عليكرة: الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
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سطر 2:
'''عليكره''' ([[لغة هندية|بالهندية]]: अलीगढ़) هي مدينة من مدن [[الهند]]. يبلغ عدد سكانها 1,274,408 36,84,818 نسمة حسب إحصائيات سنة [[2015]]. يبلغ ارتفاع المدينة عن سطح البحر قرابة 178 متر.
== المناخ ==
يظهر الجدول التالي التغييرات المناخية على مدار السنة لعليكره:
{{بيانات منطقة مناخية
| location = عليكره
|metric first= yes
|single line= yes
|temperature colour =
|Jan record high C = 30.7
|Feb record high C = 33.3
|Mar record high C = 41.7
|Apr record high C = 44.8
|May record high C = 47.5
|Jun record high C = 46.7
|Jul record high C = 44.5
|Aug record high C = 42.1
|Sep record high C = 40.2
|Oct record high C = 41.7
|Nov record high C = 36.1
|Dec record high C = 32.8
|year record high C = 47.5
|Jan high C = 20.6
|Feb high C = 23.6
|Mar high C = 30.0
|Apr high C = 36.8
|May high C = 40.1
|Jun high C = 39.3
|Jul high C = 34.6
|Aug high C = 33.2
|Sep high C = 33.8
|Oct high C = 33.0
|Nov high C = 28.3
|Dec high C = 22.5
|year high C = 31.3
|Jan low C = 7.4
|Feb low C = 9.5
|Mar low C = 14.1
|Apr low C = 20.1
|May low C = 24.5
|Jun low C = 26.6
|Jul low C = 26.0
|Aug low C = 25.4
|Sep low C = 23.8
|Oct low C = 18.8
|Nov low C = 12.9
|Dec low C = 8.5
|year low C = 18.1
|Jan record low C = 0.0
|Feb record low C = 1.7
|Mar record low C = 3.9
|Apr record low C = 10.9
|May record low C = 15.5
|Jun record low C = 18.6
|Jul record low C = 19.9
|Aug record low C = 19.9
|Sep record low C = 14.8
|Oct record low C = 11.0
|Nov record low C = 2.9
|Dec record low C = 1.2
|year record low C = 0.0
|precipitation colour = green
|Jan precipitation mm = 15.2
|Feb precipitation mm = 13.9
|Mar precipitation mm = 8.5
|Apr precipitation mm = 8.8
|May precipitation mm = 21.0
|Jun precipitation mm = 68.5
|Jul precipitation mm = 217.7
|Aug precipitation mm = 247.4
|Sep precipitation mm = 104.1
|Oct precipitation mm = 31.4
|Nov precipitation mm = 4.2
|Dec precipitation mm = 11.0
|year precipitation mm = 751.8
|Jan rain days = 1.5
|Feb rain days = 1.4
|Mar rain days = 1.0
|Apr rain days = 0.9
|May rain days = 2.2
|Jun rain days = 4.1
|Jul rain days = 10.2
|Aug rain days = 11.6
|Sep rain days = 5.2
|Oct rain days = 1.4
|Nov rain days = 0.5
|Dec rain days = 0.8
|year rain days = 40.7
|source 1 = India Meteorological Department (record high and low up to 2010)<ref name= IMD >
{{cite web
| url = http://www.imd.gov.in/section/climate/extreme/aligarh2.htm
| title = Aligarh Climatological Table Period: 1971–2000
| publisher = [[India Meteorological Department]]
| accessdate = 15 April 2015
| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20150416053035/http://www.imd.gov.in/section/climate/extreme/aligarh2.htm
| archive-date = 16 April 2015
| url-status = live
| df = dmy-all
</ref><ref name=IMD2>{{cite web
|title=Ever recorded Maximum and minimum temperatures up to 2010
|publisher=India Meteorological Department
|accessdate=15 April 2015
|archivedate=21 May 2013
|date= June 2012
== أعلام ==