غنوصية: الفرق بين النسختين

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Aboluay (نقاش | مساهمات)
طلا ملخص تعديل
JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:التعريب V3.2
سطر 33:
=== أوجه التشابه مع البوذية ===
في عام 1966، بيّن ادوارد كونز، باحث في الوذية، عن وجود تشابه ظاهري بين الغنوصية والبوذية مبنيا أبحاثه على ابحاث اساق جاكوب شميت (اسحق يعقوب الحداد)..{{sfn|Conze|1967}}{{refn|The idea that Gnosticism was derived from Buddhism was first proposed by the Victorian gem collector and numismatist [[Charles William King]] (1864).<ref>Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Clare Goodrick-Clarke ''[[G. R. S. Mead]] and the Gnostic Quest'' 2005 p8. Quote: "The idea that Gnosticism was derived from Buddhism was first postulated by Charles William King in his classic work, The Gnostics and their Remains (1864). He was one of the earliest and most emphatic scholars to propose the Gnostic debt to Buddhist thought."</ref> [[Henryهنري Longuevilleلونغفيل Mansel|Manselمانسل]] (1875) <ref>H. L. Mansel, Gnostic Heresies of the First and Second Centuries (1875); p. 32</ref> considered the principal sources of Gnosticism to be Platonism, Zoroastrianism, and Buddhism.<ref>International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: E-J p. 490 ed. Geoffrey W. Bromiley&nbsp;— 1982. Quote: "Mansel&nbsp;... summed up the principal sources of Gnosticism in these three: Platonism, the Persian religion, and the Buddhism of India."</ref>|group=note}} ،لكن يرفض الباحثن المعاصرون لهذه الفرضيات. من دون احتمالية حدوثها.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=9I8ySs4eusoC&lpg=PR2&dq=elaine%20pagels&pg=PR21#v=onepage&q=buddhism&f=false|title=The Gnostic Gospels|publisher=}}</ref>
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