مستخدم:Mohammrd Habeb/كوانسوفت


معلومات عامة
موقع الويب
المنظومة الاقتصادية
Technical solutions

Quansoft [1]: a software company specialized in providing first-class accounting systems and technical solutions to companies of all sizes. Quansoft was founded in 2023 by a group of engineers and experts in the field of information and accounting technologies, and has extensive experience in developing computer programs.

Quansoft aims to provide innovative and effective technological solutions that fully meet the needs of companies.

Quansoft Services


- Acure Plus systems [2]: They are integrated accounting systems. These systems are easy to use and manage, and provide companies with the financial and statistical reports necessary to make decisions.

- Mobile applications :Quansoft develops mobile applications for Android and iOS, targeting companies and individuals.

- Customized programs: Quansoft provides a custom-made software development service, responding to the needs of companies that are not covered by existing programs on the market.

Quansoft vision


Quansoft seeks to be a leader in providing smart and effective technological solutions to companies in the region and the world, and to contribute to raising the level of productivity and innovation in the software market so Quansoft uses the latest technologies and tools to ensure software quality and security.

Quansoft Partners


Quansoft works closely with strategic partners from inside and outside the country.

Partner Activity Relationship
Microsoft A global technology leader, offering products and services such as Windows, Microsoft 365, Azure, Bing, and others. Quansoft partners with Microsoft to use its platforms and tools to develop its software and applications.
Nanosoft Technical Solutions A Yemeni company specializing in providing integrated technical solutions to companies and government institutions, including website design and development, administrative systems, and electronic marketing. Quansoft works with Nanosoft to implement joint projects and exchange experiences.


  1. ^ "أحدث الأنظمة المحاسبية | كوانسوفت". www.quansoft.dev. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2023-10-15.
  2. ^ "أنظمة أكيور بلس | كوانسوفت". www.quansoft.dev. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2023-10-15.

[[تصنيف:English American]]