مجتمع الأرض المسطحة: الفرق بين النسختين

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ط بوت:التعريب V3.2
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سطر 77:
أدى [[كسوف الشمس في 21 أغسطس 2017]] إلى ظهور العديد من مقاطع فيديو [[يوتيوب]] التي تقول على أن تفاصيل الكسوف تثبت أن الأرض مسطحة.<ref>{{cite web|last1=MARTIN|first1=SEAN|title=‘The sun hologram needs updating’ THIS is how flat earthers explain the solar eclipse|url=http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/841400/solar-eclipse-flat-earth-conspiracy-theory-reddit|website=Express.co.uk|publisher=The Express|accessdate=19 August 2017}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last1=HICKEY|first1=BRIAN|title=What do flat Earthers think about Monday's solar eclipse?|url=http://www.phillyvoice.com/ask-hickey-what-are-flat-earthers-saying-about-mondays-eclipse/|website=Phillyvoice.com|publisher=Philly Voice|accessdate=19 August 2017}}</ref> أيضا في عام 2017، "العالم العلمي والتعليمي التونسي والعربي" شهد فضيحة عندما قدم طالب دكتوراه أطروحة "على أن الأرض مسطحة، وثابتة، وحديثة (عمرها 13500 سنة)، وأنها مركز
الكون".<ref>{{cite web|last1=Guessoum|first1=Nidhal|title=PhD thesis: The earth is flat|url=http://gulfnews.com/opinion/thinkers/phd-thesis-the-earth-is-flat-1.2009202|website=Gulfnews.com|publisher=Gulf News|accessdate=19 August 2017}}</ref>
== أنظر أيضا ==
* [[صورة الأرض]]
* [[أرض مجوفة]]
* [[علم تقسيم الأرض]]
== مصادر ومراجع ==
=== مصادر ===
=== مراجع ===
*{{cite book|last=Garwood|first=Christine|title=Flat Earth: the History of an infamous idea|publisher=Macmillan|date=2007|ref=harv}}
*{{cite news|title=These Coloradans say Earth is flat. And gravity's a hoax. Now they're being persecuted|periodical=Denver Post|date=July 7, 2017|author=Graham Ambrose|url=https://denverpost.com/2017/07/07/colorado-earth-flat-gravity-hoax}}
=== قراءة متعمقة ===
* [[Raymond Fraser]] (2007). ''When The Earth Was Flat: Remembering Leonard Cohen, Alden Nowlan, the Flat Earth Society, the King James monarchy hoax, the Montreal Story Tellers and other curious matters.'' Black Moss Press, {{ISBN|978-0-88753-439-3}}
* Christine Garwood (2007) ''Flat Earth: The History of an Infamous Idea'', Pan Books, {{ISBN|1-4050-4702-X}}
== روابط خارجية ==
* [http://theflatearthsociety.org/home/ The Flat Earth Society (2004/2009)]
* [https://www.tfes.org/ The Flat Earth Society (2013)]
* [http://ifers.123.st The International Flat Earth Research Society]
* [http://moderndayflatearth.com/ ModernDayFlatEarth.com]
* [https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/SciRefGuides/flatearth.html References to The Flat Earth Society] by the [[Library of Congress]]
* [https://www.theguardian.com/global/2010/feb/23/flat-earth-society Article on Daniel Shenton]