التدخين والحمل: الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:الإبلاغ عن رابط معطوب أو مؤرشف V2.7
JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:الإبلاغ عن رابط معطوب أو مؤرشف V2.9
سطر 12:
===التدخين أثناء الحمل===
في الولايات المتحدة، تدخن النساء اللواتي حملن [[حمل غير مقصود|حملا غير مقصود]] بنسبة تزيد 30% عن النساء اللواتي يحملن حملا مقصودا.<ref name=BestIntent>{{مرجع كتاب |المؤلف=Eisenberg, Leon; Brown, Sarah Hart |العنوان=The best intentions: unintended pregnancy and the well-being of children and families |الناشر=National Academy Press |مكان=Washington, D.C |سنة=1995 |الصفحات=68–70 |الرقم المعياري=0-309-05230-0 |oclc= |doi= |تاريخ الوصول=2011-09-03}}</ref> وتعاني النساء الحوامل المدخنات من [[مضاعفات الحمل|المضاعفات]] التالية بنسبة تقدر ضعف ما تعاني منه الحوامل غير المدخنات:<ref name="CDC preventing">Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2007. [http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/publications/factsheets/prevention/pdf/smoking.pdf Preventing Smoking and Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Before, During, and After Pregnancy]. {{Webarchive|url=http://web.archive.org/web/20160512015016/http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/publications/factsheets/prevention/pdf/smoking.pdf |date=12 مايو 2016}}</ref>
* [[تمزق الأغشية الباكر]]
* [[انفصال المشيمة الباكر]]
سطر 86:
* ال[[ربو]]<ref>{{harvard citation no brackets|Surgeon General|2006|pp=311–9}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author=Vork KL, Broadwin RL, Blaisdell RJ |title=Developing asthma in childhood from exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke: insights from a meta-regression |journal=[[آفاق الصحة البيئية|Environ. Health Perspect.]] |volume=115 |issue=10 |pages=1394–400 |year=2007 |pmid=17938726 |pmc=2022647 |doi=10.1289/ehp.10155}}</ref>
* [[عدوى الجهاز التنفسي]]<ref>{{cite journal |author=Spencer N, Coe C |title=Parent reported longstanding health problems in early childhood: a cohort study |journal=[[Arch. Dis. Child.]] |volume=88 |issue=7 |pages=570–3 |year=2003 |pmid=12818898 |pmc=1763148 |doi=10.1136/adc.88.7.570}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author=de Jongste JC, Shields MD |title=Cough . 2: Chronic cough in children |journal=Thorax |volume=58 |issue=11 |pages=998–1003 |year=2003 |pmid=14586058 |pmc=1746521 |doi=10.1136/thorax.58.11.998}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author=Dybing E, Sanner T |title=Passive smoking, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and childhood infections |journal=Hum Exp Toxicol |volume=18 |issue=4 |pages=202–5 |year=1999 |pmid=10333302|doi=10.1191/096032799678839914}}</ref><ref name="Difranza 2004">{{cite journal |author=DiFranza JR, Aligne CA, Weitzman M |title=Prenatal and postnatal environmental tobacco smoke exposure and children's health |journal=[[Pediatrics (journal)|Pediatrics]] |volume=113 |issue=4 Suppl |pages=1007–15 |year=2004 |pmid=15060193 |doi=10.1542/peds.113.4.S1.1007}}</ref>
* خلل في [[فحص وظائف الرئة|وظائف الرئة]] وتأخر في نمو الرئتين<ref name="CDC2007">[http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/publications/factsheets/prevention/pdf/smoking.pdf Preventing Smoking and Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Before, During, and After Pregnancy]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. July 2007. {{Webarchive|url=http://web.archive.org/web/20160512015016/http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/publications/factsheets/prevention/pdf/smoking.pdf |date=12 مايو 2016}}</ref>
* [[داء كرون]]<ref>{{cite journal |author=Mahid SS, Minor KS, Stromberg AJ, Galandiuk S |title=Active and passive smoking in childhood is related to the development of inflammatory bowel disease |journal=Inflamm. Bowel Dis. |volume=13 |issue=4 |pages=431–8 |year=2007 |pmid=17206676 |doi=10.1002/ibd.20070}}</ref>
* [[صعوبات التعلم]] وتأثيرات [[علم أعصاب سلوكية|عصبية سلوكية]]<ref>{{cite journal |author=Richards GA, Terblanche AP, Theron AJ, ''et al.'' |title=Health effects of passive smoking in adolescent children |journal=S. Afr. Med. J. |volume=86 |issue=2 |pages=143–7 |year=1996 |pmid=8619139}}</ref><ref>[http://www.iceh.org/pdfs/LDDI/LDDIStatement.pdf Scientific Consensus Statement on Environmental Agents Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders], The Collaborative on Health and the Environment’s Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative, November 7, 2007 {{Webarchive|url=http://web.archive.org/web/20180711080302/http://www.iceh.org/pdfs/LDDI/LDDIStatement.pdf |date=11 يوليو 2018}}</ref>