كلارنس توماس: الفرق بين النسختين

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سطر 44:
'''كلارنس توماس''' {{إنج|Clarence Thomas}} (و. [[1948]] – [[تقويم ميلادي|م]]) هو [[قاضي|قاض]]، [[محامي|محام]] من [[الولايات المتحدة|الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية]] و أحد القضاة التسعة في [[المحكمة العليا للولايات المتحدة]]. توماس هو ثاني قاضٍ أسود في تاريخ المحكمة العليا بعد [[ثورغود مارشال]]. يعتبر توماس أكثر القضاة التسعة [[سياسة محافظة|محافظةً]].<ref>[https://www.cbsnews.com/news/clarence-thomas-the-justice-nobody-knows/ Clarence Thomas: The Justice Nobody Knows - CBS News<!-- عنوان مولد بالبوت -->] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180801155156/https://www.cbsnews.com/news/clarence-thomas-the-justice-nobody-knows/ |date=01 أغسطس 2018}}</ref>
تم تعيين توماس في عام 1991 بعد أن رشحه الرئيس [[جورج بوش الأب]] للمنصب و عينه [[مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي|مجلس الشيوخ الأميركي]] بتصويت 52 إلى 48. تضمنت جلسات الاستماع في مجلس الشيوخ بخصوص تعيين توماس باتهامات زميلة له في العمل، [[أنيتا هيل]]، ب[[تحرش جنسي|التحرش الجنسي]]،<ref>[https://www.nytimes.com/1991/10/12/us/the-thomas-nomination-excerpts-from-senate-s-hearings-on-the-thomas-nomination.html?pagewanted=12 "The Thomas Nomination; Excerpts From Senate's Hearings on the Thomas Nomination"], ''[[نيويورك تايمز]]'' (1991-10-12):<br />"In my opinion, based on my reading of the law, yes, it was [sexual harassment]. But later on, immediately following that response, I noted to the press that I did not raise a claim of sexual harassment in this complaint. It seems to me that the behavior has to be evaluated on its own with regard to the fitness of this individual to act as an Associate Justice. It seems to me that even if it does not rise to the level of sexual harassment, it is behavior that is unbefitting an individual who will be a member of the Court." {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180814213225/https://www.nytimes.com/1991/10/12/us/the-thomas-nomination-excerpts-from-senate-s-hearings-on-the-thomas-nomination.html?pagewanted=12 |date=14 أغسطس 2018}}</ref><ref>[[Rita Braver|Braver, Rita]]. [httphttps://www.cbsnews.com/stories/1999/03/18/sunday/main39413.shtml "Inappropriate Conduct"], CBS News (1999): “Hill herself did not accuse Thomas of outright harassment, but did say that he had made unwelcome advances toward her and used language that embarrassed her." {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121102093610/http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/1999/03/18/sunday/main39413.shtml |date=02 نوفمبر 2012}}</ref><ref>[[Katha Pollitt|Pollitt, Katha]]. ''Subject to Debate: Sense and Dissents on Women, Politics, and Culture'', page 161 (2001): "The question Hill's testimony placed before us was not whether Thomas was guilty of a legally actionable offense (she herself was unsure if his behavior added up to sexual harassment) but whether he belonged on the Supreme Court."</ref><ref>Travis, Carol. [https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=3LkMAAAAIBAJ&sjid=pl4DAAAAIBAJ&pg=5188,197950&dq=anita-hill+and+clarence-thomas+and+sexual-harassment+and+legal-sense&hl=en "Casting Simple Louts as Lawbreakers"], ''[[تامبا باي تاميز]]'' (June 11, 1997): "Although Thomas was never accused of illegal behavior – merely of behavior thought unseemly in a Supreme Court nominee – in the public mind the case conflated obnoxious actions with illegal harassment." {{وصلة مكسورة|تاريخ= مايو 2019 |bot=JarBot}} {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200406153154/https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=3LkMAAAAIBAJ&sjid=pl4DAAAAIBAJ&pg=5188,197950&dq=anita-hill+and+clarence-thomas+and+sexual-harassment+and+legal-sense&hl=en |date=6 أبريل 2020}}</ref><ref>[https://www.nytimes.com/1991/10/12/us/the-thomas-nomination-excerpts-from-senate-s-hearings-on-the-thomas-nomination.html?pagewanted=12 "The Thomas Nomination; Excerpts From Senate's Hearings on the Thomas Nomination"], ''[[نيويورك تايمز]]'' (October 12, 1991). {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180814213225/https://www.nytimes.com/1991/10/12/us/the-thomas-nomination-excerpts-from-senate-s-hearings-on-the-thomas-nomination.html?pagewanted=12 |date=14 أغسطس 2018}}</ref> إذ اتهمته هيل بأنه تحرش بها أثناء عمله معها في الماضي. حضر جلسات الاستماع هذه نائب الرئيس الأمريكي المستقبلي، آنذاك عضو مجلس الشيوخ الأميركي السيناتور [[جو بايدن]]<ref name="cato institute">{{استشهاد بخبر | عنوان = Joe Biden and Limited Government | مؤلف = [[ديفيد بواز]] | ناشر = [[معهد كاتو]] | تاريخ = August 24, 2008 | مسار = httphttps://www.cato-at-liberty.org/2008/08/24/joe-biden-and-limited-government/ | تاريخ الوصول = October 26, 2008| مسار أرشيف = https://web.archive.org/web/20100710012442/http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/2008/08/24/joe-biden-and-limited-government/ | تاريخ أرشيف = 10 يوليو 2010 }}</ref> و الرئيس المؤقت المستقبلي لمجلس الشيوخ السيناتور [[أورين هاتش غرانت|أورين هاتش]]<ref>[http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new-yitna?id=UsaThom&images=images/modeng&data=/lv6/workspace/yitna&tag=public&part=25 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court], ''Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library'', October 12, 1991. {{وصلة مكسورة|تاريخ= مايو 2019 |bot=JarBot}} {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200406153159/https://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new-yitna?id=UsaThom&images=images/modeng&data=/lv6/workspace/yitna&tag=public&part=25 |date=6 أبريل 2020}}</ref> و غيرهما من أعضاء مجلس الشيوخ.
== التعليم ==