The Threatful Inner Feeling


I've written this article as my first experience, so I wanted to share it with others as an outcome of my accomplishment. I'll be more than happy if you would leave a comment or a correction.


We all experience this feeling, every single day. For instance, when you decide to watch a horror movie with your friends to prove your pluck, What is the first thing that you feel? the answer will be obviously: FEAR. Or when your repulsive boss gives you a presentation to display to the new clients with threats of your expulsion in case you failed What is the first feeling you perceive? Surely it will be: FEAR. Even when you want to start your own business alone without any help of others What would be your sensation? For certain it is: FEAR! So now the question that flies constantly is: what is the exact definition of the word fear?!

Fear is the creepy feeling that is perceived constantly when you try or watch something that makes your heart pulse badly as an outcome of your threatful situation. So for now the first question is answered, now the second: Why do we feel fearful? We can answer this question easily by using some daily cases that we usually face. Your first step, your first day of school, making your first friendship, making a mistake, your father’s/mother’s madness and yelling, forgetting doing your homework, getting bullied by others, being different from others(financially), being weak, leaving your friends (because of their annoyance), getting low marks, doing your first project, displaying your first presentation, Studying and working hardly, Studying your favorite specialty, being remarkable in your college, and again making new pals, finishing college with successful grades, your first job interview, Proving your skills, spreading positivity, being an inspiration, improving your language and education, being successful and having fame, adapting to your lifespan changes. All these are an example for what we usually fear. As an outcome of these examples we discovered the reason of our fear is: failure and the horrible consequences. Yes we don’t want to fail, we always reject the consequences, we hate to face ourselves in the mirror and prove our failure.

We need to have more confidence, and be more plucky, plus being more positive and a supporter to ourselves, in addition to that, facing ourselves and taking the responsibility of our decisions; because the more we are afraid the more we’ll fail and cry.

To sum up, we are all humans. We fail, cry, stress, do mistakes, and have sins. We weren’t born to be perfect. But we must appreciate the fact that we’re alive. So don’t stress yourself or feel fearful. Undoubtedly we’ll feel fearful from time to time because we’re taking a new step or decision but we need to feel more relaxed to get fine with the outcome. Everything at the begging seems hard and stressful but at the end you’ll feel satisfied with the resolution because you were positive and strong enough to work hard and trust yourself.