نقاش:أورسولا فون دير لاين

أحدث تعليق: قبل 4 سنوات من Carabatx في الموضوع الانتحال

الانتحال عدل

Sorry I can only write in English. The google translation of this article

and the sources seem to indicate to me that important information is missing here

Her MD thesis was documented to contain plagiarism on 27 of 62 pages

[1] [2] [3]

A university committee confirmed plagiarism They decided not to withdraw the title in spite of it Numerous experts criticized this decision

It was noted she personally knew the head of the committee

[4] [5]

You find this information in the English and German versions of wikipedia

Carabatx (نقاش) 10:21، 12 سبتمبر 2019 (ت ع م)ردّ

عُد إلى صفحة "أورسولا فون دير لاين".