جاسيندا أرديرن: الفرق بين النسختين

تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
وسوم: تحرير من المحمول تعديل في تطبيق الأجهزة المحمولة تعديل بتطبيق أندرويد
وسوم: تحرير من المحمول تعديل في تطبيق الأجهزة المحمولة تعديل بتطبيق أندرويد
سطر 338:
| last = Roy
| first = Eleanor Ainge
بعدَ تزعمها للحزب؛ أظهرت استطلاعات رأي إقبال الشعب النيوزلندي عليهِ بنسبة أكثر مقارنة بما كانَ الحالُ عليهِ في فترة رئاسة أندرو ليتل فعلى سبيل المثال لا الحصر؛ بلغت نسبة قبول الحزب في الوسط الشعبي 43% مُقابلَ 24% فقط في عهدِ ليتل. في منتصف أغسطس عام 2017؛ ذكرت جاسيندا أنّه وفي حالة ما فازت في الانتخابات فستُشكّل لجنة ضريبة لدراسةِ إمكانية فرض ضريبة على الشركات الكُبرى واستبعدت في الوقتِ ذاته فرض هذه الضريبة على المواطنين.<ref>{{استشهاد بخبر
| url = http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/political/337723/video-jacinda-ardern-won-t-rule-out-capital-gains-tax
| title = Video: Jacinda Ardern won't rule out capital gains tax
| date = 22 August 2017
| publisher = [[Radio New Zealand]]
| journal = [[Radio New Zealand]]
| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20171008030241/http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/political/337723/video-jacinda-ardern-won-t-rule-out-capital-gains-tax
| archivedate = 8 October 2017
| deadurl = no
| accessdate = 7 October 2017
}}</ref><ref>{{استشهاد بخبر
| url = http://www.interest.co.nz/property/89327/labour-leader-ardern-maintains-right-and-ability-introduce-capital-gains-tax-if
| title = Labour leader maintains 'right and ability' to introduce capital gains tax if working group suggests it next term; Would exempt family home
| date = 15 August 2017
| publisher = Interest.co.nz
| journal = Interest.co.nz
| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20171008133113/http://www.interest.co.nz/property/89327/labour-leader-ardern-maintains-right-and-ability-introduce-capital-gains-tax-if
| archivedate = 8 October 2017
| deadurl = no
| accessdate = 7 October 2017
| last = Tarrant
| first = Alex
}}</ref> تصريحها هذا استُغلّ بشكل سلبي من قِبل باقي الأحزاب المُنافسة في الانتخابات فاضطرت للتراجع عنهُ في وقتٍ لاحق.<ref>{{استشهاد بخبر
| url = https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/96385172
| title = Jacinda Ardern tells Kelvin Davis off over capital gains tax comments
| date = 1 September 2017
| publisher = [[Stuff.co.nz]]
| journal = [[Stuff.co.nz]]
| accessdate = 7 October 2017
| last = Kirk
| first = Stacey
}}</ref><ref>{{استشهاد بخبر
| url = https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2017/09/23/49703/jacinda-stumbled-into-a-520bn-minefield
| title = Jacinda stumbled into a $520bn minefield
| date = 24 September 2017
| publisher = Newsroom
| journal = Newsroom
| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20171008084426/https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2017/09/23/49703/jacinda-stumbled-into-a-520bn-minefield
| archivedate = 8 October 2017
| deadurl = no
| accessdate = 7 October 2017
| last = Hickey
| first = Bernard
}}</ref><ref>{{استشهاد بخبر
| url = https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/96830392/labour-releases-full-tax-plan-in-response-to-criticism-over-its-working-group
| title = Election: Labour backs down on tax, will not introduce anything from working group until after 2020 election
| date = 14 September 2017
| publisher = [[Stuff.co.nz]]
| journal = [[Stuff.co.nz]]
| accessdate = 7 October 2017
| last = Cooke
| first = Henry
}}</ref><ref>{{استشهاد بخبر
| url = http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/election/2017/09/steven-joyce-still-backing-labour-s-alleged-11-7b-fiscal-hole.html
| title = Steven Joyce still backing Labour's alleged $11.7b fiscal hole
| date = 19 September 2017
| publisher = Newshub
| journal = Newshub
| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20171008030529/http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/election/2017/09/steven-joyce-still-backing-labour-s-alleged-11-7b-fiscal-hole.html
| archivedate = 8 October 2017
| deadurl = no
| accessdate = 7 October 2017