ماذا تعرف عن pi net work عمله التعدين الجديده

acostume called her Pi network. This is a digital work that you make. Mining through your mobile phone without any effort from you.

Once you carry the application and register, the counter will start counting and holding the currency, and it will be offered infuther

The team that established the currency said that anybody will download the program a free mod, until the day of trading, and it is estimated that he can sell it or exchange it for dollars after two months, God willing .. without paying one dollar.Their idea means that you are famous for their program, by downloading it for you and subscribing to it, and they are automatic in your hand from 6 to 8 units every day in your account through the mining process

If you don't know what mining means, go to Google and ask and understand every need ..

The currency is Pinetwork Whoever wants to participate in it, I will write to you the method and the steps

The steps: 1 - You will enter google play and write Pinetwork, the application will appear for you Enter and download it

2_ After you download the application, you will be logged in. Image 1 will appear for you in two options .. Register with Facebook or by phone number And the best is to choose the phone number so that someone does not penetrate the account after that

3_ Then it will show you image number 2, you will choose the country code and the box below it, you will write your phone number

4_ Then image 3 will appear. You will write the password to your account and it must have at least one capital letter and at least one number and the letters are not less than 8 letters

5- After that, the image number 4 will appear, asking you to write a code in the box that appears on the back

This code is  ( Shapoon  )

Submit, and after that, the application will be opened with you and Get Started, then Start Tour, and you will find the counter for mining. Start preparing and collect you in the currency.

After this, in a possible step you can take at any time, name activate the mobile number or activate Facebook.