قوانين بول بريمر المئة في العراق: الفرق بين النسختين

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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:صيانة V4.1، أضاف وسم غير مصنفة، أضاف وسم يتيمة، أضاف وسم بحاجة لشريط بوابات
سطر 15:
* القرار 5:تشكيل مجلس إجتثاث حزب البعث
* القرار 8: السفر للخارج لأغراض أكاديمية: رفع كافة التحديدات لسفر الطلبة والأكاديميين (7 يونيو 2003)
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Order 17|Orderقرار 17: Status of the Coalition Provisional Authority, MNF–Iraq, Certain Missions and Personnel in Iraq]]
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Order 22]]: Creation of a [[القوة البرية العراقية]] (Orderقرار 22, 7 August 2003)
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Order 23]]: Creation of a New Code of Military Discipline for the New Iraqi Army, 23 August 2003, Annex A (7 September 2003)
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Orderقرار 26]]: Creation ofتشكيل [[وزارة الداخلية (العراق)|وزارة الداخلية]] (1 Septemberسبتمبر 2003)
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Orderقرار 27]]: Establishment of theتأسيس [[مديرية حماية المنشآت]] (7 Septemberسبتمبر 2003)
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Order 28]]: Establishment of the [[Iraqi Civil Defense Corps]] (9 September 2003)
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Order 37]]: Suspension of most taxes (including income tax and property rent tax) from April–December 2003 (21 September 2003).
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Order 39]]: liberalized trade [and proclaimed] "the independence of the central bank; set rules for the new currency and securities markets; declared policies for trademarks, patents, copyrights, public contracts, and debt resolution; and privatized state enterprises, thus establishing the basic conditions for the neoliberal political economy that the United States meant to launch in Iraq.<ref>Michael MacDonald, ''Overreach, Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq'' (Berlin, Boston: Harvard University Press, 2014), 41.</ref>
* [[Coalition Provisional Authority Order 42]]: Creation of the Defense Support Agency (23 September 2003) New body, under CPA control, to provide legal, medical, financial, logistical, recruitment, training and property management support to the Iraqi army
* Orderقرار 81: Accordingبحسب toالقرار Order81، 81, paragraphالفقرة 66 – [B], issuedأصدره by Lل. Paulبول Bremerبريمير، [CFR],يمنع theالعراقيين peopleمن inحفظ Iraqالبذور areالمهجنة now prohibited from saving newly designed seedsحديثا (not the traditionalوليس onesالتقليدية) andويجوز mayلهم only-لغذائهم- plantزراعة seedsالبذور forالمرخصة theirمن foodموزعيين from licensed, authorized U.S.أمريكيين distributorsفقط.<ref>{{Citation|الأخير=Jeffrey Keating|عنوان=Dahlia Wasfi: Ain't Nothin' Green About the Green Zone|تاريخ=2012-02-03|مسار=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHS0Cq8hje4|تاريخ الوصول=2018-10-11}}</ref>
* Order 91: Establishedإستحداث aآلية process to incorporateلدمج [[ميليشيا|الميليشيات]] into theفي [[القوات المسلحة العراقية]] andوقوات otherأمن Iraqiعراقية security forcesاخرى (June2 2,يونيو 2004)
* Order 100: Transition of Laws, Regulations, Orders, and Directives Issued by the Coalition Provisional Authority