نقاش ويكيبيديا:تقارير قاعدة البيانات/المستخدمين حسب عدد إنشاء التحويلات

SELECT concat(actor_name), COUNT(*)
FROM revision r
INNER JOIN actor ON r.rev_actor = actor.actor_id
INNER JOIN page p on r.rev_page = p.page_id
WHERE p.page_namespace=0
and p.page_is_redirect=1
and r.rev_parent_id=0
and ucase (actor_name) not like ucase (_utf8"%BOT") COLLATE utf8_general_ci
and actor_name not like _utf8"بوت %" collate utf8_general_ci
and actor_name Not IN (SELECT user_name FROM user_groups INNER JOIN user ON user_id = ug_user WHERE ug_group = 'bot')
GROUP BY actor_name
having COUNT(*) > 1
LIMIT 500;
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