وضع موسيقي: الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:صيانة V4.1، أزال وسم يتيمة
JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:إصلاح تحويلات القوالب
سطر 15:
\override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\relative c' {
\clef treble
\time 7/4 c4^\markup { Dorian mode, II, on C دو في الدوري الوضع} d es f g a bes c
} }
سطر 25:
\key c \phrygian
\relative c' {
\clef treble
\time 7/4 c4^\markup { Phrygian mode, III, on C دو في الفريجي الوضع} des es f g aes bes c
} }
سطر 35:
\key c \lydian
\relative c' {
\clef treble
\time 7/4 c4^\markup { Lydian mode, IV, on C دو في الليدي الوضع} d e fis g a b c
} }
سطر 45:
\key c \mixolydian
\relative c' {
\clef treble
\time 7/4 c4^\markup { Mixolydian mode, V, on C دو في الميكسوليدي الوضع} d e f g a bes c
} }
سطر 55:
\key c \aeolian
\relative c' {
\clef treble
\time 7/4 c4^\markup { Aeolian mode, VI, on C دو في الأيولي الوضع} d es f g aes bes c
} }
سطر 65:
\key c \locrian
\relative c' {
\clef treble
\time 7/4 c4^\markup { Locrian mode, VII, on C دو في اللوكري الوضع} des es f ges aes bes c
} }
</score>|width=300|caption=الأوضاع الحديثة (دياتونية) على دو}}
سطر 72:
== المزيد من القراءة ==
* Brent, Jeff, with Schell Barkley (2011). ''Modalogy: Scales, Modes & Chords: The Primordial Building Blocks of Music''. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard Corporation. {{ISBNردمك|978-1-4584-1397-0}}
* <!-- {{wikicite|ref={{SfnRef|Chalmers|1993}}|reference= -->Chalmers, John H. (1993). ''[http://eamusic.dartmouth.edu/~larry/published_articles/divisions_of_the_tetrachord/index.html Divisions of the Tetrachord / Peri ton tou tetrakhordou katatomon / Sectiones tetrachordi: A Prolegomenon to the Construction of Musical Scales]'', edited by Larry Polansky and Carter Scholz, foreword by Lou Harrison. Hanover, New Hampshire: Frog Peak Music. {{ISBNردمك|0-945996-04-7}}.<!-- }} -->
* [[Karl Gustav Fellerer|Fellerer, Karl Gustav]] (1982). "Kirchenmusikalische Reformbestrebungen um 1800". ''Analecta Musicologica: Veröffentlichungen der Musikgeschichtlichen Abteilung des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom'' 21:393–408.
* [[دونالد جاي غروت]], [[Claude V. Palisca]], and [[J. Peter Burkholder]] (2006). ''A History of Western Music''. New York: W. W. Norton. 7th edition. {{ISBNردمك|0-393-97991-1}}.
* <!-- {{wikicite|ref={{SfnRef|Jowett|1937}}|reference= -->Jowett, Benjamin (1937). ''The Dialogues of Plato'', translated by Benjamin Jowett, third edition, 2 vols. New York: Random House. {{OCLC|2582139}}<!-- }} -->
* <!-- {{wikicite|ref={{SfnRef|Jowett|1943}}|reference= -->Jowett, Benjamin (1943). ''Aristotle's Politics'', translated by Benjamin Jowett. New York: Modern Library.<!-- }} -->
* Judd, Cristle (ed) (1998). ''Tonal Structures in Early Music: Criticism and Analysis of Early Music'', 1st ed. New York: Garland. {{ISBNردمك|0-8153-2388-3}}.
* Levine, Mark (1989). ''The Jazz Piano Book.'' Petaluma, California: Sher Music Co. {{ISBNردمك|0-9614701-5-1}}.
* Lonnendonker, Hans. 1980. "Deutsch-französische Beziehungen in Choralfragen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des gregorianischen Chorals in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts". In ''Ut mens concordet voci: Festschrift Eugène Cardine zum 75. Geburtstag'', edited by Johannes Berchmans Göschl, 280–95. St. Ottilien: EOS-Verlag. {{ISBNردمك|3-88096-100-X}}
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* McAlpine, Fiona (2004). "Beginnings and Endings: Defining the Mode in a Medieval Chant". ''Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae'' 45, nos. 1 & 2 (17th International Congress of the International Musicological Society IMS Study Group Cantus Planus): 165–77.
* {{وإو|Nicolas Meeùs|fr|Nicolas Meeùs (musicologue)|lt=Meeùs, Nicolas}} (1997). "Mode et système. Conceptions ancienne et moderne de la modalité". ''Musurgia'' 4, no. 3:67–80.
* Meeùs, Nicolas (2000). "Fonctions modales et qualités systémiques". ''Musicae Scientiae, Forum de discussion'' 1:55–63.
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* Meier, Bernhard (1988). ''The Modes of Classical Vocal Polyphony: Described According to the Sources,'' translated from the German by Ellen S. Beebe, with revisions by the author. New York: Broude Brothers. {{ISBNردمك|978-0-8450-7025-3}}
* Meier, Bernhard (1992). ''Alte Tonarten: dargestellt an der Instrumentalmusik des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts.'' Kassel
* Miller, Ron (1996). ''Modal Jazz Composition and Harmony'', Vol. 1. Rottenburg, Germany: Advance Music. {{OCLC|43460635}}
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* Powers, Harold (1998). "From Psalmody to Tonality". In ''Tonal Structures in Early Music'', edited by Cristle Collins Judd, 275–340. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities 1998; Criticism and Analysis of Early Music 1. New York: Garland Publishing. {{ISBNردمك|0-8153-2388-3}}.
* Ruff, Anthony, and Raphael Molitor (2008). "[http://search.proquest.com/openview/2aa97cf551ae17d9/1.pdf?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=199 Beyond Medici: The Struggle for Progress in Chant]". ''Sacred Music'' 135, no. 2 (Summer): 26–44.
* Scharnagl, August (1994). "[[Carl Proske]] (1794–1861)". In ''Musica divina: Ausstellung zum 400. Todesjahr von Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina und Orlando di Lasso und zum 200. Geburtsjahr von Carl Proske. Ausstellung in der Bischöflichen Zentralbibliothek Regensburg, 4. November 1994 bis 3. Februar 1995'', Bischöfliches Zentralarchiv und Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek Regensburg: Kataloge und Schriften, no. 11, edited by Paul Mai, 12–52. Regensburg: Schnell und Steiner, 1994.
سطر 99:
* Vieru, Anatol (1992). "[https://www.jstor.org/stable/3090632 Generating Modal Sequences (A Remote Approach to Minimal Music)]". ''[[Perspectives of New Music]]'' 30, no. 2 (Summer): 178–200.
* [[جون فنسنت (ملحن)]] (1974). ''The Diatonic Modes in Modern Music'', revised edition. Hollywood: Curlew Music. {{OCLC|249898056}}
* Wiering, Frans (1998). "Internal and External Views of the Modes". In ''Tonal Structures in Early Music'', edited by Cristle Collins Judd, 87–107. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities 1998; Criticism and Analysis of Early Music 1. New York: Garland Publishing. {{ISBNردمك|0-8153-2388-3}}.
== وصلات خارجية ==
* [http://robsilverguitars.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/modes-summary-all-modes-mapped-out-for.html جميع الأوضاع الموسيقية موطنة في جميع الوضعيات على غيتار 6 و 7 و 8 أوتار]