إطار توصيف الموارد: الفرق بين النسختين

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سطر 1:
{{ترجمة|إنجليزية|en:Resource Description Framework}}
{{Infobox W3C Standard
| title = إطار توصيف الموارد
سطر 13:
'''إطار توصيف الموارد''' هو مجموعة من معايير [[رابطة الشبكة العالمية]](W3C) التي صممت بداية ك[[بيانات وصفية]] ل[[نماذج بيانات]]. بدأ استخدامها كمنهج لعام لوصف المفاهيم، أو نمذجة المعلومات الموجودة في موارد الوب باستخدام أشكال قواعد (Syntax) متنوعة.
== تطبيقات==
* [http://sig.ma/ Sigma] - Application from DERI in National University of Ireland, Galway(NUIG).
* [[Creative Commons]] - Uses RDF to embed license information in web pages and mp3 files.
* [[Description of a Career|DOAC (Description of a Career)]] - supplements FOAF to allow the sharing of [[résumé]] information.
* [[FOAF (software)|FOAF (Friend of a Friend)]] - designed to describe [[person|people]], their [[interest]]s and interconnections.
* [[Haystack (PIM)|Haystack client]] - Semantic web browser from MIT CS & AI lab.<ref>[http://groups.csail.mit.edu/haystack/ Haystack]</ref>
* [[IDEAS Group]] - developing a formal 4D Ontology for [[Enterprise Architecture]] using RDF as the encoding.<ref>[http://www.ideasgroup.org The IDEAS Group Website]</ref>
* Microsoft shipped a product, Connected Services Framework,<ref>[http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/solutions/connectedservicesframework.mspx Connected Services Framework]</ref> which provides RDF-based Profile Management capabilities.
* [[MusicBrainz]] - Publishes information about Music Albums.<ref>[http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/RDF RDF on MusicBrainz Wiki]</ref>
* [[NEPOMUK (framework)|NEPOMUK]], an open-source software specification for a Social Semantic desktop uses RDF as a storage format for collected metadata. NEPOMUK is mostly known because of its integration into the [[KDE Software Compilation 4|KDE SC 4]] desktop environment.
* RDF Site Summary - one of several "[[RSS (file format)|RSS]]" languages for publishing information about updates made to a web page; it is often used for disseminating news article summaries and sharing [[weblog]] content.
* [http://rdfs.org/resume-rdf/ ResumeRDF] - developed to express information contained in a personal Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) on the Semantic Web. This includes information about work and academic experience, skills, etc.
* [[Simple Knowledge Organization System]] (SKOS) - a KR representation intended to support vocabulary/thesaurus applications
* [[SIOC|SIOC (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities)]] - designed to describe online communities and to create connections between Internet-based discussions from message boards, weblogs and mailing lists.<ref>[http://sioc-project.org/ SIOC (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities)]</ref>
* [[Smart-M3]] - provides an infrastructure for using RDF and specifically uses the ontology agnostic nature of RDF to enable heterogeneous mashing-up of information<ref>Oliver Ian, Honkola Jukka, Ziegler Jurgen (2008). “Dynamic, Localized Space Based Semantic Webs”. IADIS WWW/Internet 2008. Proceedings, p.426, IADIS Press, ISBN 978-972-8924-68-3</ref>
* Many other RDF schemas are available by searching SchemaWeb.<ref>[http://www.schemaweb.info SchemaWeb]</ref>
Some uses of RDF include research into social networking. This is important because it could help governments keep track of terrorists cells. It will also help people in business fields understand better their relationships with members of industries that could be of use for product placement.<ref>An RDF Approach for Discovering the Relevant Semantic Associations in a Social Network By Thushar A.K, and P. Santhi Thilagam</ref> It will also help scientists understand how people are connected to one another.
RDF is being used to have a better understanding of traffic patterns. This is because the information regarding traffic patterns is on different websites, and RDF is used to integrate information from different sources on the web. Before, the common methodology was using keyword searching, but this method is problematic because it does not consider synonyms. This is why ontologies are useful in this situation. But one of the issues that comes up when trying to efficiently study traffic is that to fully understand traffic, concepts related to people, streets, and roads must be well understood. Since these are human concepts, they require the addition of fuzzy logic. This is because values that are useful when describing roads, like slipperiness, are not precise concepts and cannot be measured. This would imply that the best solution would incorporate both fuzzy logic and ontology.<ref>Traffic Information Retrieval Based on Fuzzy Ontology and RDF on the Semantic Web By Jun Zhai, Yi Yu, Yiduo Liang, and Jiatao Jiang (2008)
== انظر أيضاً ==
;تدوينات خاصة بإطار وصف الموارد
* [[Notation 3|N3]]
* [[N-Triples]]
* [[TriG_(syntax)|TRiG]]
* [[TriX_(syntax)|TRiX]]
* [[Turtle (syntax)|Turtle]]
* [[RDF/XML]]
* [[RDFa]]
* [[JSON-LD]]
; Ontology/vocabulary languages
* [[Web Ontology Language|OWL]]
* [[Simple Knowledge Organization System|SKOS]]
* [[RDF schema]]
;مفاهيم مشابهة
* [[Entity-attribute-value model]]
* [[Graph theory]] - An RDF model is a labeled, directed multi-graph.
