500. ^ http://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2014/08/31/7036347/ |title=Из окружения под Иловайском вышли еще 69 бойцов - МВД
  501. ^ "Российская авиация обстреляла Счастье – СМИ". Ukrinform. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  502. ^ "Russian jets hit Ukraine artillery positions, media reports". ZIK.ua. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  503. ^ "В Азовском море обстреляли 2 катера пограничной службы". Ukrayinsk Pravda. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  504. ^ "Катера возле Мариуполя могли разбомбить вертолеты". Ukrayinska Pravda. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  505. ^ "З обстріляних під Маріуполем катерів врятували вісьмох моряків". Korrespondent.net. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  506. ^ "В Донецке активизировались бои за аэропорт – соцсети". Korrespondent.net. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  507. ^ "Ополченцы сообщили о взятии аэропорта "Луганск"". Interfax. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  508. ^ Golubkova، Katya؛ Vasovic، Aleksandar (1 سبتمبر 2014). "Putin calls for talks on east Ukraine 'statehood'; rebels fire on ship". Reuters. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-09-01.
  509. ^ "Спецподразделение "Шторм" вышел из окружения в Георгиевке, – СНБО". Channel 24. 31 أغسطس 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  510. ^ "АТО завершена, мы должны обороняться от России - глава Минобороны". Korrespondent.net. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  511. ^ "Геращенко каже, що Росія напала на Україну ще 24 серпня". Ukrinform. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  512. ^ "Ukraine crisis: 'Clashes' near Luhansk airport ahead of talks". BBC News. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-09-01.
  513. ^ "Russia Warns Ukraine Troops To Pull Back". Sky News. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-09-01.
  514. ^ "Ukraine crisis: Troops abandon Luhansk airport after clashes". BBC News. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  515. ^ "Вслед за луганским аэропортом силовики сдали Лутугино". Korrespondent.net. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  516. ^ "Сепаратисты заявили о взятии стратегически важного пункта силовиков". Korrespondent.net. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  517. ^ "Украинские саперы подорвали ВПП в Луганском аэропорту - СНБО". ЛIГА.Новости. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
  518. ^ "Ополченцы выбили силовиков с одной из точек, откуда велся обстрел Донецка". NTV.ru. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  519. ^ "Российская авиация нанесла удар в районе села Победа Луганской области (карта)". Podrovnosti. 1 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  520. ^ "Сили АТО закріпилися на рубежі Комсомольськ-Роздольне". Express.ua. 1 سبتمبر 2014.
  521. ^ "15 servicemen die in east Ukraine in past 24 hours". Kyiv Post. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
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  523. ^ ""Псковская губерния" сообщила о гибели роты десантников в Украине". اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
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  525. ^ "Ополченцы взяли под контроль трассу, соединяющую Донецк и Мариуполь". NTV.ru. 2 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  528. ^ Путин представил план урегулирования ситуации на Украине, состоящий из семи пунктов (بالروسية). Information Telegraph Agency of Russia. 3 Sep 2014. Retrieved 2014-09-03.
