قائمة الدول حسب الإنفاق على البحث والتطوير: الفرق بين النسختين

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ط Bot: Converting bare references, using ref names to avoid duplicates, see FAQ
سطر 17:
| align="center" | 2.7%
| align="center" | 2011
| align="center" | <ref name="battelle">[http://www.battelle.org/aboutus/rd/2011.pdf Media | In the News | Battelle<!-- عنوان مولد بالبوت -->]</ref>
| align="center" | 2
سطر 199:
| align="center" | 0.7%
| align="center" | 2010
| align="center" | <ref>[http://www.reporter.ir/archives/89/10/006635.php reporter: بودجه پژوهش در امورغير پژوهشي<!-- عنوان مولد بالبوت -->]</ref><!-- Translating the report and using GDP nominal to GDP PPP conversion ratio of 2.5 for Iran and IMF currency exchange rates for rials to US dollars conversion, 0.7% of GDP (PPP) -->
| align="center" | 28
سطر 241:
| align="center" | 0.85%
| align="center" | 2007
| align="center" | <ref name="unesdoc.unesco.org">[http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0018/001899/189958E.pdf UNESCO science report, 2010: the current status of science around the world; 2010<!-- عنوان مولد بالبوت -->]</ref>
| align="center" | 34
سطر 269:
| align="center" | 0.63%
| align="center" | 2010
| align="center" | <ref name="thejakartapost.com">[http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/07/02/the-performance-research-indonesia.html The performance of research in Indonesia | The Jakarta Post<!-- عنوان مولد بالبوت -->]</ref><!-- 0.63% of GDP (PPP) -->
| align="center" | 38