* [[Website Parse Template]]
* [[Tag (metadata)|Tagging]]
* [[Topic Maps]] - Topic Maps is in some ways, similar to RDF.
* [[Semantic network]]
; مواضيع أخرى (غير مرتبة):
*[[Associative model of data]]
*[[Business Intelligence 2.0]] (BI 2.0)
*[[LSID|Life Science Identifiers]]
*[[Meta Content Framework]]
*[[Semantic Web]]
*[[Universal Networking Language]] (UNL)
== مراجع ==
== قراءة متقدمة ==
* [http://www.w3.org/RDF/ W3C's RDF at W3C]: specifications, guides, and resources
* [http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-mt-20040210/ RDF Semantics]: specification of semantics, and complete systems of inference rules for both RDF and RDFS
;وثائق وجولات تعليمية
* [http://rdfabout.com/quickintro.xpd Quick Intro to RDF]
* [http://rdfabout.com/intro/ RDF in Depth]
* [http://www.xulplanet.com/tutorials/mozsdk/rdfstart.php Introduction to the RDF Model]
* [http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/01/24/rdf.html What is RDF?]
* [http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/w-rdf/ An introduction to RDF]
* [http://www.xul.fr/en-xml-rdf.html RDF and XUL], with examples.
== وصلات خارجية ==
{{Commonscat|Resource Description Framework}}
;موارد وأخبار
* [http://planetrdf.com/guide/ Dave Beckett's RDF Resource Guide]
* [http://www.xul.fr/en-xml-rdf.html Resource Description Framework: According to W3C specifications and Mozilla's documentation]
* [http://xulplanet.com/tutorials/mozsdk/rdfsources.php RDF Datasources]: RDF datasources in [[Mozilla]]
* [http://www.fadyart.com/ontology.html The Finance Ontology] Semantic web application under construction.
;أدوات برمجية خاصة بإطار وصف الموارد
* [http://librdf.org/raptor/ Raptor RDF Parser Library]
* [http://esw.w3.org/topic/SemanticWebTools Listing of RDF and OWL tools at W3C wiki]
* [http://projects.semwebcentral.org/ SemWebCentral] Open Source semantic web tools
* [http://www.intellidimension.com/ Intellidimension] Semantic web software and tools for Windows, .NET/C# and SQL Server
* [http://www.xml.com/pub/rg/RDF_Software Listing of RDF software at xml.com]
* [http://rhodonite.angelite.nl Rhodonite]: [[freeware]] RDF editor and RDF browser with a [[drag-and-drop]] interface
* [http://sites.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/d2r-server/ D2R Server]: tool to publish relational databases as an RDF-graph
* [[Virtuoso Universal Server]]: a [[SPARQL]] compliant platform for RDF data management, SQL-RDF integration, and RDF based [[Linked Data]] deployment
* [http://rowlex.nc3a.nato.int ROWLEX]: .NET library and toolkit built to create and browse RDF documents easily. It abstracts away the level of RDF triples and elevates the level of the programming work to (OWL) classes and properties.
* [http://www.alchemyapi.com/api/entity/ldata.html AlchemyAPI]: web service API / SDK that converts unstructured text into RDF & Linked Data.
* The [http://www.mkbergman.com/new-version-sweet-tools-sem-web/ Sweet Tools] listing of 800+ RDF and -related tools, most open source, and sortable by category and language (among other facets).
* [http://www.strixDB.com/ StrixDB]: a RDF graph store, [[SPARQL]] compliant with [[Lua]] API and [[Datalog]] inference capabilities. Could be used as httpd ([[Apache HTTP Server]]) module or standalone.
* [http://www.gac-grid.org/project-products/Software/XML2RDF.html A Transformation from XML to RDF via XSLT] (an XML to RDF converter).
* [http://www.oroboro.net/ Oroboro]: a [[Java]] RDF processing framework with a compact API and [[Datalog]] query/inference support.
;مصادر بيانات حول إطار وصف الموارد
* [http://labs.systemone.at/wikipedia3 Wikipedia<sup>3</sup>]: System One's RDF conversion of the English Wikipedia, updated monthly
* [[DBpedia]]: a [http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData Linking Open Data Community Project] that exposes an every increasing collection of RDF based [[Linked Data]] sources
* [http://www.semantic-systems-biology.org Semantic Systems Biology]
{{وب دلالي}}
{{معاييرW3C }}
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