مراسلون بلا حدود: الفرق بين النسختين

[مراجعة غير مفحوصة][نسخة منشورة]
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
ط استرجاع تعديلات Economists Without Borders (نقاش) حتى آخر نسخة بواسطة Mohatatou
سطر 1:
[[ملف:Reporters Without Borders 2009 Press Freedom Rankings Map.svg|thumb|500px|مؤشر حرية الصحافة في 30 مارس 2010 الذي أصدرته المنظمة]]
منظمة اقتصاديين بلا حدود
Economists Without Borders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economists Without Borders Association
[[ملف:RSF Tunisie recommande des actions en faveur de la liberté de la presse (6260644715).jpg|تصغير|إعلان للمنظمة على جدران [[موقف حافلات]] في [[تونس العاصمة]]]]
'''مراسلون بلا حدود''' '''{{فر|Reporters Sans Frontières}}''' هي [[منظمة غير حكومية]] تنشد [[حرية الصحافة]]، تتخذ من [[باريس]] مقراً لها. وتدعو بشكل أساسي [[حرية الصحافة|لحرية الصحافة]] و[[حرية تداول المعلومات]]. وللمنظمة صفة مستشار لدى [[الأمم المتحدة]].<ref name="en.rsf.org">{{cite web|url=http://en.rsf.org/introduction-24-03-2011,32617.html |title=Introduction - Reporters Without Borders |publisher=En.rsf.org |date= |accessdate=2012-03-03}}</ref> أسسها [[روبرت مينارد]] في العام [[1985]]، وروني براومان رئيس منظمة [[أطباء بلا حدود]]، والصحفي جون كلود جويلبواد<ref name=RFO>http://www.rfointernational.net/article245.html</ref> جون فرانسوا جولار هو أمينها العام منذ 2008.<ref name="LeFigaro_Menard_resigns">{{cite news | first= | last= | pages= | language =French | title=Robert Ménard "se passera très bien des médias" | date=2008-09-26 | publisher=[[Le Figaro]] | url=http://www.lefigaro.fr/medias/2008/09/26/04002-20080926ARTFIG00570-robert-menard-quitte-rsf-.php |accessdate=2008-12-24 |archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/5dIFhRWa4 |archivedate=2008-12-23 }}</ref> وتحتفل المنظمة في يوم 3 مايو ب[[يوم حرية الصحافة العالمي]]، وتنشر المنظمة في هذا اليوم تقريراً كاملاً عن حرية الصحافة في أكثر من 50 دولة وهو [[مقياس حرية الصحافة حول العالم]].
حصلت منظمة "مراسلون بلا حدود" على [[جائزة سخاروف لحرية الفكر]] من [[البرلمان الأوروبي]] سنة [[2005]].
== أسس ومبادئ المنظمة ==
تستند منظمة '''مراسلون بلا حدود''' إلى [[المادة 19]] من [[الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان]]، التي تنص على أن كل إنسان يملك "الحق في [[حرية الرأي]] والتعبير" وأيضا الحرية في "[[البحث]]، واستقبال، وتوزيع" المعلومات والأفكار "بغض النظر عن مدى اتساع الحدود التي يصل إليها". أعيد التأكيد على هذه الحقوق من خلال العديد من [[المواثيق]] و[[المعاهدات]] حول العالم. في [[أوروبا]]، هذا الحق متضمن في [[اتفاقية]] 1950 المتعلقة بحماية حقوق الإنسان والحقوق الأساسية.
Ismail Massad strange
منظمة مراسلون بلا حدود هي [[عضو مؤسس]] في شبكة "التبادل الدولي لحرية التعبير {{إنج|International Freedom of Expression Exchange}}، وهي شبكة منظمات غير حكومية تقوم بمراقبة انتهاكات [[حرية التعبير]] في كافة أنحاء العالم، كما تدافع عن الصحافيين، والكتاب، أو أي شخص معرض للاضطهاد لأنه مارس حقه في حرية التعبير.
نشرت المنظمة، على مر السنوات، عدة كتب تهدف لزيادة [[الوعي العام]] حول التهديدات المحدقة بحرية الصحافة حول العالم. من إصدارات المنظمة المنشورة {{إنج|Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents}} "كتيب للمدونين والمعارضين الإنترنتيين"، الذي صدر عام 2005. يوفر [[الكتيب]] مساعدات عن كيفية التدوين باسم مستعار وبيان سبل الإفلات من قبضة [[الرقابة]]. ويحتوي على إضافات من مدونين صحافيين، أمثال، دان جيلمور، جاي روسين، وإيثان زوكيرمان.
From faith to social work met the founders of the Society economists Without Borders and agreed to form non-profit organization to help the poor neighborhood with the necessary food, but was quickly develop the organization to be scientific beacon economists to take care of in Egypt and the world and work on the development and modernization of economic thought.
== مقياس حرية الصحافة ==
Preparation Ismail Massad
{{مقال تفصيلي|مقياس حرية الصحافة حول العالم}}
تقوم منظمة مراسلون بلا حدود بإصدار مقياس منتظم يُعنى بحرية الصحافة حول العالم كل عام، ويعتبر من أهم المؤشرات المعتمدة لتوثيق مدى الحرية والديمقراطية في مختلف دول العالم ويسمى المسح السنوي بـ[[مقياس حرية الصحافة حول العالم]].
Part I - Introduction of the association
1. Definition of economists Without Borders. 2. Hardware and organizational structure of the organization. 3. Statement of the names of the founders of the Association.
