Suicide forest

Okigahara or as they called it suicide forest, Okigahara is one of the most famous forests in Japan- Fuji over an area of 35 square kilometers rich of dead bodies , the question is why do these people suicide?

Some sources said that the reason that makes residents of the area dead before the sun rises  that the spirits blockade the people in the forest and don’t let them out , in another side of investigation the salt-rich soil effects the minds of those who enter it and of course don’t let them go so they come up with suicide thoughts and they end their life in the middle of the night when the soil finally control them , in the early morning the forest cleaners found the dead body hanging on the branches and they take it away .

They came as tourists and out as a spirits , this phenomenon makes the forest government put signals reminding  them that the suicide isn’t a solution but when they know the reason ( I mentioned it before ) they put a watching cameras around the forest but they can’t put one in the deep of the jungle because no one can reach that area .

Since the spirits are free in the sky of the forest there is no tourists in southwestern of mountain Fuji except the suicidal people or the one who wishes to die .

Are there really those things ?( I mean the spirits ) Are these  things really exist ? , or because they don’t believe in God , maybe yes maybe not .