محسن جبل عطية(ولد في 15-اكتبور -1972)ببغداد- جمهورية العراق باحث رياضياتي مختص في حقل الجبر امتاز بغرارة البحوث والانشطة العلمية المختلفة [1]حيث نشر ما يربو على (65) بحثا علمية في الرياضيات في مجلات مختلفة اضافة الى(45 ) مؤتمرا علميا امتزجت ما بين المحلي والدولي مع عددمن ورش العمل.كما انجز كتاب في نظرية الحلقات [2][3] حصل على شهادتي البكالوريوس والماجستير من الجامعة المستنصرية-كلية التربية -قسم الرياضيات في العام (1999-1998) و(2004) بعدها انخرط في سلك التعليم الاكاديمي في القسم ذاته من العام (2004) ولحد الوقت الحالي درس خلالها عدة مواد منها التحليل العقدي و الجبر الخطي و نظرية الحلقات كما اشرف على العديد من مشاريع بحوث التخرج لطلبة المرحلة المنتهية. خلال مسيرته حاز على عدد كبير من الشهادات التقديرية والتشكرات لعل من ابرزها درع يوم العلم العراقي ودرع من الجامعة المستنصرية . اسندت اليه عدد من المجلات مهمة تقييم البحوث المقدمة للنشر كخبير علمي واخرى ضمته الى هيئتها التحرية والاستشارية ولعل من ابرزها[4].تدرج في الالقاب العلمية حتى وصل الى مرتبه استاذ مساعد حاليا.عرف بحبه للرياضيات و الاخلاص لها حيث ينظرلها كمتعه حقيقية للناس

البحوث المنشورة


1. Commutativity Results with Derivations on Semiprime Rings. Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, London-UK,Vol.2,(2012)

2. Derivations of Semiprime Rings with Left Cancellation Property , Cayley Journal of Mathematics-India-Vol.1,(2012)

3. Commuting Derivations of Semiprime Rings. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences,(Bulgaria),Vol.6,(2011),no.24,1151-1158.

4. Commutativity with Derivations of Semiprime Rings. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Journal. Accepted Published 2/5/2013

5. On Semiprime *- Rings with Involution. Journal for Algebra and Number Theory Academia

(India), 2(3)(2011),133-140.

6. On Orthogonal Generalized Derivations on Semiprime Rings. International Mathematical Forum-(Bulgaria)5,No.28,(2010),1377-1384
. 7. On Generalized Derivations on Semiprime Rings, International Journal of Algebra.(Bulgaria),Vol.4, No.12,(2010),591-598
. 8. On Derivations of Semiprime Rings, Antarctica Journal of Mathematics (India),Vol.4, No.2, 2007

9. Commutativity Results for Prime and Semiprime Rings with Derivations, Dirasat Journal (Jordan). Vol.34, No.1, 2007

10. On Commutativity for Prime and Semiprime Rings, Jordan Journal of Applied Science (Jordan). Vol.9, No.2,2007

11.On M-Matrices Rings,Journal College of Education ,Al-Mustansiriyah University (Iraq),No.2,2003,1-9

12. Commutativity Results for Prime Rings,Iraqi Journal of Science,Vol.46,No.1,(2005),224-226

13. On Commutativity Results for Prime Rings with Derivations ,Journal College of Education ,Al-Mustansiriyah University (Iraq), No.5.2,2005.

14. Some Results of Prime and Semiprime Rings with Derivations, Journal of Um-Salama for Sciences (Iraq),Vol.2(3),2005

15. On New Algebraic Systems, Journal of Um-Salama for Sciences (Iraq),Vol.5 (1),2008,149-154

16. Some Results on Reduced Rings, Journal of Um-Salama for Sciences (Iraq), Vol.5 (4), 2008

17.On Prime Near-Rings with Derivations, Proceedings of 11th Scientific Conference for Basis Education-Al-Mustansiriyah University(Iraq). 2-3/5/ 2005.

18.On TES-Space and Door Space, Proceedings of 11th Scientific Conference for Basis Education-Al-Mustansiriyah University(Iraq).2-3/5/ 2005.

19. Generalized Derivations of Semiprime Rings, Proceeding of 2nd Scientific Conference of College of Education-University of abylon,9-10 March 2008,78-85.

20.On Semiprime Near- Rings with Two-Sided β-Derivations, Journal Al-Qadisiyah for Pure Sciences (quarterly).Vol.(13),No.(4),2008,174-182.

21. Anote on Derivations of Semiprime Rings. Proceeding of 3th Scientific Conference of the College of Sciences, University of Baghdad,24-26 March 2009,599-602.

22. Derivations of Semiprime Rings.Proceeding of 3th Scientific Conference of the College of Sciences, University of Baghdad,24-26 March 2009,593-598.

23. On Commutativity Rings. Proceeding of The First Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences, Kufa University,12-13- March 2008,105-109

24. On Orthogonal Generalized Derivations with Left Cancellation Property on Semiprime Rings. Proceeding of The First Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences, Kufa University,12-13- March 2008,110-119.

25. Semicentralizing Derivations on Semiprime Near-Rings. Journal of University of Babylon (Pure and Applied Sciences),Vol.20,No.3,(2012),868-878.

26. Generalized Derivations with Commutativity of Prime Rings. Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Sciences -Al-Qadisiyah University-Iraq, Vol.1, No.1(2009),75-88.

27.On Automorphisms with Derivations on Semiprime Rings. Journal of College of Computer Sciences and Mathematics Sciences -Al-Qadisiyah University-Iraq, Vol.(2),No.(2)(2010).

28. On Orthogonal Derivations of Semiprime Rings. Journal College of Education, Al-Mustansiriyah University (Iraq).No.3(2009),35-42
. 29. On Prime and Semiprime Rings with Derivations. Journal of College of Sciences, Al-Mustansiriyah University ,Vol.21,No.6,(2010),457-465.

