أحمد (توضيح): الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][مراجعة غير مفحوصة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
رفض أول تغيير نصي (لMahmod.oudeh) تلى المراجعة 31945014 لMenoBot
وسمان: تعديل صفحات التوضيح تحرير مرئي
سطر 47:
* {{رمز علم|مصر}} [[أحمد رجب]]
* {{رمز علم|مصر}} [[أحمد رامي]]
* {{رمز علم|العراق}} [[أحمد مطر]] [[أحمد مطر|The safety of the drug means taking medicines correctly and buying medicines from licensed pharmacies.]] [[أحمد مطر|Government institutions assess the safety of each drug by examining its side effects and the way it is manufactured. It studies the results of animal experiments, clinical trials and others. In many countries, the drug must pass safety tests before it is approved and allowed to be sold.]] [[أحمد مطر|an introduction Although hospitals and health care institutions use sophisticated techniques, drug errors occur; this can lead to long-term illness and even death.The most important factors affecting the patient's safety are poor communication and failure of the patient to understand and adhere to the doctor's instructions. The patient can greatly contribute to reducing errors and improving his safety during treatment. This tutorial addresses some of the things that a patient can do to ensure his safety and protect himself from therapeutic errors.]] [[أحمد مطر|For pharmacological safety]] [[أحمد مطر|When the patient takes the medication, he or she will be part of the medical team that takes care of it. It is very important that the patient is careful to take medication properly. For this, the patient must know everything he can know about his medication.]] [[أحمد مطر|When the patient buys prescription drugs or requests a repeat prescription, the patient should tell the pharmacist of all the medications he is taking, and all of the over-the-counter medications he uses. The pharmacist will tell him about any harmful drug interaction between these substances.]] [[أحمد مطر|Each patient should know the drugs he or she is taking. And to identify the color and shape, and any icon or mark printed on them. There are medicines vary in the colors of the packaging according to the difference in dosage. Liquid medicines usually have distinctive odors.]] [[أحمد مطر|Each patient should open the package of the medicine when he takes his medicine from the pharmacy, and he should examine the package to make sure that it bears the name of the correct medicine and its strength or correct caliber. If the patient notices that the package is devoid of a drug label, he should ask the pharmacist to make sure that the medicine is taken from the correct packaging.]] [[أحمد مطر|The pharmacist should give the patient oral and written instructions when the patient is  given a new prescription. Each patient should be careful to understand the following when the medication is taken :]] [[أحمد مطر|The name of the disease that the doctor said that this medication is treated. -]] [[أحمد مطر|Brand name and scientific name of the drug . –]] [[أحمد مطر|What this medicine will do for the patient . -]] [[أحمد مطر|How many times a day should the patient take medicine . -]] [[أحمد مطر|-How many tablets should the patient take at a time .]] [[أحمد مطر|How many days should the patient continue to take the medicine . -]] [[أحمد مطر|How should the patient take the medicine, whether it is taken with or without a liquid . -]] [[أحمد مطر|-When should the patient take medicine, and should he take it with food, before, or after it?]] [[أحمد مطر|The patient should understand what to expect from the drug:]] [[أحمد مطر|What results should the patient expect ? -]] [[أحمد مطر|What are the side effects that may occur in the patient . -]] [[أحمد مطر|How the patient can distinguish side effects . -]] [[أحمد مطر|What to do if you have side effects . –]] [[أحمد مطر|The patient should know how to keep the drug, and be sure if it is necessary to get a prescription that allows him to get the drug again without the doctor's permission or a new recipe. And make sure that the doctor's prescription allows him to renew the medicine .]] [[أحمد مطر|It is useful to keep the patient a list of all his medicines. This list will help the patient to organize, and will facilitate the exchange of information about his medicines with the doctor and with the pharmacist .]] [[أحمد مطر|If the patient can not take the dose on time, he should not assume that he can double the dose at the next time. He should ask the doctor or pharmacist what he should do if he misses a dose .]] [[أحمد مطر|A patient should not assume that all members of his healthcare team know all the details of his / her health condition. He should tell them these details and repeat them.]] [[أحمد مطر|The patient should be ready to answer many questions. In some cases, he or she has to volunteer to provide information without being questioned.]] [[أحمد مطر|Important information that a patient must say is:]] [[أحمد مطر|Take it for any medicines that are sold only by prescription. -]] [[أحمد مطر|Take it for any over-the-counter medicines. –]] [[أحمد مطر|It is very important for the patient to tell their doctor about the drugs they are taking, including over-the-counter medicines such as aspirin or herbal supplements.]] [[أحمد مطر|Doctors and nurses expect patients to ask questions. If the patient does not understand what they say to him, he should understand. If he does not understand yet, he must ask them again.]] [[أحمد مطر|If the drug is different from what the patient expects, he should ask about it. For example, if a patient has previously had an orange disc but is now given a green pill instead, he or she should ask the cause before taking the new disc. For example, "Why is this disk different from the one I was eating"?]] [[أحمد مطر|Asking the patient for such simple questions can protect him from harmful errors.]] [[أحمد مطر|In order for the patient not to forget anything about his or her health, surgery, or medication, he or she can record it in a list and keep up to date. This list is its medical history. When this document is available to him, whether it is handwritten, printed on paper or electronically stored, it is very easy for him to provide all the information to health care personnel.]] [[أحمد مطر|patient Facilities]] [[أحمد مطر|The disease is a difficult stage in the patient's life, and it is natural that the patient is not at its best at the time of illness. The patient should consider taking a family member or friend to help him receive the best health care and understanding the correct system of medication.]] [[أحمد مطر|The patient's facilities can be a family member, such as a husband or son, or a close friend who can help the patient and speak for him. In some hospitals, there are specialized people, who are called by representatives of patients or accomplices.]] [[أحمد مطر|summary]] [[أحمد مطر|The patient itself can help health care personnel maintain safety and avoid medication errors and misunderstandings. He must remember the following points:]] [[أحمد مطر|1-The patient should provide health care team members with information about their health and the medications they are taking.]] [[أحمد مطر|2-The patient should ask and inquire until he is sure that he understands what is being said to him.]] [[أحمد مطر|3-The patient should be accompanied by an escort if he needs help in talking to doctors or nurses.]] [[أحمد مطر|4-The patient should adhere to the instructions given to him.]] [[أحمد مطر|5-The patient should ask the pharmacist about the medication instructions and make sure that he understands these instructions.]]
* {{رمز علم|العراق}} [[أحمد مطر]]
* {{رمز علم|المغرب}} [[أحمد زنيبر]]
* {{رمز علم|مصر}} [[أحمد فؤاد نجم]]