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مشروع ويكي الصيانة:إستبدال الوصلات الحمراء
سطر 36:
* [http://www.nycfoto.com/showPage.php?albumID=51 Views from an office in Empire State Building]
* [http://manhattan.about.com/od/historyandlandmarks/a/empirestate.htm/ Empire State Building Trivia]
* [http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchresult.cfm?parent_id=131032 The Construction of the Empire State Building, 1930-1931], [[Newمكتبة Yorkنيويورك Public Libraryالعامة]]
* [http://www.gearthhacks.com/dlfile21019/empire-state-building-3D.htm 3D model of the building for use in Google Earth]
* [http://www.360travelguide.com/360VirtualTour.asp?iCode=nyc17 Panoramic virtual tour of the Empire State Building at night]