Chapter One definition economists Without Borders
Economists Without Borders Association is a global gathering of economists, a world association working in the fields of: 1. cultural, scientific and religious services. 2. Economic Development. 3. social assistance. And all through the following activities: - 1. scientific exchange with all the institutions and economic bodies. 2. The establishment of an annual conference under the Cairo WEF name. 3. provide annual awards to those who have made an economic research contributed to the economic progress. 4. The establishment of a scientific courses in Economic Sciences. 5. issuing reports and bulletins and economic rankings. 6. provide scientific and technical support for scientific research centers economic. 7. provide loans and financial aid for economists. 8. dissemination of economic and scientific research in international scientific journals. 9. organization of scientific missions trips to colleges and universities economy. 10. provide scientific support and training to the offices of the economic consulting. 11. establish an economic scientific seminars to increase economic awareness. 12. Help the United Nations organs of an economic nature in the performance of their role.
Chapter II hardware and organizational structure of the Association
Economists Assembly consisting Without Borders of the following organs: - 1. Assembly: It includes all of the founding members and members who have applied for membership of the Assembly after the establishment phase is the General Assembly is the most powerful Assembly devices at all. 2. The Board of Directors: It consists of seven members and has a lot of tasks, for example, elected Chairman of the Board of Directors and the election of the treasurer, which is the legislative authority of the Assembly. 3. General Secretariat: chaired by the Secretary General of the Association, as the Secretariat of the Board of Directors where prepares the Governing Council agenda and minutes of meetings organization. 4. The Executive Committee is composed of five members of the executive branch which is considered within the Assembly, where the implementation of the decisions of the Board. 5. cashier who is on his shoulder all the financial affairs and matters relating to the association financially. 6. experts and training sector, which is the responsibility of the preparation and training of scientific personnel and economic rehabilitation rehabilitation of a scientific mission. 7. Prizes sector which filters to choose the winners of Scientific Society. 8. Goodwill Ambassadors economists sector is the sector members connect financial aid and food to the poor and the needy and the poor. 9. International Commission for the care of the affairs of Africa economists members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Africa. 10. International Commission for the Asia-care economists Affairs Association members economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Asia. 11. International Committee of economists South America take care of the affairs of the members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the South American continent. 12. International Commission for the care of the affairs of Europe, economists members of the Assembly economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Europe. 13. International Commission for the North American economists care of the affairs of the members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the North American continent. 14. International Commission for the care economists Oceania Affairs Association members economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Oceania and the care of their affairs.
Chapter III release the names of the founders of the Association
1. Ismail Massad strange 2. naked vine Hanna 3. Mohamed Mahmoud Abdullah 4. Sameh Samir Abdo 5. Nasser Mohammed Abdul Aziz Abdul Wahab 6. Hamdi Abdel Wahab 7. Sayed Abdel Jaber fixed 8. Hany Saad Allah Ozimirs 9. Makram vine Hanna 10. Mohamed Sayed Hassanein
PART TWO belonging to the Association of facilities
1. Cairo World Economic Forum. 2. Museum of economic thought symbols economic Museum. 3. Economic Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of Economic Thought symbols. 4. Economic Gazette. 5. The World Today economists and economists Festival.
The first chapter of the World Economic Forum Cairo
Is a scientific conference economic order is held annually and takes into account the following: - 1. To be held on the International Day for economists, a 10/11 of each year (the tenth of the month of November each year). 2. Delivery of prizes awarded by the Assembly to the winners on the first day of the World Economic Forum Cairo. 3. to be the duration of the Forum annually three consecutive days beginning on the International Day for economists and two days later. 4. be invited all members of the Association of Economists Without Borders to attend the conference, as well as to invite all those interested in the knowledge economy of the outside members of the Assembly, as well as inviting political figures. 5. to be a forum for discussion of economic issues affecting the world every year and the Egyptian and Arab economy. 6. to be President of the World Economic Forum Cairo is the president of Association of Economists Without Borders and the executive director of the forum chosen by the Chairman of the Board. 7. be the venue of the Forum of Cairo and can take place in any other Egyptian city is also possible to be held outside of Egypt.
Chapter Two economic Museum (Museum of economic thought Codes)
Is a museum that is created to honor the World Economic Thought symbols of economists who favored economic thought, where is placed statues of the great thinkers of the economy this is a statue put each thinker economic blogger with his name and date of birth and a profile of this idea and production of scientific and abide by economists Without Borders put the Statue of those wins best economist in the world and shall not put statues for one person.
Chapter III Economic Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia of Economic Thought symbols)
Encyclopedia is designed to honor the World Economic Thought symbols placing their business and scientific production in the economic and scientific encyclopedia to achieve its goals. 1. Scientific cooperation with economic researchers. 2. facilitate the presentation of scientific material
Chapter IV economic Gazette
This is where the newspaper or magazine is the mouthpiece of the International Council of the Association of economists where publishes this magazine News Association and the various activities carried out.
Chapter V of the International Day for economists (Holiday economists)
This day, on the tenth of the month of November of each year and the reason for choosing this day to be the International Day of economists is that this day is the day of the birth of Ishmael Massad strange founder of the International Council of Economists Association is committed Assembly fully committed to be the forum Cairo global economic is the International Day of economists approved the tenth of the month of November globally and are delivered the annual prizes awarded by the Assembly in the same world today economists among all workers in the community and economic institutions and economic field and urged the UN institutions to recognize Badhar of November of each year is the International Day for economists and festival for all those involved in rural economic The Assembly also committed to providing gifts and celebrations in the world today for economists.