30.On K-Space,Journal College of Education, Al-Mustansiriyah University(Iraq),Accepted publishing No.114 in 4/5/(2010)

31. On Free Action of Semiprime Rings. Proceeding of 1st Scientific Conference of Wasit University (2010),164-173
. 32. Centralizing Derivations of Semiprime Rings. Journal of 1st Scientific Conference of College of Education, University of Missan 2010) ,540-553

33.Skew-Commuting and Commuting Derivations of Semiprime Rings, Journal of The Basic Education-Al-Mustansiriyah University,Vol.17,No.67,(2011),137-142.

34.Commutativity of Bi-Derivations of Prime Rings,Proceeding of 18th Scientific Conference of College of Education, Al-Mustansiriyah University ,Vol(2),(2011),558-562.

35. Commuting and 2-Commuting Derivations of Semiprime Rings,Proceeding of 1st Scientific Conference (ICTM2011),Kufa Journal for Maths. and Computer Sciences, Vol.1,No.5,May,2012,22-30.

36. On Generalized Derivations of Semiprime Near-Rings, Proceeding of 1st Scientific Conference (ICTM2011),Kufa Journal for Maths. and Computer Sciences,Vol.1,No.5,May,2012,74-81

37.On Generalized Derivations with Commutativity of Semiprime Rings, Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences)) Volume 37. Number 4., C((2011)),132-133.

38. On Dependent Elements of Semiprime Rings, Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences)) Volume 37. Number 5.C ((2011))

39. Commutativty of Left Near-Rings, Proceeding of 4th Scientific Conference of College of Basic Education, University of Babylon, No.10,January(2012),401-409.

40. A Note on Commutativity of Unital Rings, Proceeding of 1st Scientific Conference of College of Education\Ibn Hayan, University of Babylon,(2011) .

41. On Bi-Derivations of Semiprime Rings, Proceeding of 1st Scientific Conference of College of Education\Ibn Hayan, University of Babylon, (2011).

42. Permuting 3-Derivations of Semiprime Rings.www.math.ualberta.ca/game/…/Mehsin Atteya/pdf

43. Derivations on Semiprime Near-Rings, International Journal of Mathematical Engineering Sciences, Volume 1 Issue 5 (2012)

44. A Note on Trigonometric Functions and Integration , International Journal of Mathematical Engineering Sciences, Volume 1 Issue 5 (2012).

45. On Free Action of Prime Rings, Al-Qadisiya Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics,Vol.(4) ,No.2, (2012)

46. 3-Derivations of Prime Rings, Proceeding of 5th International Scientific Conference of College of Basic Education, University of Babylon, (2012).

47. Remarks on Pairs of Generalized Derivations of Semiprime Rings, Proceeding of 5th International Scientific Conference of College of Basic Education, University of Babylon, (2012).

48. Commuttivity Generalized Derivations in σ-Prime Rings,Proceeding of 4th International Scientific Conference of College of Computer Science and Mathematics, Al-Qadisiyah University,(2013).

49. On The Identity d(x)=λx+ζ(x),Proceeding of 11th Scientific Conference of Al-Rafidain University College,(2013)

50. Generalized Derivations of Prime Semirings, Proceeding of 20th Scientific Conference of College of Education, Al-Mustansiriyah University (2013).

51. Certain Pairs of Generalized Derivations of Semiprime Rings, Proceeding of 11th Scientific Conference of Al-Rafidain University College,(2013).

52.On Semiprime Gamma Near-Rings, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research, Vol.4, Issue 1,(2014), 43-50

53. Some Results On the Identity d(x)=λx+ζ(x), Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Science and Education Publishing ,USA, Vol. 2, No. 2(2014),28-32.

54. Skew-Commuting Derivations of Noncommutative Prime Rings, Mathematics and Statistics, USA, Vol.2, No.8 (2014)قالب:Www.hrpub.org/journals/article info.php?aid=2223

55. Note on Generalized Jordan Derivations in Semiprime Rings, Mathematics and Statistics, USA, Vol.3(1),(2015),pp.7-9

56. Generalized (1,∅)-Derivations of Noncommutative Prime Rings, Sohag J. Math., An International Journal, 3, No. 2, 1-4 (2015)

57. Derivations on MA-Semirings, Mathematical Sciences Letters, An International Journal,4,No.3,1-5(2015)

58. On Bi-Derivations of Semiprime Rings, Open Science Journal of Mathematics and Application, 3(5)(2015), 132-135

59. On Semiprime Rings with (α,α)-Symmetric Derivations, Open Science Journal of Mathematics and Application,3(4),(2015),110-114

60. Semigroup Ideals and Permuting 3-Generalized Derivations in Prime Near Rings, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,N.35,December (2015), 207-226

61. Kronecker product with applications, Journal on Algebra and Its Applications,

doi: 10.14419/jaa.v1i1.35. ,1-4, (2016) 1 (1)

62. Some Properties of Lie Algebras, Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Volume 5.Issue 2.000300,(2016), 5: 300. ttp://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2168-9679.1000300.

63. A Notes on the Higher Derivations of Prime Rings,  BSPM, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, Accepted(2017) 

64. Common Region between Associative Algebras and Non-Associative Lie Algebras, Caspian Journal of Computational & Mathematical engineering, No.2 (September 2017), 27-32.

65. (σ,τ)-Derivations of Semiprime Rings, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Accepted (2017)

  1. ^ ijmer.in/pdf/editorial-board/mehsin-jabel-atteya.pdf
  2. ^ Generalized Derivationsof Semiprime Rings
  3. ^ 2
  4. ^ Zentralblatt MATH