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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
بوت:الإبلاغ عن رابط معطوب أو مؤرشف V3.2
نظرية فلسفية لمفكر عربي
وسمان: لفظ تباهي تحرير مرئي
سطر 106:
{{cite web |url=http://www.iep.utm.edu/leib-met/#H7 |title=Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) Metaphysics – 7. Space, Time, and Indiscernibles |first=Douglas : Staffordshire University |last=Burnham |date=2006 |work=The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy |quote=First of all, Leibniz finds the idea that space and time might be substances or substance-like absurd (see, for example, "Correspondence with Clarke," Leibniz's Fourth Paper, §8ff). In short, an empty space would be a substance with no properties; it will be a substance that even God cannot modify or destroy.... That is, space and time are internal or intrinsic features of the complete concepts of things, not extrinsic.... Leibniz's view has two major implications. First, there is no absolute location in either space or time; location is always the situation of an object or event relative to other objects and events. Second, space and time are not in themselves real (that is, not substances). Space and time are, rather, ideal. Space and time are just metaphysically illegitimate ways of perceiving certain virtual relations between substances. They are phenomena or, strictly speaking, illusions (although they are illusions that are well-founded upon the internal properties of substances).... It is sometimes convenient to think of space and time as something "out there," over and above the entities and their relations to each other, but this convenience must not be confused with reality. Space is nothing but the order of co-existent objects; time nothing but the order of successive events. This is usually called a relational theory of space and time. |accessdate=9 April 2011 |deadurl=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110514000548/http://www.iep.utm.edu/leib-met/#H7 |archivedate=14 May 2011 |df=dmy-all }}
يقول الأستاذ أشرف القابسي، إن الخالدون في جنات النعيم هم اشخاص توقف نموهم ولم يتوقف زمنهم. فالذي يشكل فرق بين الخلد والفناء هو عامل النمو والانتكاس، وليس عامل الزمان، فهناك وجود لبداية ونهاية الخلق، لكن الزمان لا وجود له الا في عقل الانسان.
علاوة على ذلك، ربما يكون هناك مكون ذاتي للزمن ولكن سواء لا تزال إمكانية الإحساس بالزمن كشعور أو كتقييم مسألة تخضع للكثير من الجدل.