أكسيد المغنيسيوم: الفرق بين النسختين

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تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
ط بوت: تعريب
سطر 30:
| BoilingPtC = 3600
| Solubility = 0.0086 g/100 mL (30 °C)
| SolubleOther = Soluble in [[acidحمض]], [[ammoniaأمونياك]] <br/> insoluble in [[alcoholكحول]]
| ThermalConductivity=45–60&nbsp;W·m<sup>−1</sup>·K<sup>−1</sup><ref>[http://www.konoshima.co.jp/en/resdev/004.html Application of magnesium compounds to insulating heat-conductive fillers]. konoshima.co.jp</ref>
| RefractIndex = 1.736
| pKa = 10.3
| BandGap= 7.8 eV<ref>{{citeCite journal |journal=Solid State Communications |volume=55 |year=1985 |pages=351–5 |title=Self-consistent electronic structures of MgO and SrO |first1=O.E. |last1=Taurian |doi=10.1016/0038-1098(85)90622-2|last2=Springborg |first2=M. |last3=Christensen |first3=N.E. |issue=4 |url=http://users-phys.au.dk/nec/Papers/necSSC/SSC55351.pdf|bibcode = 1985SSCom..55..351T}}</ref>
| قسم3 = {{معلومات كيمياء - بنية