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  537. ^ "Украинские военные отбили нападение террористов на Мариуполь". Podrobnosti. 4 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  538. ^ "Силовики уничтожили четыре танка боевиков под Мариуполем". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 4 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  539. ^ "Українська артилерія допомогла батальйону Азов відбити наступ на Маріуполь". اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
  540. ^ "Лагерь батальона "Киев-12" обстреляли из установок "Смерч": есть погибшие и раненые". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 4 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  547. ^ "Часть "айдаровцев" попала в засаду российского спецназа". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 6 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  677. ^ "В Донецке появились новые разрушения и жертвы - горсовет". Liga News. 23 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  679. ^ "За ночь по украинским силовикам не стреляли - спикер АТО". Liga News. 23 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  682. ^ "Силы АТО обстреляны в районе Гранитного, 3 снаряда попали в школу". Liga News. 23 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  696. ^ "Под Мариуполем боевики обстреляли тяжелой артиллерией поселок Талаковка - городской штаб АТО". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 25 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
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  698. ^ "Луганские ополченцы уничтожили технику карателей под Дебальцево". Krimskye Novosti. 26 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  699. ^ "В аэропорту Донецка прогремели взрывы: здание объято пламенем". Podrobnosti. 25 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  701. ^ "3 mass graves found near Donetsk by self-defense forces, OSCE confirms". اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
  702. ^ "Комбат "Айдара" говорит о 16 раненых и одном погибшем в результате обстрела". Glavred. 26 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  703. ^ "Против украинских военных в атаку бросают пьяных террористов-наркоманов". Podrobnosti. 26 سبتمبر 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2015-01-04. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |deadurl= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
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  705. ^ "За сутки в зоне АТО погиб один военный, еще восемь ранены". Korrespondent.net. 27 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
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  708. ^ "У бою з терористами за аеропорт Донецька загинув командир роти 93-ї бригади". Ukrayinska Pravda. 28 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  709. ^ "Бутусов: При отражении атаки танков РФ погиб командир 93-й бригады ВСУ". Telegraf. 28 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  710. ^ "Терористи забули, що "перемир'я": активно обстрілюють Дебальцеве, Донецьк та Щастя". Ukrayinska Pravda. 28 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  711. ^ "Бойовики активізувались в районі Луганська-Артемівська, обстрілюють Щастя". Ukrayinska Pravda. 28 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  712. ^ ""Режим без вогню": бойовики обстріляли українців 72 рази й самі себе - Тимчук". Ukrayinska Pravda. 28 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  713. ^ "В Алчевську бойовики ввели воєнний стан та оголосили мобілізацію". Ukrayinska Pravda. 28 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  714. ^ "При обстреле Донецка погибли 6 мирных жителей, еще 18 ранены". MK.ru. 28 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  715. ^ "Под Дебальцево уничтожили подразделение морской пехоты России". Podrobnosti. 28 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  716. ^ "4th mass grave found in E. Ukraine, self-defense forces report". اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-10-01.
  717. ^ "9 Ukrainian soldiers killed in Donetsk fighting". CNN. 29 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  718. ^ "'Seven Ukraine troops die' in deadliest post-truce attack". BBC News. 29 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-09-29.
  719. ^ ZINETS، NATALIA (29 سبتمبر 2014). "Seven Ukrainian soldiers killed in rebel attack, straining ceasefire". Reuters. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2014-09-30.
  720. ^ "Бої за аеропорт Донецька: є загиблі військові та бойовики". BBC Ukraine. 29 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  721. ^ "За три часа боевики 11 раз обстреляли позиции сил АТО - Тымчук". Ukrainian Independent Information Agency. 29 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  722. ^ "Танки атакуют аэропорт Донецка: убитых в Россию вывозят КАМАЗами". Podrobnosti. 30 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  723. ^ "За последние сутки НВФ обстреляли позиции украинских военных более 40 раз, с момента начала перемирия – больше 1 тыс. раз – "Информсопротивление"". Interfax. 30 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.
  724. ^ "Морські піхотинці знищили вантажівку та міномет ворога біля Гранітного". Podrobnosti. 30 سبتمبر 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2014-10-06. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |deadurl= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
  725. ^ "Новости Донецка 1 октября: ситуация в Донецке 1.10.2014". Kievskaya Pravda. 1 أكتوبر 2014. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2015-01-17. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط غير المعروف |deadurl= تم تجاهله (مساعدة)
  726. ^ "В результате обстрела Попасной погиб один мирный житель, двое - ранены". Ukrayinska Pravda. 30 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-11.
  727. ^ "Энергетик ДТЭК погиб в районе Авдеевки от обстрела из "Града"". Ukrayinska Pravda. 30 سبتمبر 2014. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-04-12.

قالب:2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine