جوروبا فالي: الفرق بين النسختين

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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
سطر 1:
{{صندوق معلومات تجمع سكاني}}
'''جوروبا فالي''' {{إنج|Jurupa Valley, California}} هي مدينة تقع في [[مقاطعة ريفيرسايد، كاليفورنيا]] بولاية [[كاليفورنيا]] في [[الولايات المتحدة]]. تأسست عام 2011، تبلغ مساحة هذه المدينة 112.7 (كم²)، وترتفع عن سطح البحر م، بلغ عدد سكانها 97496 نسمة في عام 2012 حسب [[إحصاء سكان|إحصاء]] [[مكتب تعداد الولايات المتحدة]] .<ref name="Census 2010">{{مرجع ويب| المسار = http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=DEC_10_SF1_GCTPH1.ST10| العنوان = GCT-PH1 – Population, Housing Units, Area, and Density: 2010 – State — Place and (in selected states) County Subdivision| الناشر = [[مكتب تعداد الولايات المتحدة]]| العمل = [[تعداد الولايات المتحدة 2010]]| تاريخ الوصول = 4-8-2013 |مسار الأرشيف=https://web.archive.org/web/20140214084046/http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=DEC_10_SF1_GCTPH1.ST10 |تاريخ الأرشيف=14-2-2014 }}</ref>
== المناخ ==
يظهر الجدول التالي التغييرات المناخية على مدار السنة لجوروبا فالي:
{{بيانات منطقة مناخية
| location = جوروبا فالي
|single line = Y
|Jan record high F = 91
|Feb record high F = 92
|Mar record high F = 100
|Apr record high F = 101
|May record high F = 107
|Jun record high F = 110
|Jul record high F = 110
|Aug record high F = 112
|Sep record high F = 115
|Oct record high F = 108
|Nov record high F = 99
|Dec record high F = 92
|year record high F =115
|Jan high F = 67
|Feb high F = 68
|Mar high F = 71
|Apr high F = 77
|May high F = 80
|Jun high F = 88
|Jul high F = 93
|Aug high F = 95
|Sep high F = 91
|Oct high F = 83
|Nov high F = 74
|Dec high F = 69
|year high F =
|Jan low F = 42
|Feb low F = 44
|Mar low F = 46
|Apr low F = 48
|May low F = 53
|Jun low F = 58
|Jul low F = 64
|Aug low F = 66
|Sep low F = 62
|Oct low F = 53
|Nov low F = 45
|Dec low F = 42
|year low F =
|Jan record low F = 24
|Feb record low F = 27
|Mar record low F = 28
|Apr record low F = 31
|May record low F = 32
|Jun record low F = 44
|Jul record low F = 49
|Aug record low F = 48
|Sep record low F = 42
|Oct record low F = 31
|Nov record low F = 26
|Dec record low F = 23
|year record low F =22
|precipitation colour =
|Jan precipitation inch = 3.45
|Feb precipitation inch = 3.62
|Mar precipitation inch = 2.91
|Apr precipitation inch = .88
|May precipitation inch = .26
|Jun precipitation inch = .03
|Jul precipitation inch = .05
|Aug precipitation inch = .15
|Sep precipitation inch = .27
|Oct precipitation inch = .56
|Nov precipitation inch = 1.34
|Dec precipitation inch = 2.72
|year precipitation inch=16.24
|Jan precipitation days = 6.6
|Feb precipitation days = 7.2
|Mar precipitation days = 5.3
|Apr precipitation days = 3.5
|May precipitation days = 1.4
|Jun precipitation days = 0.3
|Jul precipitation days = 0.8
|Aug precipitation days = 1.0
|Sep precipitation days = 1.3
|Oct precipitation days = 2.5
|Nov precipitation days = 4.4
|Dec precipitation days = 6.4
|year precipitation days = 40.7
|date=October 2017}}
== مراجع ==