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ط WPCleaner v1.39b - باستخدام وب:فو (وصلة تساوي نص الوصلة)
ط بوت:تعريب وسائط قالب:مرجع ويب
سطر 20:
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سطر 55:
*A Book Review of ''Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the twentieth century'' by Walter S. Dunn, ''The Journal of Military History'', Vol. 62, No. 3 (Jul., 1998), pp. 660–661
*A Book Review of ''Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the twentieth century'' by James F Dunningan in ''The World War II Bookshelf: Fifty Must-Read Books'', 2004, Citadel Press, ISBN 0-8065-2609-2. pp. 136–139.
*{{citeمرجع webويب |lastالأخير=Krivosheev |firstالأول=Grigoriy |titleالعنوان=Россия и СССР в войнах XX века: Потери вооруженных сил: Статистическое исследование |trans_titleالعنوان بالعربي= Russia and the USSR in the wars of the 20th century: Loss of armed forces: Statistical study |urlالمسار=http://www.soldat.ru/doc/casualties/book/ |languageاللغة=Russian }} [http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.soldat.ru%2Fdoc%2Fcasualties%2Fbook%2F&sl=auto&tl=en Google translation]
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