مستخدم:Chaos/قائمة مواضيع البيولوجيا التطورية


محتويات: أعلى - 0-9 | ا | ب | ت | ث | ج | ح | خ | د | ذ | ر | ز | س | ش | ص | ض | ط | ظ | ع | غ | ف | ق | ك | ل | م | ن | ه | و | ي


abiogenesis - adaptation - allele - allele frequency - altruism - artificial selection - atavism

Chi square test - clade - cladistics - coefficient of relationship - common descent - convergent evolution

Charles Darwin - Richard Dawkins - Theodosius Dobzhansky

ecological selection - endosymbiosis - Error threshold (evolution) - evolution - evolution of sex - evolutionary developmental biology - evolutionary psychology - evolutionary stable strategy - evolutionary tree - experimental evolution - extinction

Joe Felsenstein - R.A. Fisher - Fisher's reproductive value - fitness - fitness landscape - E.B. Ford - fossil

gene - gene-centric view of evolution - gene duplication - gene flow - gene pool - genetic drift - genotype - genotype-phenotype distinction - Stephen Jay Gould - gradualism - group selection

J. B. S. Haldane - W. D. Hamilton - Hardy-Weinberg principle - heredity - human evolution - human evolutionary genetics

inclusive fitness

kin selection - Motoo Kimura

Language - Richard Lewontin - list of gene families - life-history theory - Wen-Hsiung Li

macroevolution - macromutation - The Major Transitions in Evolution - mating systems - John Maynard Smith - Ernst Mayr - Gregor Mendel - microevolution - modern evolutionary synthesis - molecular clock - molecular evolution - molecular phylogeny - molecular systematics - Monogamy - هرمان مولر - Muller's ratchet - evolution of music - mutation - mutational meltdown

natural selection - neutral theory of molecular evolution

Susumu Ohno - Aleksandr Oparin

parallel evolution - paraphyletic -peppered moth - phenotype - phylogenetics - phylogeny - phylogenetic tree - population - population dynamics - population genetics - George R. Price - Price equation - punctuated equilibrium

quasispecies model

Red Queen - recombination

selection - Science of Evolution - sexual selection - sociobiology - species - speciation - sperm competition - symbiogenesis

timeline of evolution - Trait (biological) - transposon

Unit of selection

virus evolution

Alfred Russel Wallace - George C. Williams - Edward O. Wilson - Sewall Wright