التهاب الجنبة: الفرق بين النسختين

[نسخة منشورة][نسخة منشورة]
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سطر 178:
* [[قسطنطينيوس الثالث]], a co-emperor of the Western Roman Empire, died of pleurisy according to [[Sidonius Apollinaris]] on 2 September 421 AD.<ref>{{مرجع كتاب | الأخير1 = Livermore | الأول1 = Harold | العنوان = The twilight of the Goths : the rise and fall of the kingdom of Toledo c.575-711 | الناشر = Intellect | سنة = 2006 | مكان = Bristol, United Kingdom | الصفحة = 36 | الرقم المعياري = 978-1-84150-966-2 }}</ref>
* [[Charlemagne]], known as the father of Europe for reuniting much of the Roman Empire, died in 814 of pleurisy.<ref>[[Einhard]], ''The Life Of Charlemagne'' (University of Michigan Press, 5th edition, 1964) at p. 59</ref>
* [[Hernánإرنان Cortésكورتيس]] died on 2 December 1547, from a case of pleurisy at the age of 62.
* [[كاترين دي ميديشي]], sometimes described as a "wife of one King and mother of three others", died from pleurisy in January 1589 at age 69.<ref>Frieda, Leonie. Catherine De Medici: Renaissance Queen of France. New York: Fourth Estate, 2003, p. 381.</ref>
* [[Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina]], Renaissance composer died in 1594 from pleurisy in Rome, Italy.