Part III resolutions honoring
1. The decision to grant Ismail Massad best economist in the world and the establishment of the century award prizes. 2. The decision to grant Ismail Massad economists Dean World Award. 3. The decision to adopt the birthday Ismail Massad International Day of economists. 4. The decision to honor the gentlemen / heads of international committees and the President of the Assembly by giving them the Dean Award. 5. The decision to honor the members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award. 6. Resolution honoring Ismail Massad Assembly by making awards in the form of a statue of him in addition to the value of material prizes.
The first chapter decision to grant Ismail Massad best economist at the World Award
Gentlemen founders and members of the Board of the International Council for economists management decided to give Ismail Massad best economist at the World Award of Merit from the Association for his efforts in establishing the Assembly and work to develop and expand its membership. Century Awards Awards century economy and Society and the Journal of Economic century in Egypt. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Africa. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Asia. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in North America. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in South America. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Europe. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Oceania. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in the Arab world. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in the world.
CHAPTER II decision to grant Ismail Massad better economic world award
The founders decided gentlemen and members of the Board of Directors economists Without Borders awarded Ismail Massad Dean of the world economists estimate the Founders Award from the gentlemen and members of the Board of Directors for his efforts in the advancement of the association.
Chapter III decision to adopt birthday Ismail Massad International Day for economists
Gentlemen founding members of the Board of Directors economists decided Without Borders adoption birthday Ismail International Day of economists and serve as a National Day of economists and Assembly committed to the celebration in this day and give gifts and to require all members of the inside and outside Egypt to celebrate this day as the Assembly is committed to the establishment of a forum Alagahrh global economic On the birth of Ishmael Massad, corresponding to the tenth of November each year.
Chapter IV decision to honor the Heads of international committees and the Chairman of the Board
Gentlemen founders and members of the Governing Council of the International Council of Economists Association decided to honor the Heads of international committees prizes for life, a dean economists awards as head of the International Committee of the economists Africa is becoming dean economists Africa and President of the International Committee of the economists Asia become dean of economists Asia throughout its lifespan Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee To economists Europe become dean economists Europe throughout its lifespan Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee of economists South America Dean economists South America becomes this for the duration of his stay in the position of Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee of the economists Oceania become dean of economists Oceania for the duration of his stay in the position of the Chairman of the Committee has also decided to Gentlemen founders and board members honored the President of the International Council of Economists Association whatever person to become dean of the economists the world for the duration of his stay in the position of President of the Assembly.
Chapter V decision to honor the members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award
Gentlemen founding members of the Governing Council of the economists Association decided Without Borders honored members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award For example, if there are three Saudis members of the Assembly are to choose one of them to be represented and speaking about the Saudis economists before the Assembly is called the dean of Saudi economists, although there were four economists Moroccans members in the Assembly are to choose one of them to be represented and speaking about the Moroccan economists before the Assembly is called the dean of the Moroccan economist and are entering Saudi economist to the International Committee of the economists Asia and the entry of Moroccan economist to the International Committee of the economists Africa and the analogy to this in all countries and continents of the world. Chapter VI resolution honoring Ismail Massad making awards Assembly in the form of a statue of him in addition to the value of material prizes. Resolution gentlemen founders and members of the Board of Directors be prizes awarded by the Assembly in the form of a statue of Ismail Massad this along with the value of material prizes.
Part IV awards on the Egyptian level: Chapter One: Best economist at Egypt Chapter II: Dean economists Egyptians Award Chapter III: better economic association in Egypt Award Chapter IV: Best economic newspapers in Egypt at the Arab level: Chapter Five: Best economic in the Arab world Chapter VI: Dean Arabs economists Chapter VII Award: Best Economic Society in the Arab World Award Chapter VIII: better economic newspaper in the Arab World Award at the African level: Chapter Nine: Best economist at the Africa Prize Chapter X: Dean of African economists Chapter Award Eleven: Best economic Society in Africa Chapter XII: better economic Newspaper Award in Africa on the Asian level: Chapter XIII: Best Prize economist at the Asia Chapter XIV: Dean economists Asians Award Chapter XV: better economic association in Asia Award Chapter XVI: Best economic newspapers in Asia at the European level: Chapter XVII: The best economist in Europe Chapter XVIII Award: Dean economists Europeans Award Chapter XIX: better economic association in Europe Award Chapter Twenty: Best economic newspaper in Europe American level South: Chapter Twenty: The best economist at South America Chapter XXII Award: Dean economists South America Chapter III Award Twenty: Best economic association in South America Chapter XXIV: Best economic newspaper in South America to the US level North Chapter XXV: Best economist at the North American Chapter Twenty: Dean economists North America Chapter VII Award Twenty: better economic Society of North America Award Chapter XXVIII: Best economic newspaper in North America to Oceania level: Chapter XXIX: Best economist at America Oceania Chapter Thirty: Dean economists Oceania Award Chapter Thirty: better economic association in Oceania Award Chapter XXXII: better economic newspaper in Oceania award to level the world: Chapter XXXIII: Best economist at the World Chapter IV Thirty Award: Dean of the world's economists Chapter V Award Thirty: Best economic association in the world Chapter XXXVI: Best economic journal in the world
The first chapter in the best economic Egypt Award
The right to stand, the right to run is guaranteed to all economists Egyptians whether they are members of the Assembly or were not members but the right to nominate candidates for the award will be for members of the association only in the sense that the economic Egyptian is a member of the Assembly has been nominated for the award this correct procedure, but who was nominated for the award must be be One of the members of the Assembly. The material value of the award, the Board of Directors determines the material value of the award. The form of the award, the award is a form of a statue of Ismail Massad painted in gold leaf. Award Objectives: 1. ignite strong and honest competition between all economists Egyptians. 2. honoring Egyptian symbols of economic thought who prepared the economic and scientific research, which has affected economic thought in Egypt. Terms run for the prize. 1. To be an Egyptian candidate. 2. to be economists. 3. to have some research and literature. 4. Submission of the biography of the candidate, which includes his most important works, research and literature prepared by.
