مجموعة أسيتيل: الفرق بين النسختين

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سطر 1:
{{مصدر|تاريخ=فبراير 2016}}
{{chembox new
| Verifiedfields = changed
| Name = أستيل
| Watchedfields = changed
| ImageFile = Acetyl.svg
| verifiedrevid = 477239872
| ImageSize = 150px
| ImageFile = Acetyl group.svg
| IUPACName = إيثانويل
| ImageFile_Ref = {{chemboximage|correct|??}}
| OtherNames = كتيون الأسيتيل <br />أيون الأسيتيليوم
| ImageSize = 150px121
| Section1= {{Chembox Identifiers
| ImageName = Skeletal formula of acetyl with all implicit hydrogens shown
| CASNo =
| IUPACName = أسيتيل (مفضل على إيثانويل)<ref>{{Cite web|url = http://www.acdlabs.com/iupac/nomenclature/79/r79_1037.htm|title = List of Radical Names Beginning from "A" |work = Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, and H, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979. Copyright 1979 IUPAC}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url = http://www.acdlabs.com/iupac/nomenclature/93/r93_480.htm|title = R-5.7.1 Carboxylic acids, where acetyl appears as an example |work = IUPAC, Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. A Guide to IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds (Recommendations 1993), 1993, Blackwell Scientific publications, Copyright 1993 IUPAC }}</ref>
| PubChem = 644096
| SystematicName = Methyloxidocarbon(•)<ref>{{Cite web|url = https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/searchId.do?chebiId=46887|title = Acetyl|work = Chemical Entities of Biological Interest|location = UK|publisher = European Bioinformatics Institute}}</ref> (additive)
| SMILES = C[C+]=O
| Section1= {{Chembox Identifiers
| Abbreviations = Ac
|Section2= {{Chembox Properties
| CASNo_Ref = {{cascite|changed|??}}
| Formula = <sup>+</sup>C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>3</sub>O
| CASNo = 3170-69-2
| MolarMass = 43.04 غ/مول
| ExactMassPubChem = 43.01839137849
| ChemSpiderID = 121499
| Appearance =
| ChemSpiderID_Ref = {{chemspidercite|correct|chemspider}}
| Density =
| ChEBI_Ref = {{ebicite|correct|EBI}}
| MeltingPt =
| ChEBI = 46887
| BoilingPt =
| Beilstein = 1697938
| Solubility =
| Gmelin = 786
| SMILES = C[C+]=O
| StdInChI = 1S/C2H3O/c1-2-3/h1H3
| StdInChI_Ref = {{stdinchicite|correct|chemspider}}
| StdInChIKey_Ref = {{stdinchicite|correct|chemspider}}
|Section2= {{Chembox Properties
| C=2 | H=3 | O=1
|Section3={{Chembox Thermochemistry
| DeltaHf = −15 to −9 kJ mol<sup>−1</sup>
|Section4={{Chembox Related
| OtherCompounds = [[Acetone]]<br />
[[Carbon monoxide]]