مستخدم:Bader muhammad 11/ملعب

t was during his campaign for the United States Senate that he first made a speech that received nationwide attention; he gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. and stated "there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America". Obama began to run for president just three years after that speech. In response to a

political controversy involving race during the primary campaign, he delivered his "A More Perfect Union" speech, which was widely seen as a critical point in the campaign.

كان ذلك خلال حملتته [1] في مجلس لشيوخ الأمريكي حينما القى خطابة الاول والذي لقي اهتمام كبير حيث تظرق إلى امور اساسية[1]

شروظ الحج

  1. الاسلام
  2. البلوغ
  3. القدرة


  1. ^ https://www.google.com.sa/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=iv5oU9jtPKuZ1AWGv4CQBQ&safe=on