Chapter Two Egyptian economist Dean Award
Is an award twin adjacent to award the best economist in Egypt it wins the award for the best economist in Egypt automatically wins the prize economist Dean Egyptians complementary award for best economist in Egypt and affiliates and not a stand-alone independent award. The material value of the prize: not material value of the award are only moral. The form of prize: a written certificate that the winner became the dean of the country's economists with a picture of Ismail Massad. Award Objectives: 1. Find dishonest competition among economists Egyptians. 2. Egypt celebrated scientists economists. 3. Work on the establishment of a scientific forum for the presentation economists Egyptians research. The consequences of getting the prize: 1. opportunity and access to economic encyclopedia Assembly. 2. The opportunity and the possibility of notation name of the winner in the economic Heritage Register. 3. the opportunity and ability to make a statue for the winner in the economic Heritage Register. 4. deliver a speech at the World Economic Forum Cairo. 5. possibility of publishing his autobiography in economic Gazette. 6. congratulate him on the International Day for economists.
Chapter III better economic Society Award in Egypt
Definition prize: - is the prize awarded Economic Association the best in Egypt, which was her participation in economic activities and figures and held seminars and conferences that would increase economic awareness. Run for the prize: the right of any association in Egypt run for the prize, but this will be run by a member of the Assembly. The material value of the award: - The Board of Directors determine the material value of the award. The form of the award: - Statue of silver for Ismail Massad beside the certificate image Ismail Massad prove that the Assembly got the prize. Award Objectives: 1. Find an honest competition between economic associations. 2. celebrate associations and encourage development. Terms run for the prize: - 1. be of economic activity Assembly tangible and scientific awareness and education in the economic.
Chapter IV better economic Society Award in Egypt
Definition prize: - is the prize awarded Economic Association the best in Egypt, which provides economic analysis to its readers as it was based Pfaaliat and activities of an economic nature as seminars and conferences that would increase awareness and education economic held. Run for the prize: the right of any newspaper in Egypt run for the prize, but this will be run by a member of the Assembly. The material value of the award: - The Board of Directors determine the material value of the award. The form of the award: - bronze statue of Ismail Massad beside the certificate image Ismail Massad prove that the newspaper got a prize. Award Objectives: 1. Find an honest competition between economic associations. 2. celebrate associations and encourage development. 3. Economic newspapers urged to spread economic awareness. Terms run for the award: - 1 to be Egyptian Gazette economic and scientific activity of economic tangible.
Chapter V better economic in the Arab World Award
The award is the definition of prize awarded to the best economist in the Arab world who participated in the economic figures, seminars and conferences and has published several books and Economic Research. Important Note: In case of Arab or get Arab best economist at Africa or Asia Award is receiving the best economist in the Arab World Award automatically either in the event of an Arab on the best economist at the Asia Award and for Arabs in the same time the best economist at the Africa Prize are trade-offs between them, either in the absence of any Arab as the best economist in Africa or Asia are walking in the award procedures normally. The value of the prize material: Board of Directors determines the material value of the award. The form of the award: the award form a statue went to Ismail Massad. Terms run for the award: 1. be a candidate from one of the countries of the Arab world. 2. be of economists has many economic and scientific research literature.
Chapter VI Dean economists Arabs Award
The definition of the award is an award twin adjacent to award the best economist in Egypt it wins best economist in Egypt automatically wins the prize economist Dean Egyptians complementary award for best economist in Egypt and affiliates and not a stand-alone independent award. The material value of the Award: This award has no monetary value, it is only moral. The form of the award: The award is a testimony of the image Ismail Massad blogger out that the winner became the dean of the Arab economists.
منظمة اقتصاديين بلا حدود
Economists Without Borders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economists Without Borders Association
Ismail Massad strange
From faith to social work met the founders of the Society economists Without Borders and agreed to form non-profit organization to help the poor neighborhood with the necessary food, but was quickly develop the organization to be scientific beacon economists to take care of in Egypt and the world and work on the development and modernization of economic thought.
Preparation Ismail Massad
Part I - Introduction of the association
1. Definition of economists Without Borders. 2. Hardware and organizational structure of the organization. 3. Statement of the names of the founders of the Association.
Chapter One definition economists Without Borders
Economists Without Borders Association is a global gathering of economists, a world association working in the fields of: 1. cultural, scientific and religious services. 2. Economic Development. 3. social assistance. And all through the following activities: - 1. scientific exchange with all the institutions and economic bodies. 2. The establishment of an annual conference under the Cairo WEF name. 3. provide annual awards to those who have made an economic research contributed to the economic progress. 4. The establishment of a scientific courses in Economic Sciences. 5. issuing reports and bulletins and economic rankings. 6. provide scientific and technical support for scientific research centers economic. 7. provide loans and financial aid for economists. 8. dissemination of economic and scientific research in international scientific journals. 9. organization of scientific missions trips to colleges and universities economy. 10. provide scientific support and training to the offices of the economic consulting. 11. establish an economic scientific seminars to increase economic awareness. 12. Help the United Nations organs of an economic nature in the performance of their role.
