غليسرول: الفرق بين النسختين

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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت: تعريب
سطر 43:
| H = 8
| O = 3
| Appearance = colorless liquid <br /> [[hygroscopicاسترطاب]]
| Odor = odorless
| Density = 1.261 g/cm<sup>3</sup>
| Viscosity = 1.412 Pa·s<ref name="Viscosity of Glycerol and its Aqueous Solutions">{{Cite journal | الأخير1 = Segur | الأول1 = J. B. | الأخير2 = Oberstar | الأول2 = H. E. | doi = 10.1021/ie50501a040 | العنوان = Viscosity of Glycerol and Its Aqueous Solutions | journal = Industrial & Engineering Chemistry | volume = 43 | issue = 9 | الصفحات = 2117 | السنة = 1951 | pmid = | pmc = }}</ref>
| MeltingPtC = 17.8
| BoilingPtC = 290