Nabil Mohammed Lutf Mosali | LinkedIn Qualified of Information System (IS) sciences with a solid background i public relations. Expert in Design and development of websites & Applications and database management with NGOs , companies and supervise networks /brand vision and values.


I have a bachelor degree in “Information Systems” (IS) from the Future University (FU). I studied English Course for two years at Seeds institute.

I am currently working as a Trainer at  many Universities, Institutes in Web design and development and Database , Programming languages. Also, I have worked as a Data Entry  for 3 months at Danish Refugee Council – (DRC). Also I am currently working as a Web Developer & Web master at  Google Developer Group – [GDG Sana'a], I worked to developed new application and web site application at personality. I have many application in the same fields. Before that, I worked as a Web Developer & Web master for three years at National Safe Motherhood Alliance – [NSMA]. Also, I worked as an IT Manager for two years at Quality Plus Groups.

In Addition, I have experience about 10 years in web development. I am willing to work in any position that will utilize my IT, MEAL, Analysis, Designer, Developer and management skills. I am a hardworking, dedicated and ethical individual.

المهندس : نبيل محمد لطف مصلي

صاحب ملتقى المبرمجين العرب

مدير برمجيات عرب ويندوز

مطور مجموعه جوجل صنعاء

عضو جمعية الانترنت العالميه فرع اليمن

مطور ويب منظمه YODET

مدرس ومدرب لدى العديد من الجامعات اليمنيه

مولف كتب ولدي العديد من الولفات الالكترونيه في مجال البرمجه .