Chapter II hardware and organizational structure of the Association
Economists Assembly consisting Without Borders of the following organs: - 1. Assembly: It includes all of the founding members and members who have applied for membership of the Assembly after the establishment phase is the General Assembly is the most powerful Assembly devices at all. 2. The Board of Directors: It consists of seven members and has a lot of tasks, for example, elected Chairman of the Board of Directors and the election of the treasurer, which is the legislative authority of the Assembly. 3. General Secretariat: chaired by the Secretary General of the Association, as the Secretariat of the Board of Directors where prepares the Governing Council agenda and minutes of meetings organization. 4. The Executive Committee is composed of five members of the executive branch which is considered within the Assembly, where the implementation of the decisions of the Board. 5. cashier who is on his shoulder all the financial affairs and matters relating to the association financially. 6. experts and training sector, which is the responsibility of the preparation and training of scientific personnel and economic rehabilitation rehabilitation of a scientific mission. 7. Prizes sector which filters to choose the winners of Scientific Society. 8. Goodwill Ambassadors economists sector is the sector members connect financial aid and food to the poor and the needy and the poor. 9. International Commission for the care of the affairs of Africa economists members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Africa. 10. International Commission for the Asia-care economists Affairs Association members economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Asia. 11. International Committee of economists South America take care of the affairs of the members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the South American continent. 12. International Commission for the care of the affairs of Europe, economists members of the Assembly economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Europe. 13. International Commission for the North American economists care of the affairs of the members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the North American continent. 14. International Commission for the care economists Oceania Affairs Association members economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Oceania and the care of their affairs.
Chapter III release the names of the founders of the Association
1. Ismail Massad strange 2. naked vine Hanna 3. Mohamed Mahmoud Abdullah 4. Sameh Samir Abdo 5. Nasser Mohammed Abdul Aziz Abdul Wahab 6. Hamdi Abdel Wahab 7. Sayed Abdel Jaber fixed 8. Hany Saad Allah Ozimirs 9. Makram vine Hanna 10. Mohamed Sayed Hassanein
PART TWO belonging to the Association of facilities
1. Cairo World Economic Forum. 2. Museum of economic thought symbols economic Museum. 3. Economic Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of Economic Thought symbols. 4. Economic Gazette. 5. The World Today economists and economists Festival.
The first chapter of the World Economic Forum Cairo
Is a scientific conference economic order is held annually and takes into account the following: - 1. To be held on the International Day for economists, a 10/11 of each year (the tenth of the month of November each year). 2. Delivery of prizes awarded by the Assembly to the winners on the first day of the World Economic Forum Cairo. 3. to be the duration of the Forum annually three consecutive days beginning on the International Day for economists and two days later. 4. be invited all members of the Association of Economists Without Borders to attend the conference, as well as to invite all those interested in the knowledge economy of the outside members of the Assembly, as well as inviting political figures. 5. to be a forum for discussion of economic issues affecting the world every year and the Egyptian and Arab economy. 6. to be President of the World Economic Forum Cairo is the president of Association of Economists Without Borders and the executive director of the forum chosen by the Chairman of the Board. 7. be the venue of the Forum of Cairo and can take place in any other Egyptian city is also possible to be held outside of Egypt.
Chapter Two economic Museum (Museum of economic thought Codes)
Is a museum that is created to honor the World Economic Thought symbols of economists who favored economic thought, where is placed statues of the great thinkers of the economy this is a statue put each thinker economic blogger with his name and date of birth and a profile of this idea and production of scientific and abide by economists Without Borders put the Statue of those wins best economist in the world and shall not put statues for one person.
Chapter III Economic Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia of Economic Thought symbols)
Encyclopedia is designed to honor the World Economic Thought symbols placing their business and scientific production in the economic and scientific encyclopedia to achieve its goals. 1. Scientific cooperation with economic researchers. 2. facilitate the presentation of scientific material
Chapter IV economic Gazette
This is where the newspaper or magazine is the mouthpiece of the International Council of the Association of economists where publishes this magazine News Association and the various activities carried out.
Chapter V of the International Day for economists (Holiday economists)
This day, on the tenth of the month of November of each year and the reason for choosing this day to be the International Day of economists is that this day is the day of the birth of Ishmael Massad strange founder of the International Council of Economists Association is committed Assembly fully committed to be the forum Cairo global economic is the International Day of economists approved the tenth of the month of November globally and are delivered the annual prizes awarded by the Assembly in the same world today economists among all workers in the community and economic institutions and economic field and urged the UN institutions to recognize Badhar of November of each year is the International Day for economists and festival for all those involved in rural economic The Assembly also committed to providing gifts and celebrations in the world today for economists.
Part III resolutions honoring
1. The decision to grant Ismail Massad best economist in the world and the establishment of the century award prizes. 2. The decision to grant Ismail Massad economists Dean World Award. 3. The decision to adopt the birthday Ismail Massad International Day of economists. 4. The decision to honor the gentlemen / heads of international committees and the President of the Assembly by giving them the Dean Award. 5. The decision to honor the members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award. 6. Resolution honoring Ismail Massad Assembly by making awards in the form of a statue of him in addition to the value of material prizes.
The first chapter decision to grant Ismail Massad best economist at the World Award
Gentlemen founders and members of the Board of the International Council for economists management decided to give Ismail Massad best economist at the World Award of Merit from the Association for his efforts in establishing the Assembly and work to develop and expand its membership. Century Awards Awards century economy and Society and the Journal of Economic century in Egypt. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Africa. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Asia. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in North America. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in South America. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Europe. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Oceania. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in the Arab world. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in the world.
CHAPTER II decision to grant Ismail Massad better economic world award
The founders decided gentlemen and members of the Board of Directors economists Without Borders awarded Ismail Massad Dean of the world economists estimate the Founders Award from the gentlemen and members of the Board of Directors for his efforts in the advancement of the association.
