سمعان القوريني: الفرق بين النسختين

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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
سطر 93:
النص الغريب عن السياق المسيحي المعروف في كتاب الرسالة الثانية لسيت الكبير (أحد كتب الأبوكريفا التي ظهرت طبقا لطائفة الغنوسيين) يقول بأن الذي صُلب هو سمعان وان المسيح لم يُصلب ولكن شُبه لهم ذلك.<br />
الأمر لم يقتصر فقط على كتاب ست الكبير ولكن نجد أيضاً إشارات في كتب اخرىأخرى وعقائد طوائف هرطوقية في القرون الاولىالأولى تعتقد أن المسيح لم يُصلب وأنه شُيه لهم صلبه. كما ينقل لنا <ref>“A Dictionary of Christian Biography andLiterature to the End of the Sixth CenturyA.D., with an Account of the Principal Sectsand Heresies. By Henry Wace</ref>
According to BASILIDES, as reported by Irenaeus (i. 24), Christ or Nous is not distinguished from Jesus, but is said to be an incorporeal power, who transfigured Himself as He willed; that He appeared on earth as man and worked miracles, but that He did not suffer; that it was Simon of Cyrene, who, being transfigured into the form of Jesus, was crucified, while Jesus Himself, in the form of Simon standing by, laughed at His persecutors, and then, incapable of being held by them, ascended up to Him Who had sent Him, invisible to them all. The Docetism here described is strenuously combated in the Ignatian Epistles in their Greek form, esp. in ad Trall. 9, 10, and ad Smyrn. 2.<br />
In these the writer emphasises the statements that our Lord was truly born, did eat and drink, was truly persecuted under Pontius Pilate, was truly crucified, and truly rose from the dead; and he expressly declares that these statements were made in contradiction of the doctrine of certain unbelievers, or rather atheists, who asserted His sufferings to be but seeming. This polemic is absent from the Syriac Ignatius, and an argument has hence been derived against the genuineness of the Greek form. But in order to make the argument valid, there ought to be proof that the rise of Docetism was probably later than the age of Ignatius, whereas the probability seems to be quite the other way. <br />
سطر 113:
[[تصنيف:شخصيات الأناجيل الكنسية]]
[[تصنيف:قديسون ليبيون]]
[[تصنيف:قديسون مسيحيون من العهد الجديد]]
[[تصنيف:قديسون مسيحيون]]
[[تصنيف:قديسون مسيحيون من العهد الجديد]]
[[تصنيف:قديسون من الأراضي المقدسة]]