القارئ زياد محمد هوا قارئ مصري من احدي القري في ابيس تميز زياد بصوته الخاص الجميل في القرآن ظهر زياد اول مره علي فيس بوك انفرد بأسلوب فريد في القراء دون تقليد The reader, Ziad Muhammad, is an Egyptian reciter from one of the villages in Ibis. Ziad was distinguished by his special, beautiful voice in the Qur’an. Ziad appeared for the first time on Facebook. He was unique in his unique style of reciting without imitation.

[[File:IMG القارئ زياد محمد عبد المنصف.jpg|thumb|reader, Ziad Muhammad, is an Egyptian reciter from one of the villages in Ibis. Ziad was distinguished by his special, beautiful voice in the Qur’an. Ziad appeared for the first time on Facebook. He was unique in his unique style]]