Chapter III decision to adopt birthday Ismail Massad International Day for economists
Gentlemen founding members of the Board of Directors economists decided Without Borders adoption birthday Ismail International Day of economists and serve as a National Day of economists and Assembly committed to the celebration in this day and give gifts and to require all members of the inside and outside Egypt to celebrate this day as the Assembly is committed to the establishment of a forum Alagahrh global economic On the birth of Ishmael Massad, corresponding to the tenth of November each year.
Chapter IV decision to honor the Heads of international committees and the Chairman of the Board
Gentlemen founders and members of the Governing Council of the International Council of Economists Association decided to honor the Heads of international committees prizes for life, a dean economists awards as head of the International Committee of the economists Africa is becoming dean economists Africa and President of the International Committee of the economists Asia become dean of economists Asia throughout its lifespan Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee To economists Europe become dean economists Europe throughout its lifespan Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee of economists South America Dean economists South America becomes this for the duration of his stay in the position of Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee of the economists Oceania become dean of economists Oceania for the duration of his stay in the position of the Chairman of the Committee has also decided to Gentlemen founders and board members honored the President of the International Council of Economists Association whatever person to become dean of the economists the world for the duration of his stay in the position of President of the Assembly.
Chapter V decision to honor the members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award
Gentlemen founding members of the Governing Council of the economists Association decided Without Borders honored members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award For example, if there are three Saudis members of the Assembly are to choose one of them to be represented and speaking about the Saudis economists before the Assembly is called the dean of Saudi economists, although there were four economists Moroccans members in the Assembly are to choose one of them to be represented and speaking about the Moroccan economists before the Assembly is called the dean of the Moroccan economist and are entering Saudi economist to the International Committee of the economists Asia and the entry of Moroccan economist to the International Committee of the economists Africa and the analogy to this in all countries and continents of the world. Chapter VI resolution honoring Ismail Massad making awards Assembly in the form of a statue of him in addition to the value of material prizes. Resolution gentlemen founders and members of the Board of Directors be prizes awarded by the Assembly in the form of a statue of Ismail Massad this along with the value of material prizes.
Part IV awards on the Egyptian level: Chapter One: Best economist at Egypt Chapter II: Dean economists Egyptians Award Chapter III: better economic association in Egypt Award Chapter IV: Best economic newspapers in Egypt at the Arab level: Chapter Five: Best economic in the Arab world Chapter VI: Dean Arabs economists Chapter VII Award: Best Economic Society in the Arab World Award Chapter VIII: better economic newspaper in the Arab World Award at the African level: Chapter Nine: Best economist at the Africa Prize Chapter X: Dean of African economists Chapter Award Eleven: Best economic Society in Africa Chapter XII: better economic Newspaper Award in Africa on the Asian level: Chapter XIII: Best Prize economist at the Asia Chapter XIV: Dean economists Asians Award Chapter XV: better economic association in Asia Award Chapter XVI: Best economic newspapers in Asia at the European level: Chapter XVII: The best economist in Europe Chapter XVIII Award: Dean economists Europeans Award Chapter XIX: better economic association in Europe Award Chapter Twenty: Best economic newspaper in Europe American level South: Chapter Twenty: The best economist at South America Chapter XXII Award: Dean economists South America Chapter III Award Twenty: Best economic association in South America Chapter XXIV: Best economic newspaper in South America to the US level North Chapter XXV: Best economist at the North American Chapter Twenty: Dean economists North America Chapter VII Award Twenty: better economic Society of North America Award Chapter XXVIII: Best economic newspaper in North America to Oceania level: Chapter XXIX: Best economist at America Oceania Chapter Thirty: Dean economists Oceania Award Chapter Thirty: better economic association in Oceania Award Chapter XXXII: better economic newspaper in Oceania award to level the world: Chapter XXXIII: Best economist at the World Chapter IV Thirty Award: Dean of the world's economists Chapter V Award Thirty: Best economic association in the world Chapter XXXVI: Best economic journal in the world
The first chapter in the best economic Egypt Award
The right to stand, the right to run is guaranteed to all economists Egyptians whether they are members of the Assembly or were not members but the right to nominate candidates for the award will be for members of the association only in the sense that the economic Egyptian is a member of the Assembly has been nominated for the award this correct procedure, but who was nominated for the award must be be One of the members of the Assembly. The material value of the award, the Board of Directors determines the material value of the award. The form of the award, the award is a form of a statue of Ismail Massad painted in gold leaf. Award Objectives: 1. ignite strong and honest competition between all economists Egyptians. 2. honoring Egyptian symbols of economic thought who prepared the economic and scientific research, which has affected economic thought in Egypt. Terms run for the prize. 1. To be an Egyptian candidate. 2. to be economists. 3. to have some research and literature. 4. Submission of the biography of the candidate, which includes his most important works, research and literature prepared by.
Chapter Two Egyptian economist Dean Award
Is an award twin adjacent to award the best economist in Egypt it wins the award for the best economist in Egypt automatically wins the prize economist Dean Egyptians complementary award for best economist in Egypt and affiliates and not a stand-alone independent award. The material value of the prize: not material value of the award are only moral. The form of prize: a written certificate that the winner became the dean of the country's economists with a picture of Ismail Massad. Award Objectives: 1. Find dishonest competition among economists Egyptians. 2. Egypt celebrated scientists economists. 3. Work on the establishment of a scientific forum for the presentation economists Egyptians research. The consequences of getting the prize: 1. opportunity and access to economic encyclopedia Assembly. 2. The opportunity and the possibility of notation name of the winner in the economic Heritage Register. 3. the opportunity and ability to make a statue for the winner in the economic Heritage Register. 4. deliver a speech at the World Economic Forum Cairo. 5. possibility of publishing his autobiography in economic Gazette. 6. congratulate him on the International Day for economists.
