
نموذج للمدرسة باليابان
صور الكتاتيب باليابان

Elementary schools in Japan

Shōgakkō (小学校) are elementary schools in Japan. More than 99% of Japanese elementary school-age children are enrolled in school. All children enter first grade at age six, and starting school is considered a very important event in a child's life.

Virtually all elementary education takes place in public schools; less than 1% of the schools are private. Private schools tended to be costly, although the rate of cost increases in tuition for these schools had slowed in the 1980s. Some private elementary schools are prestigious, and they serve as a first step to higher-level private schools with which they are affiliated, and thence to a university. Competition to enter some of these "ladder schools" is quite intense.

المدارس الابتدائية في اليابان[1]

  1. ^ د. شهاب فارس، ملامح التعليم في اليابان