منظمة الشباب الجزائريين الأحرار: الفرق بين النسختين

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JarBot (نقاش | مساهمات)
سطر 51:
* [http://www.algeria-watch.de/mrv/2002/bilan_massacres.htm Chronology of massacres in Algeria] {{fr icon}}
* [http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/home/opendoc.htm?tbl=RSDCOI&page=research&id=3ae6a66cc A comment on OJAL on the web site of UNHCR, the UN refugee agency] (in French). “The OJAL is a militant group that supported the army in its battle against the Islamists and which perpetrated attacks against the Islamic communities. It was founded in 1993.”
* [http://mondediplo.com/1999/03/03algeria “Algeria accepts the unacceptable”], a 1999 article (in English) in [[Leلوموند Monde diplomatiqueديبلوماتيك]] by Djamel Benramdane.
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