Chapter III better economic Society Award in Egypt
Definition prize: - is the prize awarded Economic Association the best in Egypt, which was her participation in economic activities and figures and held seminars and conferences that would increase economic awareness. Run for the prize: the right of any association in Egypt run for the prize, but this will be run by a member of the Assembly. The material value of the award: - The Board of Directors determine the material value of the award. The form of the award: - Statue of silver for Ismail Massad beside the certificate image Ismail Massad prove that the Assembly got the prize. Award Objectives: 1. Find an honest competition between economic associations. 2. celebrate associations and encourage development. Terms run for the prize: - 1. be of economic activity Assembly tangible and scientific awareness and education in the economic.
Chapter IV better economic Society Award in Egypt
Definition prize: - is the prize awarded Economic Association the best in Egypt, which provides economic analysis to its readers as it was based Pfaaliat and activities of an economic nature as seminars and conferences that would increase awareness and education economic held. Run for the prize: the right of any newspaper in Egypt run for the prize, but this will be run by a member of the Assembly. The material value of the award: - The Board of Directors determine the material value of the award. The form of the award: - bronze statue of Ismail Massad beside the certificate image Ismail Massad prove that the newspaper got a prize. Award Objectives: 1. Find an honest competition between economic associations. 2. celebrate associations and encourage development. 3. Economic newspapers urged to spread economic awareness. Terms run for the award: - 1 to be Egyptian Gazette economic and scientific activity of economic tangible.
Chapter V better economic in the Arab World Award
The award is the definition of prize awarded to the best economist in the Arab world who participated in the economic figures, seminars and conferences and has published several books and Economic Research. Important Note: In case of Arab or get Arab best economist at Africa or Asia Award is receiving the best economist in the Arab World Award automatically either in the event of an Arab on the best economist at the Asia Award and for Arabs in the same time the best economist at the Africa Prize are trade-offs between them, either in the absence of any Arab as the best economist in Africa or Asia are walking in the award procedures normally. The value of the prize material: Board of Directors determines the material value of the award. The form of the award: the award form a statue went to Ismail Massad. Terms run for the award: 1. be a candidate from one of the countries of the Arab world. 2. be of economists has many economic and scientific research literature.
Chapter VI Dean economists Arabs Award
The definition of the award is an award twin adjacent to award the best economist in Egypt it wins best economist in Egypt automatically wins the prize economist Dean Egyptians complementary award for best economist in Egypt and affiliates and not a stand-alone independent award. The material value of the Award: This award has no monetary value, it is only moral. The form of the award: The award is a testimony of the image Ismail Massad blogger out that the winner became the dean of the Arab economists.
منظمة اقتصاديين بلا حدود
Economists Without Borders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economists Without Borders Association
Ismail Massad strange
From faith to social work met the founders of the Society economists Without Borders and agreed to form non-profit organization to help the poor neighborhood with the necessary food, but was quickly develop the organization to be scientific beacon economists to take care of in Egypt and the world and work on the development and modernization of economic thought.
Preparation Ismail Massad
Part I - Introduction of the association
1. Definition of economists Without Borders. 2. Hardware and organizational structure of the organization. 3. Statement of the names of the founders of the Association.
Chapter One definition economists Without Borders
Economists Without Borders Association is a global gathering of economists, a world association working in the fields of: 1. cultural, scientific and religious services. 2. Economic Development. 3. social assistance. And all through the following activities: - 1. scientific exchange with all the institutions and economic bodies. 2. The establishment of an annual conference under the Cairo WEF name. 3. provide annual awards to those who have made an economic research contributed to the economic progress. 4. The establishment of a scientific courses in Economic Sciences. 5. issuing reports and bulletins and economic rankings. 6. provide scientific and technical support for scientific research centers economic. 7. provide loans and financial aid for economists. 8. dissemination of economic and scientific research in international scientific journals. 9. organization of scientific missions trips to colleges and universities economy. 10. provide scientific support and training to the offices of the economic consulting. 11. establish an economic scientific seminars to increase economic awareness. 12. Help the United Nations organs of an economic nature in the performance of their role.
Chapter II hardware and organizational structure of the Association
Economists Assembly consisting Without Borders of the following organs: - 1. Assembly: It includes all of the founding members and members who have applied for membership of the Assembly after the establishment phase is the General Assembly is the most powerful Assembly devices at all. 2. The Board of Directors: It consists of seven members and has a lot of tasks, for example, elected Chairman of the Board of Directors and the election of the treasurer, which is the legislative authority of the Assembly. 3. General Secretariat: chaired by the Secretary General of the Association, as the Secretariat of the Board of Directors where prepares the Governing Council agenda and minutes of meetings organization. 4. The Executive Committee is composed of five members of the executive branch which is considered within the Assembly, where the implementation of the decisions of the Board. 5. cashier who is on his shoulder all the financial affairs and matters relating to the association financially. 6. experts and training sector, which is the responsibility of the preparation and training of scientific personnel and economic rehabilitation rehabilitation of a scientific mission. 7. Prizes sector which filters to choose the winners of Scientific Society. 8. Goodwill Ambassadors economists sector is the sector members connect financial aid and food to the poor and the needy and the poor. 9. International Commission for the care of the affairs of Africa economists members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Africa. 10. International Commission for the Asia-care economists Affairs Association members economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Asia. 11. International Committee of economists South America take care of the affairs of the members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the South American continent. 12. International Commission for the care of the affairs of Europe, economists members of the Assembly economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Europe. 13. International Commission for the North American economists care of the affairs of the members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the North American continent. 14. International Commission for the care economists Oceania Affairs Association members economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Oceania and the care of their affairs.
