
Sudan Organization for Peace and Development (SPDO)

SPDO Mission: Build capacities of vulnerable categories and support their right-based services to leave as dignified human with help of communities` own resources and efforts, and in collaboration with Donors and effective Networking.

Our Vision: To envisage a world where peace and prosperity prevails, equitable and sustainable development takes place, and dignities and human rights are respected and fully enjoyed.

Core Objective:

SPDO endeavor to provide categorized Humanitarian assistance and capacity building to the needy parallel with communities’ own efforts mobilization to achieve the desired sustainable development that ever guided with aspirations of leading decent lives.

Who we are: SPDO is a capacity building oriented National NGO which endeavors to eliminate poverty, unemployment and violent conflict and bring about lasting peace and sustainable development. Where we work: SPDO is registered in Khartoum and North Kordofan States (El-Obied ). Branch offices in Gadarif & Bule Nile States are under process.

What is SPDO: Sudan Peace and Development Organization (SPDO) is a Sudanese non-profitable voluntary community-based organization composed of community activists, community leaders, graduates and native administration members and technicians from all over Sudan areas and regions. SPDO established and registered with Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) in South and North Kordofan States in 2012 and Federal HAC since 2007. In addition to the ethical humanitarian interventions in the Three Areas (SK, BN & Abyie: 3As), SPDO is striving, in coordination with local partners/CBOs, to identify and address the western Kordofan citizens’ aspirations, build social peace and develop capacities. SPDO seeks and fund-raises funds sources and in-Kind support from both national and international levels to improve lives chances and Livelihoods of the communities, promote right-based services, mitigate conflicts and train the communities in: Primary Health Care (PHC) and general Health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS and STIs combat, Hygiene/Sanitation promotion and Reproductive health/parenting. SPDO services are also including the adoption of orphans and periodical/annual distribution of school-kits/bags to poor families in Sudan.

SPDO Fundamental Guiding principles & Ethics 1. Honesty 2. Transparency 3. Participatory approach 4. Professionalism 5. Social responsibility & commitment 6. Team work and constitutionalism 7. Freedom of creativity 8. Tolerance and selfishness

Organization information Name of organization: ___Sudan Peace and Development Organization (SPDO)____ Registered with HAC Khartoum state /registration number: M/16/18/2012 and HAC Federal in 2007/registration number: TNO:1333

Legal Status / registration number

Sudan- Khartoum city/Down town: Bantiala Building- office/flat number (404)

Tel: 0912621483/0914536337/0912473490/0926344936:

Fax: 00349185779627 Website: info@spedo.org www.spedo.org

Legal address

Contact persons Name and Title/Position - Contact Person 1 Phone, fax, e-mail

Osama El-Tegani Hassan/ General Director Tel: 0912621483/0123599051


Name and Title/Position - Contact Person 2 Phone, fax, e-mail Mohamed El-Mukhtar/projects coordinator Tel: 0129709568 muksafi@yahoo.com mmuksafi@gmail.com

Bank details

Name of Account Holder: Sudan Peace and Development Organization Bank Name: El-Shamal Islamic Bank Branch Name: Burg Branch/Khartoum Account Number: 13584 (allowed to receive in both currency, SDG & USD) Address of Bank: Khartoum-Said Abdulrahman street/near former Ivory Bank Country: Sudan

SPDO Objectives:

1. Support peace building and Human rights 2. Support and rehab war torn areas and communities 3. Build Livelihood skills and distribute income generation tools 4. Build and Rehab basic services infrastructures` facilities 5. Promote scientific copying mechanisms researches and usage of friendly creative technologies 6. Adoption and foster of orphans 7. Respond to the environmental challenges 8. Initiate partnership with national and international organizations encourage skills and experiences exchange

What do we do? 1. Build peace and prevent conflicts. 2. Conduct peace building workshops, seminars, forums and cultural events. 3. Support Livelihoods of war torn communities and provide peace dividends 4. Build capacities of native administrative leaders and youth & women to be conflict sensitive (mediate, mitigate conflicts and skillful lead peace dialogues and initiatives).

SPDO Implementation strategy: SDPO strategically adopts participatory approach in all phases of implementation and in constructive coordination with targeted communities, local authorities and Donors to respond to emergency interventions and further build basic services and skills.

What do we do To: Promote Health?

Conduct assessments and respond to urgent health issues by provision of  medical support aided with organizing of awareness  workshops in  Primary Health Care (PHC) and general Health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS and STIs combat, Hygiene/Sanitation promotion and Reproductive health/parenting. To achieve sustainability, SPDO opts to construct or rehab existing health facilities (PHCUs & Rural hospitals) and provide medical equipments and materials.  

To Social-care for others:

1. Conduct social assessments to identify vulnerable categories with intention to support orphans, traumatized and disabled. 2. Fund raising to support schools children through the “school kit” or “school bag” and school feeding programs in IDPs inhabited areas. 3. Support women House Holds with income generation tools and trainings.

To Promote Education: 1. Construct and rehab basic schools and provide seating in areas of IDPs and other impoverished communities. 2. Encourage girls schooling through construction of gender separate schools and raise awareness of conservative girls` fathers. 3. Support illiteracy programs 4. Promote usage of Solar system/units to sustain power supply in remote basic schools

Provide Water & sanitation component

1. Assess, identify and prioritize areas of water supply needs. 2. Construct and install water yards and encourage establishment community water management committees 3. Conduct watsan workshops and hygiene campaigns. 4. Construct schools and house hold pit latrines accompanied with hygiene and sanitation campaigns.

