مستخدم:Chaos/قائمة الخضروات

Western Brassicas عدل

Closeup of romanesco broccoli.

Asian Brassicas عدل

خضروات ورقية عدل

garden cress
Iceberg lettuce field in Northern Santa Barbara County
Spinach in flower

Fruiting and Flowering Vegetables عدل

Avocado fruit (cv. 'Fuerte'); left: whole, right: in section

Podded Vegetables عدل

Diversity in dry common beans
Varieties of soybeans are used for many purposes.

خضروات البصيلات و الساق عدل

Garlic bulbs and individual cloves, one peeled.

خضروات الجذور عدل

Root and tuberous vegetables

Carrots come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes
Potatoes are one of the most used staple foods.
bunch of radishes

أعشاب البحر عدل

The Caulerpa is a genus of edible Seaweed.

انظر أيضا عدل

[[تصنيف:قوائم الطعام]] [[تصنيف:خضروات|*]] [[de:Liste der Gemüse]] [[en:List of vegetables]] [[fr:Liste de légumes]] [[nl:Lijst van groenten]] [[ja:野菜の一覧]] [[pt:Lista de hortaliças]] [[simple:List of vegetables]] [[sr:Списак поврћа]]