حمام (جنس): الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
ط بوت:صيانة القوالب V1
سطر 87:
* Cheke, Anthony S. (2005): Naming segregates from the ''Columba–Streptopelia'' pigeons following DNA studies on phylogeny. ''[[Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club|Bull. B.O.C.]]'' '''125'''(4): 293-295. [http://web.archive.org/web/20110710143423/http://www.dodobooks.com/files/Cheke2005PigeonNames.pdf PDF fulltext]
* Johnson, Kevin P.; de Kort, Selvino; Dinwoodey, Karen, Mateman, A. C.; ten Cate, Carel; Lessells, C. M. & Clayton, Dale H. (2001): A molecular phylogeny of the dove genera ''Streptopelia'' and ''Columba''. ''[[Auk (journal)|Auk]]'' '''118'''(4): 874-887. <small>[[معرف الوثيقة الرقمي]]:10.1642/0004-8038(2001)118[0874:AMPOTD]2.0.CO;2</small> [http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/~kjohnson/kpj_pdfs/Auk.2001.pdf PDF fulltext]
* Mlíkovský, Jirí (2002): ''Cenozoic Birds of the World, Part 1: Europe''. Ninox Press, Prague. <small>{{Listed Invalidرقم ISBN غير صالح|80-901105-3-8}}</small> [http://www.nm.cz/download/JML-18-2002-CBE.pdf PDF fulltext]<!-- This should be treated with extreme caution as regards merging of species. Splits are usually good though. See also critical review in Auk121:623-627 here http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3793/is_200404/ai_n9396879 -->
== أنظر أيضاً ==
* [[تطور الطيور]]