Maintain Training and capacity building program:

SPDO continues to build it`s own staff on-job skills in organizational management module. Partners’ capacity building is also extended to reach community active entities and members, COBs/NGOs partner staff.

Management Background

Number of staff currently employed (list positions as well): 1. Osama El-tegani : General Director 2. Mohamed Mukhtar/ Projects Coordinator/consultant 3. Maleha Ibrahim: Cap building and Gender officer. 4. Reem Sami/ Health & watsan officer 5. Fatima Hamouda: Admin/Finance officer 6. Faiza Ahmed Fallata/ Construction Engineer 7. Mohamed Haroun / Senior project Assistant 8. Mugtaba Mohamed / Logistic/pro officer. 9. El-Sir Ibrahim/log/Pro assistant Staff training opportunities: 1. In coordination with Ahfad University, SPDO organizes annual trainings sessions for SPDO staff in management and projects administration issues, specifically in peace building and gender issues. 2. In collaboration with Near East Foundation, SPDO has jointly trained it’s staff in Projects design and fund raising, HIV AIDS, FBGV..tec 3. In coordination with Smart Choice Training Centre (Khartoum), SPDO has it`s staff trained in Reporting, meetings management and funding management. 4. In partnership with (Sudan Council for Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA), a training courses were attended in relation to peace building and conflict prevention. 5. Conflict mitigation/prevention (Peace-building) workshops with IOM/UNDP.

Annual Budget: 1000, 674 SDG Annual Expenditures: 1000,674 SDG

Biggest project ever administered

Project name: Support to health and social peace Donor: Group of National medical companies and El-Shmal Bank Duration: One moth Budget: 500,000 SDG

Overall description of activities Achievements To support health awareness and facilities in Dalgo locality of Northern state, which witnessed server epidemic and lack of health care/services, SPDO in coordination state and Federal ministry of health and support of 14 Sudanese doctors covered 11 villages and trained “awareness rising” (the Villages Development Committees) in community health, fund raising and aspects/requirements for voluntary work..ect. This project is funded by some national medical companies based in Khartoum in addition to El-Shamal Bank whose fund was advocated and liaised for by SPDO staff as part of SPDO efforts/strategies for community development. 11 Primary Health Care Units (PHCU) were supported with basic drugs and medical equipments and rehabbed. 11 VDCs were trained in development committees best management practices, networking, coordination with other CBOs and NGOs…etc. the 11 established and trained committees are now active and handling other developmental issues such as education, gender issues and Livelihood.

Some implemented projects/activities:

Name of Project Concise description activities Budget Year Donor 1. IDPs support with Hygiene sanitation Camping in Khartoum north. To provide hygienic environment at wake of out break of serious diseases and illnesses. 400, 000 SDG 2009 SPDO/SRC 2.

Abyie Peace convoy Support the recently arrived IDPs and other communities in Abyie Area to establish resettlement and recovery. 500,000 SDG 2008 SPDO/ Sudani Telecommunication Company 3. Peace building and conflict prevention workshop In 2010 at Umradim village in North Kordofan state (Gebaish locality), SPDO has organized A conflict prevention workshop for Darfour IDPs who feed civil war in Darfour and seek refuge in North Kordofan state. The conflict is prevented through this workshop and water facility (water yard) 330, 000 SDG 2010 SPDO/Sugya charity Organization

SPDO fields of focus: Peace building, conflict prevention and Human rights Vulnerable and war torn areas affected community, particularly women and children Construction and Rehab of basic services facilities

SPDO Projects` current status (pending, open or approved):

sn Project title Requested fund Donor Location Beneficiaries` Need Proposed starting date Remarks 1 Conflict mitigation and Peace dividends for South Kordofan Youth 50,000 USD IOM/UNDP South Kordofan Technical trainings for 100 youth (male/female) August 2012 Approved 2 Promote Girls Education by providing conducive learning environment 111.978 USD The Japanese (GGRHSP) Northern state 900 basic school girls students September 2012 Under process Children have Right to Better and Conducive Leaning Environment 86,696 USD (GGRHSP) Northern state 700 basic school male students September 2012 Under process 3 Life-saving Medical Support for Mafaza Rural Hospital of Gadaref State. 75,729 USD (GGRHSP) Gadarif state 15,000 community members August 2012 Pending Critical support for Girls education in Gadaref state Doka village 130,665 USD (GGRHSP) Gadarif state 650 basic school girls students August 2012 Pending 4 Support to Lagawa Locality General Hospital

87,780 USD OCHA Western Kordofan region 30,000 community members Open Pending Safe Motherhood and hygienic Babanousa Town General Hospital Joined proposal 500,000 USD WHO Western Kordofan region 40,000 community members Open Pending (to be jointly implemented with Muzan Org in Babanousa) 5 Reproductive Health Awareness raising and Open Medical Day for Saliheen Community in Khartoum state/Um-Durman rural 5, 800 USD Swiss Embassy in Khartoum Khartoum state 13,000 community members Successfully Evaluated in June 2012 Rejected for geographical coverage reasons 6

Technical Partnership/agreements with National NGOs/CBOs:

1. Muzan Org for Peace building and Development/ South Kordofan. 2. Gender and Peace Building Centre/South Kordofan. 3. Kurgay Org/ Khartoum & South Kordofan. 4. Giasan Org for Development/ Blue Nile. 5. Sudanese Council for Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA). 6. National Council for Drugs Combat. 7. The Sudanese Inventors Association.

Government technical agreements:

1. Ministry of Health 2. Ministry of Education 3. Ministry of Social Welfare all at Federal levels in Khartoum.