قانون دعم حرية إيران: الفرق بين النسختين

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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:الإبلاغ عن رابط معطوب أو مؤرشف V4.5
JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:صيانة V4.1، أزال وسم يتيمة
سطر 1:
{{مقالة غير مراجعة|تاريخ = نوفمبر 2019}}
{{يتيمة|تاريخ=نوفمبر 2019}}
{{صندوق قانون أمريكي|shorttitle=Iran Freedom and Support Act|othershorttitles=|longtitle=An Act to hold the current regime in Iran accountable for its threatening behavior and to support a transition to democracy in Iran.|colloquialacronym=|nickname=|enacted by=109th|effective date=September 30, 2006|public law url=http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-120/pdf/STATUTE-120-Pg1344.pdf|cite public law=109-293|cite statutes at large={{usstat|120|1344}}|acts amended=|acts repealed=|title amended=<!--US code titles changed-->|sections created=<!--{{USC}} can be used-->|sections amended=|leghisturl=http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:HR06198:@@@R|introducedin=House|introducedbill={{USBill|109|H.R.|6198}}|introducedby=[[Ileana Ros-Lehtinen]] ([[الحزب الجمهوري (الولايات المتحدة)|R]]-[[فلوريدا|FL]])|introduceddate=September 27, 2006|committees=[[United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs|House International Relations]], [[United States House Committee on Financial Services|House Financial Services]]|passedbody1=House|passeddate1=September 28, 2006|passedvote1=agreed voice vote|passedbody2=Senate|passedas2=<!-- used if the second body changes the name of the legislation -->|passeddate2=September 30, 2006|passedvote2=passed unanimous consent|conferencedate=|passedbody3=|passeddate3=|passedvote3=|agreedbody3=<!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->|agreeddate3=<!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->|agreedvote3=<!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->|agreedbody4=<!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->|agreeddate4=<!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->|agreedvote4=<!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->|passedbody4=|passeddate4=|passedvote4=|signedpresident=[[جورج دبليو بوش]]|signeddate=September 30, 2006|unsignedpresident=<!-- used when passed without presidential signing -->|unsigneddate=<!-- used when passed without presidential signing -->|vetoedpresident=<!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->|vetoeddate=<!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->|overriddenbody1=<!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->|overriddendate1=<!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->|overriddenvote1=<!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->|overriddenbody2=<!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->|overriddendate2=<!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->|overriddenvote2=<!-- used when passed by overriding presidential veto -->|amendments=|SCOTUS cases=}} '''قانون دعم حرية إيران''' ( Pub. L.، 120 Stat. 1344 ، H.R. 6198 ، الصادر في 30 سبتمبر 2006) هو قانون للكونجرس خصص 10 ملايين دولار وأمر [[رئيس الولايات المتحدة]] بإنفاق هذه الأموال لدعم "الجماعات المؤيدة للديمقراطية" المعارضة للحكومة [[إيران|الإيرانية]] . <ref>{{استشهاد بخبر
| عنوان = Santorum challenges Obama, Bush on Iran funding