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سطر 28:
قامت "مفوضية الاتصالات الالكترونية وخدمات البريد " في جمهورية الجبل الأسود ببناء برج الاتصالات اللاسلكية خلال فترة 3 ثنوات بين الأ‘وام 2008 إلى 2011 . الفترة شركة
The tower was built by the ''Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services'' of Montenegro during a 3-year period, from 2008 to 2011. The whole project was followed by a lot of controversy, mostly regarding the construction costs of cca. 5 million Euros. <ref>http://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/inzenjeri-lose-planirali-troskove-gradnje-tornja-clanak-45325</ref> It was officially opened on October 15, 2011. <ref>http://www.dan.co.me/?nivo=3&rubrika=Ekonomija&clanak=301707&datum=2011-10-16</ref>