Nour Muwafi Abdul Aziz (Arabic: Nour Muwafi Abdul Aziz), better known by his ZiadUltras (Arabic: زياد التراس). (Born 12 May 1994) is a student at the University of =[[Cairo University]]. And also is Egyptian political activis and blogger. Currently lives in Cairo , Giza . , Pyramid Street

Ziad is a student at the Cairo University. And also is an political activis and Egyptian blogger Participated in 2011 Egyptian revolution the revolution of January 25, 2011 in Egypt and was in Tahrir Square until the departure of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak

Until now. Also in the field of the Egyptian revolution. Tahrir Square To end some of the main demands on which the revolution He was also against the military rule on civilians, and now against the new Egyptian president after President Mohamed Morsi. revolution. In some of the demands of the revolution that has not been completed and also for other reasons against President Mohamed Morsi And will always be in his heart Tahrir Square all the time and anytime

And is a young man known in some social networking sites name ziadultras such. ( Facebook. Twitter. Youtube And also a lot of sites)