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[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
وسمان: تحرير مرئي تعديل المحمول المتقدم
وسوم: تمت إضافة وسم nowiki تحرير مرئي تعديل المحمول المتقدم
سطر 22:
تشمل الناقلات العصبية الأخرى، والببتيدات العصبية، والهرمونات الجنسية التي تؤثر على الدافع الجنسي من خلال تعديل النشاط في هذا المسار أو العمل به:
* [[تستوستيرون|التستوستيرون]] [1]<ref name="MEDRS review2">{{cite journal|vauthors=Fisher HE, Aron A, Brown LL|title=Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice|journal=Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci.|volume=361|issue=1476|pages=2173–86|date=December 2006|pmid=17118931|pmc=1764845|doi=10.1098/rstb.2006.1938|quote=The sex drive evolved to motivate individuals to seek a range of mating partners; attraction evolved to motivate individuals to prefer and pursue specific partners; and attachment evolved to motivate individuals to remain together long enough to complete species-specific parenting duties. These three behavioural repertoires appear to be based on brain systems that are largely distinct yet interrelated, and they interact in specific ways to orchestrate reproduction, using both hormones and monoamines.&nbsp;... Animal studies indicate that elevated activity of dopaminergic pathways can stimulate a cascade of reactions, including the release of testosterone and oestrogen (Wenkstern et al. 1993; Kawashima &Takagi 1994; Ferrari & Giuliana 1995; Hull et al. 1995, 1997, 2002; Szezypka et al. 1998; Wersinger & Rissman 2000). Likewise, increasing levels of testosterone and oestrogen promote dopamine release&nbsp;...This positive relationship between elevated activity of central dopamine, elevated sex steroids and elevated sexual arousal and sexual performance (Herbert 1996; Fiorino et al. 1997; Liu et al. 1998; Pfaff 2005) also occurs in humans (Walker et al. 1993; Clayton et al. 2000; Heaton 2000).&nbsp;... This parental attachment system has been associated with the activity of the neuropeptides, oxytocin (OT) in the nucleus accumbens and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the ventral pallidum&nbsp;... The activities of central oxytocin and vasopressin have been associated with both partner preference and attachment behaviours, while dopaminergic pathways have been associated more specifically with partner preference.}}</ref> (يرتبط ارتباطًا مباشرًا) - و<nowiki/>[[أندروجين|الأندروجيناتا]]<nowiki/>[[أندروجين|لأندروجينات]] الأخرى. <ref name="Lichterman">{{مرجع كتاب|عنوان=28 Days: What Your Cycle Reveals about Your Love Life, Moods, and Potential|الأول=Gabrielle|الأخير=Lichterman|isbn=978-1-59337-345-0|تاريخ=November 2004}}</ref><ref name="pmid20920505">{{cite journal|vauthors=Harding SM, Velotta JP|title=Comparing the relative amount of testosterone required to restore sexual arousal, motivation, and performance in male rats|journal=Horm Behav|volume=59|issue=5|pages=666–73|date=May 2011|pmid=20920505|doi=10.1016/j.yhbeh.2010.09.009}}</ref><ref name="Davis_2008">{{cite journal|vauthors=Davis SR, Moreau M, Kroll R, Bouchard C, Panay N, Gass M, Braunstein GD, Hirschberg AL, Rodenberg C, Pack S, Koch H, Moufarege A, Studd J|title=Testosterone for low libido in postmenopausal women not taking estrogen|journal=N. Engl. J. Med.|volume=359|issue=19|pages=2005–17|date=November 2008|pmid=18987368|doi=10.1056/NEJMoa0707302}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|last=Renneboog B|title=[Andropause and testosterone deficiency: how to treat in 2012?]|journal=[[Revue Médicale de Bruxelles]]|volume=33|pages=443–9|year=2012|pmid=23091954|issue=4}}</ref>
