وودلاند هيلز (كاليفورنيا): الفرق بين النسختين

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سطر 66:
'''وودلاند هيلز''' ([[لغة إنجليزية|بالإنجليزية]]:Woodland Hills)، تقع وودلاند هيلز على حدود [[جبال سانتا مونيكا]] في منطقة [[وادي سان فيرناندو]] بمدينة [[لوس أنجلوس]] الأمريكية.<ref name=MappingSanFernandoValley>[http://maps.latimes.com/neighborhoods/neighborhood/woodland-hills/] "Mapping L.A.," San Fernando Valley {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180909143258/http://maps.latimes.com/neighborhoods/neighborhood/woodland-hills/ |date=09 سبتمبر 2018}}</ref><ref>{{استشهاد بخبر|مسار=https://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/discoveries/2006-03-03-prehistoric-mill_x.htm |عنوان=article |ناشر=Usatoday.com |تاريخ=March 4, 2006 |تاريخ الوصول=October 3, 2011| مسار أرشيف = https://web.archive.org/web/20120314041733/http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/discoveries/2006-03-03-prehistoric-mill_x.htm | تاريخ أرشيف = 14 مارس 2012 }}</ref><ref>[http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/states/california/northern_california/14007712.htm Mercury News article] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060313151831/http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/states/california/northern_california/14007712.htm |date=13 مارس 2006}}</ref><ref>Roderick, Kevin, ''The San Fernando Valley: America's Suburb'', Los Angeles Times Books, 2001, {{ISBN|1-883792-55-X}}. pp. 20–4</ref><ref name=Pitt>Leonard Pitt and Dale Pitt, "Woodland Hills," ''Los Angeles A to Z,'' University of California Press (1997) {{ISBN|0520202740}}, page 556]</ref><ref>{{مرجع ويب|مسار=http://supreme.justia.com/us/180/72/case.html |عنوان=Thompson v. Los Angeles Farming & Milling Co.'&#39;, U.S. Supreme Court, 180 U.S. 72 (1901) |ناشر=Supreme.justia.com |تاريخ=September 19, 2011 |تاريخ الوصول=October 3, 2011| مسار أرشيف = https://web.archive.org/web/20090628140618/http://supreme.justia.com:80/us/180/72/case.html | تاريخ أرشيف = 28 يونيو 2009 }}</ref>
== المناخ ==
يظهر الجدول التالي التغييرات المناخية على مدار السنة لوودلاند هيلز، كاليفورنيا:
{{بيانات منطقة مناخية
| location = وودلاند هيلز، كاليفورنيا
|single line = Y
|Jan record high F=95
|Feb record high F=94
|Mar record high F=102
|Apr record high F=106
|May record high F=113
|Jun record high F=114
|Jul record high F=119
|Aug record high F=117
|Sep record high F=116
|Oct record high F=111
|Nov record high F=101
|Dec record high F=96
|year record high F=119
|Jan high F = 68.9
|Feb high F = 69.6
|Mar high F = 73.4
|Apr high F = 77.8
|May high F = 82.5
|Jun high F = 88.4
|Jul high F = 95.1
|Aug high F = 96.7
|Sep high F = 92.7
|Oct high F = 83.8
|Nov high F = 75.0
|Dec high F = 68.4
|year high F = 81.1
|Jan mean F = 54.2
|Feb mean F = 55.2
|Mar mean F = 57.8
|Apr mean F = 61.4
|May mean F = 65.9
|Jun mean F = 70.7
|Jul mean F = 76.1
|Aug mean F = 76.9
|Sep mean F = 73.9
|Oct mean F = 66.6
|Nov mean F = 58.7
|Dec mean F = 53.4
|year mean F = 64.3
|Jan low F = 39.4
|Feb low F = 40.9
|Mar low F = 42.2
|Apr low F = 44.9
|May low F = 49.4
|Jun low F = 53.0
|Jul low F = 57.1
|Aug low F = 57.1
|Sep low F = 55.0
|Oct low F = 49.4
|Nov low F = 42.5
|Dec low F = 38.4
|year low F = 47.5
|Jan record low F=20
|Feb record low F=20
|Mar record low F=27
|Apr record low F=31
|May record low F=34
|Jun record low F=38
|Jul record low F=47
|Aug record low F=45
|Sep record low F=38
|Oct record low F=30
|Nov record low F=25
|Dec record low F=21
|year record low F=20
|precipitation colour = green
|Jan precipitation inch = 3.62
|Feb precipitation inch = 4.65
|Mar precipitation inch = 2.86
|Apr precipitation inch = 1.02
|May precipitation inch = 0.31
|Jun precipitation inch = 0.07
|Jul precipitation inch = 0.02
|Aug precipitation inch = 0.05
|Sep precipitation inch = 0.14
|Oct precipitation inch = 0.93
|Nov precipitation inch = 1.34
|Dec precipitation inch = 2.76
|year precipitation inch=17.77
|source 1 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?ca1484 |title=Woodland Hills Pierce College, California - Climate Summary |publisher=Wrcc.dri.edu |date= |accessdate=2017-12-04}}</ref>
|date=December 2014
== أعلام ==