مستخدم:عمرو/أحمد نادي

أحمد نادي
كاريكاتير رسمه أحمد لنفسه
معلومات شخصية
الميلاد 31 ديسمبر 1981 (العمر 42 سنة)
القاهرة، مصر
الجنسية  مصر
الأولاد حمزة وخديجة
عائلة محمد نادي و إيمان عزت
الحياة العملية
التعلّم كلية الفنون التطبيقية بجامعة حلوان
المهنة رسام كاريكاتير وقصص مصورة
موظف في Tarek Nour’s Advertising Agency

أحمد نادي (31 ديسمبر، 1981 - ) ناشط ورسام قصص مصورة وكاريكاتير سياسي مصري. ينتمي أحمد إلى عائلة من الفنانين تبنت موهبته مبكراً، والتي نمت باطراد حتى أصبح أحد أشهر الفنانيين الساخرين في مصر وهو لا يزال في شبابه. بدأت أحمد رسم الكاريكاتير السياسي في سنٍ صغيرة، ونشط في هذا المجال بعد قيام ثورة 25 يناير في مصر، مكتسباً شهرة واسعة في هذا المجال لجرأة أعماله.

السيرة الذاتية




ولد أحمد في 31 ديسمبر، 1981 لعائلة فنية. حيث كان والد، محمد نادي، يعمل رسام رسوم متحركة بينما كانت والدته نحاته وكاتبة.[1] وقد ذكر أن نشأته وطفولته في مدينة العاشر من رمضان كانت أحد العوامل التأثير المبكر عليه بجانب والديه. انخرط أحمد عندما كان طفلاً في قراءة القصص المصورة والمجلات، وبدأ في صنع قصصه الخاصه عن أفراد عائلته.

ومع مرور الوقت، بدأ والده في ارشاده ومساعدته في تنمية هواية الرسم لديه. وقام برسم كاريكاتيري لاستاذته وأصدقائه في المدرسة. بالإضافة لهذا، قام أحمد باختراع شخصيات جديدة من وحي خياله كانت من أولها شخصية ميدو العجيب، والذي كان مخترعاً تعرض لإشعاع أمكنه من تغير شكله والتحول بكل سهولة ولأي شكل.[2][3]

كان أول كاريكاتير ينشر لأحمد هو من النوع السياسي، وقد رسمه أثناء حرب الخليج، أظهر الرسم السندباد وهو يضرب صدام حسين على رأسه ويلومه على تشويه صورته كعراقي أمام الجميع، وكان أحمد حينها لا يزال في المرحلة الابتدائية. فاز أحمد في 1992

According to Nady, his first published cartoon was political. The cartoon was made during the Gulf War, while Nady was in elementary school, and it portrayed Sindbad hitting Saddam Hussein on the head, saying, "You've made the children of the world hate me now that they know I'm an Iraqi." In 1992, at barely 11 years of age, he won his first award in a workshop at the Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum. The following year, he was given the best caricature award by a caricature magazine.[2][3]



Ahmad Nady began his professional career at the age of 14 when his father was suffering from fatigue and overwork. Nady asked him if he could draw for a Lebanese magazine and his father agreed and encouraged him. He started out at first as an assistant at a workshop producing Pharaonic sculptures, before working with a number of magazines, including Karma ((بالعربية: كرمة)) company, known for several of its comics: Simsim's World ((بالعربية: عالم سمسم) The Egyptian version of Sesame Street), Sameer and Alaa el-Din ((بالعربية: سمير علاء الدين)) and the Young Arab ((بالعربية: العربي الصغير)), among others.[2]

During this time, Nady started mailing several comic magazine editors with samples of his work and his ideas, all of which were rejected in Egypt. One of these, among his very first professional work, was a series of adventures called Fayek w Rayek ((بالعربية: فايق ورايق)) after its two main characters, a chimpanzee and a sloth. The series was published by the Saudi comic magazine Basme ((بالعربية: باسم)) and was popular among children.[2]

While steadily advancing as a comic artist, Nady began entering the realm of political cartoons. In 1996, he won third place in a UNESCO exhibition, "Where We Live", and in 2004, participated in an art exhibition organized by the Artists' Syndicate in solidarity with Palestine. He promoted comics and cartoons by setting up numerous workshops across Egypt, including at least one in the مكتبة الإسكندرية الجديدة. He has also won three awards from deviantArt, an online community of artists.[2]



Nady participated in the 2008 Egyptian general strike and, for a time, in Mohamed ElBaradei's presidential campaign.[4]

Nady joined the 2011 revolution from the very beginning, participating politically at Tahrir Square and drawing cartoons on the spot, inviting those around him to suggest ideas and captions.[4] He was one of the many people who camped out in Tahrir Square[4] and was hit by a rubber bullet on January 28 during the violent clashes with the police. He also was attacked by members of the "Popular Committees" due to the propaganda by state owned media,[4] which claimed that the protesters had a "foreign agenda"[5].

When asked about what should be done with National Democratic Party headquarters set on fire during the 2011 revolution, Nady praised the idea of turning the headquarters into a centre that holds cultural activities, saying, "It should be a place for workshops of all artistic fields inviting all artists from all over Egypt".[6]

Awards and honors

Local recognition
  • Merit certificate of Mahmoud Mukhtar Museum Workshop, 1992.[7]
  • Prize for the best caricature in caricature magazine, 1993.[7]
  • Honorable mention from the exhibition of "Egypt in my Heart", by the Republican Youth and the Ministry of Culture, 2004.[7]
  • Recognition Award from the Artists' Syndicate for his contribution to an art exhibition in solidarity with Palestine, 2004.[7]
International recognition
  • Third prize at UNESCO exhibition, "Where We Live", 1996.[2][7]
  • Three Daily Deviations awards from Deviant Art, 2005, 2006 and 2007.[8]

بعض من أعماله


انظر أيضاً



Further reading



  1. ^ "Ahmad Nady: A budding Egyptian cartoonist - Arts & Culture - Ahram Online". English.ahram.org.eg. 12 أغسطس 2011. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2011-09-21.
  2. ^ ا ب ج د ه و "Ahmed Nady: One of the most famous comics artists in Egypt". Mawhopon.net. 31 أكتوبر 2010. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2011-10-01.
  3. ^ ا ب "Pharaohs were the first discovered the art of Comics". Youm7.com. 31 ديسمبر 2009. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2011-10-01.
  4. ^ ا ب ج د "Revolutionary Cartoons: An Interview With Ahmad Nady". www.jadaliyya.com. 4 يوليو 2011. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2011-09-21.
  5. ^ "Regime won't halt, but rallies must, Egypt's VP says". Usatoday.Com. 8 فبراير 2011. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2011-10-01.
  6. ^ "NDP headquarters building- what will it be? - Stage & Street - Arts & Culture - Ahram Online". English.ahram.org.eg. 23 أغسطس 2011. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2011-09-21.
  7. ^ ا ب ج د ه FineArt Sector - Biographies - Ahmed Mohammed Nady. 2011-09-05.Archived at webcite at http://www.webcitation.org/61TOArgrU
  8. ^ "Daily Deviation on deviantART". www.deviantart.com. 19 سبتمبر 2011. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2011-09-19.

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