طين (توضيح): الفرق بين النسختين

[مراجعة غير مفحوصة][مراجعة غير مفحوصة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
ط روبوت إضافة: el:Πηλός
طلا ملخص تعديل
سطر 1:
[[صورة:Clay-ss-2005.jpg|تصغير|مادة الطين]]
'''الطين''' او الصلصال هو مادة موجودة في معظم أنواع [[التربة]] تستخدم في صناعة ال[[سيراميك]] وال[[طوب]]. يصف الجيولوجيون الطين بأنه ذرات (أي جسيمات) صغيرة جدًا من التربة حجمها أقل من أربعة ميكروميترات (مقياس أبعاد الأجسام الدقيقة) في القطر. كلمة الطين تعني أيضًا مادة من الأرض مكونة من أنواع معينة من معادن السليكات التي تكسّرت بعوامل التعرية.
[[صورة:Clay In A Construction Site.jpg|تصغير|طبقات الطين في موقع البناء.الطين الجاف هو عادة أكثر استقرارا من الرمال في شأن الحفريات]]
==مكونات الطين==
يتكون الطين أساسا من جسيمات صغيرة جدًا صفائحية الشكل من الألومينا والسليكا مرتبطة معا بالماء. توجد مواد مختلفة في الطين يمكن أن تعطيه ألوانًا مختلفة. فعلى سبيل المثال، أكسيد الحديد يمكن أن يكسب الطين اللون الأحمر. أما المركبات الكربونية فتعطي ظلالاً مختلفة من اللون الرمادي
{{Unreferenced|date=June 2007}}
[[an:Archila (sedimento)]]
[[صورة:Amran.jpg|شمال|thumb|بيت من الطين في [[اليمن]]]]
[[ay:Llink'i laq'a]]
'''Mud''' is a liquid or semi-liquid mixture of water and some combination of [[soil]], [[silt]], and [[clay]]. Ancient mud deposits harden over [[geological]] time to form [[siltstone]] or solid, mudrock lutites. When geological deposits of mud are formed in [[estuaries]] the resultant layers are termed '''[[bay mud]]s'''. Mud is closely related to [[slurry]] and [[sediment]].
Mud, in the [[construction]] industry, refers to wet [[plaster]], [[stucco]], [[cement]] or other similar substances.
In [[Ceramic|ceramics]], the making of liquid mud (called slip) is a stage in the process of refinement of the materials, since larger particles will settle out of the liquid.
Mud is similar to [[muck (soil)|muck]], but lacking significant quantities of [[humus]], and often containing higher proportions of [[sand]].
== في الطبيعة ==
[[صورة:Mud2.jpg|شمال|thumb|طين جاف مع بعض الحجارة]]
[[صورة:Lorry stuck in mud 15l07.JPG|شمال|thumb|شاحنة عالقة في الطين]]
Mud can provide a home for numerous types of animals, including varieties of [[worm]]s, [[frog]]s, [[snail]]s, [[clam]]s, and [[crayfish]]. Other animals, such as [[pig]]s and [[elephants]] bathe in mud in order to cool off and protect themselves from the [[sun]]. Humans have also used mud as a building material, or a sealant material.
==المشاكل ==
Clay soil can pose problems for traffic when moisture is present. A road built upon such soil may become stable over time as the packing of the soil will make it more water-resistant. However, any attempt to grade it can be disastrous, since excess water can then enter the surface and will be worked in by traffic, transforming portions of the road into a mud bog that can trap vehicles. The typical solution in road building is to add layers of crushed stone. The stone particles will interlock and distribute the weight of a vehicle over a larger surface area. Proper drainage is also essential when low spots are encountered by the road, usually requiring the addition of culverts to pass water underneath the elevation of the road.
Buildings constructed upon clay soil must also be properly drained around their perimeter, particularly where a perimeter [[Foundation (architecture)|foundation]] (rather than a monolithic slab) is used. As clay will expand and soften when moisture is added, the resultant mud will squeeze out from underneath the foundation, however, in the next dry cycle it will contract, but the clay squeezed out will not return. Over a number of such cycles the foundation can sink in the moisture-cycled locations, possibly causing both wall and foundation cracks. Maintaining a constant moisture level in firm soil is important and can be effected by appropriate landscaping and landscaping maintenance. Where drainage is toward a building a [[French drain]] may be installed to route water around the building.
[[hr:Glina (tlo)]]
Haiti consumes a large variety of different non-traditional foods in an attempt to quelch hunger pains. Mud cakes are traditionally fashioned and consumed, but items such as clay and chalk can also be eaten. Due to recent increases in food prices and growing starvation in Haiti, this habit has been extended and received much media attention.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/29/food.internationalaidanddevelopment Haiti: Mud cakes become staple diet ]</ref>
Outside of hunger, mud and dirt can be consumed incidentally, following a fall or a slide during a game of [[Baseball]]. This has led to exaggerations such as "Tastes like dirt", which isn't based solely on the actually taste and mouthfeel of the wet dirt, but this experience of getting mud, grass, and other vegetation in one's teeth.
[[lt:Molis (uoliena)]]
There also exist children's recipes for "mud", which is generally a chocolate or cornstarch-based sludge used more for visual appeal than actual taste. Never does this confectionary mud actually contain real mud. <ref>http://www.cookadvice.com/recipes/magic_mud-36597-recipe.htm</ref>
[[ms:Tanah liat]]
==في الموروث الشعبي==
[[صورة:Dead Sea mud man by David Shankbone.jpg|thumb|يعتقد بعض الناس بإن الطين يحتوي على مواد علاجية، مثل طين [[البحر الميت]].]]
Mud is used in [[mud wrestling]], as a form of entertainment. A [[mud bath]] is an alternative-medicine treatment. It can also be used in a [[Dunk tank|Dunk Tank]].
==أنظر أيضا==
[[viit:Đất sétFango]]
[[ms:Tanah liatLumpur]]
[[scn:Fangu (terra e acqua)]]