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سطر 76:
تمت دراسة عدة أنواع من [[بطنيات الأرجل العرقية المتعصب]]ة، خاصة فيما يتعلق بوضعها كأنواع غازية. تشمل هذه الأنواع [[الحلزون الطيني]] والحلزون النيوزيلندي <ref name=Wallace92>{{cite journal|last=Wallace|first=C.|title=arthenogenesis, sex and chromosomes in ''Potamopyrgus''|journal=Journal of Molluscan Studies|year=1992|volume=58|issue=2|pages=93–107|doi=10.1093/mollus/58.2.93}}</ref> <ref name=Ben-Ami&Heller2005>{{cite journal|last=Ben-Ami|first=F.|author2=Heller, J.|title=Spatial and temporal patterns of parthenogenesis and parasitism in the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata|journal=Journal of Evolutionary Biology|year=2005|volume=18|issue=1|pages=138–146|doi=10.1111/j.1420-9101.2004.00791.x|pmid=15669970}}</ref> وحلزون ميلينان المبطن. <ref name=Mirandaetal2011>{{cite journal|last=Miranda|first=Nelson A. F.|author2=Perissinotto, Renzo |author3=Appleton, Christopher C. |author4= Lalueza-Fox, Carles |title=Population Structure of an Invasive Parthenogenetic Gastropod in Coastal Lakes and Estuaries of Northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa|journal=PLoS ONE|year=2011|volume=6|issue=8|pages=e24337|doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0024337|pmid=21904629|pmc=3164166|bibcode=2011PLoSO...624337M}}</ref>
=== المحرشفات ===
[[File:Varanus komodoensis5.jpg|thumb|right|يسار|تصغير|[[Komodoنادرا dragon]],ما ''Varanusينسخ komodoensis'',تنين rarelyكومودو reproducesالنسل offspringعن viaطريق parthenogenesisالتوالد العذري.]]
معظم الزواحف من [[النظام الساماماني]] ([[السحالي]] وا[[لثعابين]]) تتكاثر جنسياً، ولكن لوحظ أن التوالد العذري يحدث بشكل طبيعي في أنواع معينة من ذوات الذيل السوطي، بعض الأبراص، السحالي الصخورية ، <ref name="reptiles" /><ref name=Darevski>Darevskii IS. 1967. Rock lizards of the Caucasus: systematics, ecology and phylogenesis of the polymorphic groups of Caucasian rock lizards of the subgenus ''Archaeolacerta''. Nauka: Leningrad [in Russian: English translation published by the Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi, 1978].</ref><ref name=tarkhnishvili>Tarkhnishvili DN (2012) Evolutionary History, Habitats, Diversification, and Speciation in Caucasian Rock Lizards. In: Advances in Zoology Research, Volume 2 (ed. Jenkins OP), Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge (NY), p.79-120</ref> وتنانين كومودو وثعابين. <ref>[http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2015/09/21/Self-impregnated-snake-in-Missouri-has-another-virgin-birth/5631442860153/?spt=trc Self-impregnated snake in Missouri has another 'virgin birth'], UPI, 21 September 2015. Retrieved 3 October 2015. {{Webarchive|url=http://web.archive.org/web/20181208112037/https://www.upi.com/Science_News/2015/09/21/Self-impregnated-snake-in-Missouri-has-another-virgin-birth/5631442860153/?spt=trc |date=08 ديسمبر 2018}}</ref> بعض من هذه مثل [[أبو بريص]] الحداد Lepidodactylus lugubris ، أبو بريص البيت الهندي الباسيفيكي Hemidactylus garnotii ، الهجين whiptails Cnemidophorus ، السحالي القوقازية Darevskia هي أحادية الجنس و ذات توالد عذري الزامي. زواحف أخرى ، مثل تنين كومودو ، وسحالي رصد أخرى ، <ref name=Wiechmann>{{cite journal |last1= Wiechmann |first1=R. |title=Observations of parthenogenesis in monitor lizards |journal=Biawak |year=2012 | volume=6 | issue=1|pages=11–21}}</ref> وبعض أنواع [[البواء]] ، <ref name=Booth>{{cite journal |last1=Booth |first1=W. |last2=Johnson |first2=D. H. |last3=Moore |first3=S. |last4=Schal |first4=C. |last5=Vargo |first5=E. L. |title=Evidence for viable, non-clonal but fatherless Boa constrictors |journal=Biology Letters |year=2010 |doi=10.1098/rsbl.2010.0793 |volume=7 |issue=2 |pages=253–256 |pmid=21047849 |pmc=3061174}}</ref><ref name="Booth2011" /><ref name=Kinney>{{cite journal |last1=Kinney |first1=M.E. |last2=Wack |first2=R.F. |last3=Grahn |first3=R.A. |last4= Lyons |first4=L. |title=Parthenogenesis in a Brazilian rainbow boa (''Epicrates cenchria cenchria'') |journal=Zoo Biology |year=2013 | volume=32 |issue=2 |pages=172–176 |doi=10.1002/zoo.21050|pmid=23086743 }}</ref> ثعابين ، <ref name=Magnusson>{{cite journal |last1= Magnusson |first1=W.E. |title=Production of an embryo by an ''Acrochordus javanicus'' isolated for seven years |journal=Copeia |year=1979 |volume=1979 |issue=4 |pages=744–745 |doi=10.2307/1443886|jstor=1443886 }}</ref><ref name=Dubach>{{cite journal |last1=Dubach |first1=J. |last2=Sajewicz |first2=A. |last3=Pawley |first3=R. |title=Parthenogenesis in the Arafura filesnake (''Acrochordus arafurae'') |journal=Herpetological Natural History |year=1997 |volume=5 |issue=1 |pages=11–18}}</ref> <ref name=Reynolds>{{cite journal |last1=Reynolds |first1=R.G. |last2=Booth |first2=W. |last3=Schuett |first3=G.W. |last4=Fitzpatrick |first4=B.M. |last5=Burghardt |first5=G.M. |title=Successive virgin births of viable male progeny in the checkered gartersnake, ''Thamnophis marcianus'' |journal=Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |year=2012 |volume=107| issue=3|pages=566–572 |doi=10.1111/j.1095-8312.2012.01954.x}}</ref> والأفعى الجرسية <ref name=Schuett>{{cite journal |last1=Schuett |first1=G.W. |last2=Fernandez |first2=P.J. |last3=Gergits |first3=W.F. |last4= Casna |first4=N.J.. |last5=Chiszar |first5=D. |last6=Smith |first6=H.M. |last7=Mitton |first7=J.B. |last8=Mackessy |first8=S.P. |last9=Odum |first9=R.A. |last10=Demlong |first10=M.J. |title=Production of offspring in the absence of males: Evidence for facultative parthenogenesis in bisexual snakes |journal=Herpetological Natural History |year=1997 |volume=5 |issue=1|pages=1–10}}</ref><ref name=Schuett2>{{cite journal |last1=Schuett |first1=G.W. |last2=Fernandez |first2=P.J. |last3=Chiszar |first3=D. |last4=Smith |first4=H.M. |title=Fatherless Sons: A new type of parthenogenesis in snakes |journal=Fauna |year=1998 |volume=1 |issue=3|pages=20–25}}</ref> اعتبرت سابقا حالات للتكاثر العذري الاختياري، ولكنها في الواقع حالات توالد عذري عرضي. <ref name="Vanderkooi" />