أزمة الديون الأوروبية: الفرق بين النسختين

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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:صيانة، إضافة تاريخ
JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:التعريب V3.5
سطر 534:
* [http://www.eiu.com/eurodebt Budget deficit from 2007 to 2015] ''Economist Intelligence Unit'' 30 March 2011
* [http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/ipa/07710.pdf Stefan Collignon: Democratic requirements for a European Economic Government] Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, December 2010 (PDF 625 KB)
* [[Martinمارتن Wolf|Wolf,وولف Martin(أستاذ جامعي)]], [http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/e71ab1d6-049d-11e1-ac2a-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1cYDHnKg3 "Creditors can huff but they need debtors"], ''Financial Times'', 1 November 2011 7:28 pm.
* [http://www.cepr.net/documents/publications/greece-2012-02.pdf More Pain, No Gain for Greece: Is the Euro Worth the Costs of Pro-Cyclical Fiscal Policy and Internal Devaluation?] [[Center for Economic and Policy Research]], February 2012
* [http://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=140948138 Michael Lewis-How the Financial Crisis Created a New Third World-October 2011] NPR, October 2011