تصوير طبي بأشعة غاما: الفرق بين النسختين

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أنشأ الصفحة ب'{{يحرر}} '''تصوير طبي بأشعة جاما''' في الطب (بالإنجليزية: Single photon emission computed tomography أو SPECT,) في الطب ...'
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سطر 2:
'''تصوير طبي بأشعة جاما''' في [[الطب]] (بالإنجليزية: Single photon emission computed tomography أو SPECT,) في الطب النووي للكشف وتشخيص الأورام .
<ref>{{MeshName|SPECT}}</ref> بطريقة التصوير بواسطة [[أشعة جاما]]. وميزة هذه الطريقة هي إعطائها صورا مجسمة . وتتكون تلك المعلومات عن طريق تصوير مقاطع من المريض ، ويمكن تدوير الصورة الناتجة بعد ضم صور المقاطع أو الشرائح بالحاسوب لاظهار الصورة من جوانب مختلفة على شاشة الحاسوب.
imaging technique using [[gamma rays]]. It is very similar to conventional nuclear medicine planar imaging using a [[gamma camera]]. However, it is able to provide true 3D information. This information is typically presented as cross-sectional slices through the patient, but can be freely reformatted or manipulated as required.
The basic technique requires injection of a gamma-emitting [[radioisotope]] called [[radionuclide]]) into the bloodstream of the patient. Occasionally the radioisotope is a simple soluble dissolved ion, such as a radioisotope of gallium(III), which happens to also have chemical properties which allow it to be concentrated in ways of medical interest for disease detection. However, most of the time in SPECT, a marker radioisotope, which is of interest only for its radioactive properties, has been attached to a special [[radioligand]], which is of interest for its chemical binding properties to certain types of tissues. This marriage allows the combination of ligand and radioisotope (the [[radiopharmaceutical]]) to be carried and bound to a place of interest in the body, which then (due to the gamma-emission of the isotope) allows the ligand concentration to be seen by a gamma-camera.