* [[الاستروجين|هرمون الاستروجين]] [1]<ref name="MEDRS review3">{{cite journal|vauthors=Fisher HE, Aron A, Brown LL|title=Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice|journal=Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci.|volume=361|issue=1476|pages=2173–86|date=December 2006|pmid=17118931|pmc=1764845|doi=10.1098/rstb.2006.1938|quote=The sex drive evolved to motivate individuals to seek a range of mating partners; attraction evolved to motivate individuals to prefer and pursue specific partners; and attachment evolved to motivate individuals to remain together long enough to complete species-specific parenting duties. These three behavioural repertoires appear to be based on brain systems that are largely distinct yet interrelated, and they interact in specific ways to orchestrate reproduction, using both hormones and monoamines.&nbsp;... Animal studies indicate that elevated activity of dopaminergic pathways can stimulate a cascade of reactions, including the release of testosterone and oestrogen (Wenkstern et al. 1993; Kawashima &Takagi 1994; Ferrari & Giuliana 1995; Hull et al. 1995, 1997, 2002; Szezypka et al. 1998; Wersinger & Rissman 2000). Likewise, increasing levels of testosterone and oestrogen promote dopamine release&nbsp;...This positive relationship between elevated activity of central dopamine, elevated sex steroids and elevated sexual arousal and sexual performance (Herbert 1996; Fiorino et al. 1997; Liu et al. 1998; Pfaff 2005) also occurs in humans (Walker et al. 1993; Clayton et al. 2000; Heaton 2000).&nbsp;... This parental attachment system has been associated with the activity of the neuropeptides, oxytocin (OT) in the nucleus accumbens and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the ventral pallidum&nbsp;... The activities of central oxytocin and vasopressin have been associated with both partner preference and attachment behaviours, while dopaminergic pathways have been associated more specifically with partner preference.}}</ref> (يرتبط مباشرة) - والهرمونات الجنسية الأنثوية ذات الصلة. <ref name="DeLamater&Sill2005">{{cite journal|last1=DeLamater|first1=J.D.|last2=Sill|first2=M.|year=2005|title=Sexual Desire in Later Life|journal=The Journal of Sex Research|volume=42|issue=2|pages=138–149|doi=10.1080/00224490509552267|pmid=16123844}}</ref><ref name="pmid21514299">{{cite journal|vauthors=Heiman JR, Rupp H, Janssen E, Newhouse SK, Brauer M, Laan E|title=Sexual desire, sexual arousal and hormonal differences in premenopausal US and Dutch women with and without low sexual desire|journal=Horm. Behav.|volume=59|issue=5|pages=772–779|date=May 2011|pmid=21514299|doi=10.1016/j.yhbeh.2011.03.013}}</ref><ref name="pmid16037752">{{cite journal|vauthors=Warnock JK, Swanson SG, Borel RW, Zipfel LM, Brennan JJ|title=Combined esterified estrogens and methyltestosterone versus esterified estrogens alone in the treatment of loss of sexual interest in surgically menopausal women|journal=Menopause|volume=12|issue=4|pages=359–60|year=2005|pmid=16037752|doi=10.1097/01.GME.0000153933.50860.FD}}</ref><ref name="Ziegler-51-p1-2">Ziegler, T. E. (2007). Female sexual motivation during non-fertile periods: a primate phenomenon. Hormones and Behavior, 51(1), 1–2</ref><ref>{{cite journal|last=Simerly|first=Richard B.|title=Wired for reproduction: organization and development of sexually dimorphic circuits in the mammalian forebrain|journal=Annu. Rev. Neurosci.|volume=25|pages=507–536|date=2002-03-27|url=http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/neuroscience/BehavioralNeuroscience/Simerley-EFR-1-4.pdf|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081001223447/http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/neuroscience/BehavioralNeuroscience/Simerley-EFR-1-4.pdf|dead-url=yes|archive-date=2008-10-01|doi=10.1146/annurev.neuro.25.112701.142745|pmid=12052919|accessdate=2007-03-07}}</ref>
* [[بروجستيرون|البروجسترون]] <ref name="Oxytocinergic circuit">{{cite journal|vauthors=McGregor IS, Callaghan PD, Hunt GE|title=From ultrasocial to antisocial: a role for oxytocin in the acute reinforcing effects and long-term adverse consequences of drug use?|journal=Br. J. Pharmacol.|volume=154|issue=2|pages=358–368|date=May 2008|pmid=18475254|pmc=2442436|doi=10.1038/bjp.2008.132|quote=Recent evidence suggests that popular party drugs such as MDMA and gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) may preferentially activate brain oxytocin systems to produce their characteristic prosocial and prosexual effects. Oxytocin interacts with the mesolimbic dopamine system to facilitate sexual and social behaviour, and this oxytocin-dopamine interaction may also influence the acquisition and expression of drug-seeking behaviour.}}</ref> (يرتبط عكسيا).
* [[أوكسايتوسين|الأوكسيتوسين]] <ref name="Oxytocinergic circuit" /> (مرتبط مباشرة).