حلم صاف: الفرق بين النسختين

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تعديل ترجمة lucid من صافي إلى واضح
وسمان: تحرير من المحمول تعديل ويب محمول
سطر 1:
{{يتيمة|تاريخ=مايو 2015}}
'''الحلم الصَّافيالواضح''' {{إنك|Lucid dream}} هو أي [[حلم]] يُدرك صاحبه حقيقة أنه يحلم. في أثناء الحلم الصافي،الواضح، ثمَّة إمكانية عالية لأن يتمكَّن صاحب الحُلم من التحكم بحلمه وتغيير مجريات الأحداث فيه.<ref name="Kahan 1994">{{cite journal | author = Kahan T., LaBerge S. | year = 1994 | title = Lucid dreaming as metacognition: Implications for cognitive science | url = | journal = Consciousness and Cognition | volume = 3 | issue = | pages = 246–264 | doi=10.1006/ccog.1994.1014}}</ref><ref name="Mayor2005">{{cite book|author=Adrienne Mayor|title=Fossil Legends Of The First Americans|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=CMsgQQkmFqQC&pg=PA402|accessdate=29 April 2013|year=2005|publisher=Princeton University Press|isbn=978-0-691-11345-6|page=402|quote=The term "lucid dreaming" to describe the technique of controlling dreams and following them to a desired conclusion was coined by the nineteenth-century Dutch psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden. }}</ref><ref name="SpenceFodor1985">{{cite book|author1=Lewis Spence|author2=Nandor Fodor|title=Encyclopedia of occultism & parapsychology|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=iZYQAQAAIAAJ&q=Frederik+van+Eeden+coined+term+lucid+dream&dq=Frederik+van+Eeden+coined+term+lucid+dream&hl=en&sa=X&ei=1b5-UdGkDaWF2QW41IG4Cw&ved=0CD8Q6AEwAzgo|accessdate=29 April 2013|volume=2|page=617|year=1985|publisher=Gale Research Co.|isbn=978-0-8103-0196-2|quote=Dr. Van Eeden was an author and physician who sat with the English medium Mrs. R. Thompson and was also ... 431) in which he used the term "lucid dream" to indicate those conditions in which the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming.}}</ref> يمكن للأحلام الصَّافية أن تكون واقعيَّة.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.lucidity.com/LucidDreamingFAQ2.html|title=Lucid Dreaming Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Lucidity Institute|work=lucidity.com}}</ref> أظهرت الدراسات أن الناس الذين يمرُّون بحلمٍ صافٍ يكتسبون نشاطاً دماغياً كبيراً من درجة تردُّد بيتا 1 (13 - 19 هرتز)، أي بعبارةٍ أخرى يكون لديهم نشاطٌ عالٍ في [[فص جداري|الفص الجداري]] من الدماغ، وهذا ما يجعلهم واعين لأحلامهم.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Holzinger B., LaBerge S., Levitan L. | year = 2006 | title = Psychophysiological correlates of lucid dreaming | url = | journal = American Psychological Association | volume = 16 | issue = 2| pages = 88–95 | doi = 10.1037/1053-0797.16.2.88 }}</ref>
لوحظت هذه الظاهرة منذ عهد الإغريق القُدماء، إذ يقول الفيلسوف [[أرسطو]] فيها: «يحدث كثيراً عندما يحلم الشَّخص أن يخبره شيءٌ في وعيه أنه في حلمٍ ليس إلا».<ref name="Mavrematis1987"/> من أوَّل العُلماء الذين سجَّلوا تجربتهم الشخصية مع الحلام الصافية الفرنسي ماري جين ليون (1822 - 1892).<ref name="Mavrematis1987">{{cite book|author=Andreas Mavrematis|title=Hypnogogia: The Unique State of Consciousness Between Wakefullness and Sleep|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=dGgOAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA96|accessdate=29 April 2013|year=1987|publisher=Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Incorporated|isbn=978-0-7102-0282-6|page=96|quote=The lucid dream, a term coined by van Eeden himself, had already been noted by Aristotle who wrote that 'often when...}}</ref><ref name="Bulkeley1999">{{cite book|author=Kelly Bulkeley|title=Visions of the night: dreams, religion, and psychology|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=0ogZ49yw8i0C&pg=PA157|accessdate=29 April 2013|year=1999|publisher=SUNY Press|isbn=978-0-7914-9798-2|page=157|quote=The person most widely credited with coining the term "lucid dream" is Frederick Van Eeden, a Dutch psychiatrist who from 1898 to 1912 gathered reports of lucid dreams and performed experiments on his own abilities to have lucid dreams ...}}</ref><ref name="Bulkeley1999"/> ويُنسَب استعمال مصطلح الحلم الصَّافي للمرَّة الأولى في الغالب إلى الطبيب النفسي والكاتب الهولندي فردريك فان إيدين (1860 - 1932).<ref name="BayneCleeremans2009">{{cite book|author1=Tim Bayne|author2=Axel Cleeremans|author3=Patrick Wilken|title=The Oxford Companion to Consciousness|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=rXKSn02mlz4C&pg=PA236|accessdate=29 April 2013|date=4 June 2009|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-856951-0|page=236|quote=Van Eeden (1913), who coined the term lucid dreaming,...}}</ref><ref name="AngoffShapin1973">{{cite book|author1=Allan Angoff|author2=Betty Shapin|author3=Parapsychology Foundation|title=Parapsychology today: a geographic view; proceedings of an international conference, held at Le Piol, St. Paul de Vence, France, August 25-27, 1971|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=AiUNAAAAIAAJ|accessdate=29 April 2013|year=1973|publisher=Parapsychology Foundation|isbn=978-0-912328-21-8|quote=Best known is Frederik van Eeden (1860-1932), physician, author and poet, who became interested in psychical ... 431), wherein he coined the term "lucid dreams," that is the type of dream in which the sleeper knows that he is dreaming.}}</ref><ref name="ParmeggianiVelluti2005">{{cite book|author1=Pier Luigi Parmeggiani|author2=Ricardo A. Velluti|title=The Physiologic Nature of Sleep|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=kbi1_he8JhIC&pg=PA551|accessdate=29 April 2013|date=30 December 2005|publisher=Imperial College Press|isbn=978-1-86094-557-1|page=551|quote=The term was coined by Frederik van Eeden (1913).}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=New Scientist|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=qDMeAQAAMAAJ|accessdate=29 April 2013|date=January 1990|publisher=New Science Publications|quote=The term "lucid dreaming" (which isn't a very good one since it means much more than vivid or clear dreaming) was coined by Frederik van Eeden, a Dutch psychiatrist, ...}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|title=PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: APRIL 1989|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=mzF7J9_hWtIC|accessdate=29 April 2013|year=1989|author=[[Psychology Today]]|quote=Society for Psychical Research, that the Dutch physician Frederik Willems Van Eeden wrote of having a "lucid" dream. Van Eeden may have coined the term, but it was Hugh Calloway, an English contemporary, who was the first to ...}}</ref><ref name="Frederik van Eeden 1997">{{cite journal |author=Frederik van Eeden