Chapter III release the names of the founders of the Association
1. Ismail Massad strange 2. naked vine Hanna 3. Mohamed Mahmoud Abdullah 4. Sameh Samir Abdo 5. Nasser Mohammed Abdul Aziz Abdul Wahab 6. Hamdi Abdel Wahab 7. Sayed Abdel Jaber fixed 8. Hany Saad Allah Ozimirs 9. Makram vine Hanna 10. Mohamed Sayed Hassanein
PART TWO belonging to the Association of facilities
1. Cairo World Economic Forum. 2. Museum of economic thought symbols economic Museum. 3. Economic Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of Economic Thought symbols. 4. Economic Gazette. 5. The World Today economists and economists Festival.
The first chapter of the World Economic Forum Cairo
Is a scientific conference economic order is held annually and takes into account the following: - 1. To be held on the International Day for economists, a 10/11 of each year (the tenth of the month of November each year). 2. Delivery of prizes awarded by the Assembly to the winners on the first day of the World Economic Forum Cairo. 3. to be the duration of the Forum annually three consecutive days beginning on the International Day for economists and two days later. 4. be invited all members of the Association of Economists Without Borders to attend the conference, as well as to invite all those interested in the knowledge economy of the outside members of the Assembly, as well as inviting political figures. 5. to be a forum for discussion of economic issues affecting the world every year and the Egyptian and Arab economy. 6. to be President of the World Economic Forum Cairo is the president of Association of Economists Without Borders and the executive director of the forum chosen by the Chairman of the Board. 7. be the venue of the Forum of Cairo and can take place in any other Egyptian city is also possible to be held outside of Egypt.
Chapter Two economic Museum (Museum of economic thought Codes)
Is a museum that is created to honor the World Economic Thought symbols of economists who favored economic thought, where is placed statues of the great thinkers of the economy this is a statue put each thinker economic blogger with his name and date of birth and a profile of this idea and production of scientific and abide by economists Without Borders put the Statue of those wins best economist in the world and shall not put statues for one person.
Chapter III Economic Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia of Economic Thought symbols)
Encyclopedia is designed to honor the World Economic Thought symbols placing their business and scientific production in the economic and scientific encyclopedia to achieve its goals. 1. Scientific cooperation with economic researchers. 2. facilitate the presentation of scientific material
Chapter IV economic Gazette
This is where the newspaper or magazine is the mouthpiece of the International Council of the Association of economists where publishes this magazine News Association and the various activities carried out.
Chapter V of the International Day for economists (Holiday economists)
This day, on the tenth of the month of November of each year and the reason for choosing this day to be the International Day of economists is that this day is the day of the birth of Ishmael Massad strange founder of the International Council of Economists Association is committed Assembly fully committed to be the forum Cairo global economic is the International Day of economists approved the tenth of the month of November globally and are delivered the annual prizes awarded by the Assembly in the same world today economists among all workers in the community and economic institutions and economic field and urged the UN institutions to recognize Badhar of November of each year is the International Day for economists and festival for all those involved in rural economic The Assembly also committed to providing gifts and celebrations in the world today for economists.
Part III resolutions honoring
1. The decision to grant Ismail Massad best economist in the world and the establishment of the century award prizes. 2. The decision to grant Ismail Massad economists Dean World Award. 3. The decision to adopt the birthday Ismail Massad International Day of economists. 4. The decision to honor the gentlemen / heads of international committees and the President of the Assembly by giving them the Dean Award. 5. The decision to honor the members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award. 6. Resolution honoring Ismail Massad Assembly by making awards in the form of a statue of him in addition to the value of material prizes.
The first chapter decision to grant Ismail Massad best economist at the World Award
Gentlemen founders and members of the Board of the International Council for economists management decided to give Ismail Massad best economist at the World Award of Merit from the Association for his efforts in establishing the Assembly and work to develop and expand its membership. Century Awards Awards century economy and Society and the Journal of Economic century in Egypt. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Africa. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Asia. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in North America. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in South America. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Europe. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Oceania. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in the Arab world. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in the world.
CHAPTER II decision to grant Ismail Massad better economic world award
The founders decided gentlemen and members of the Board of Directors economists Without Borders awarded Ismail Massad Dean of the world economists estimate the Founders Award from the gentlemen and members of the Board of Directors for his efforts in the advancement of the association.
Chapter III decision to adopt birthday Ismail Massad International Day for economists
Gentlemen founding members of the Board of Directors economists decided Without Borders adoption birthday Ismail International Day of economists and serve as a National Day of economists and Assembly committed to the celebration in this day and give gifts and to require all members of the inside and outside Egypt to celebrate this day as the Assembly is committed to the establishment of a forum Alagahrh global economic On the birth of Ishmael Massad, corresponding to the tenth of November each year.
Chapter IV decision to honor the Heads of international committees and the Chairman of the Board
Gentlemen founders and members of the Governing Council of the International Council of Economists Association decided to honor the Heads of international committees prizes for life, a dean economists awards as head of the International Committee of the economists Africa is becoming dean economists Africa and President of the International Committee of the economists Asia become dean of economists Asia throughout its lifespan Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee To economists Europe become dean economists Europe throughout its lifespan Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee of economists South America Dean economists South America becomes this for the duration of his stay in the position of Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee of the economists Oceania become dean of economists Oceania for the duration of his stay in the position of the Chairman of the Committee has also decided to Gentlemen founders and board members honored the President of the International Council of Economists Association whatever person to become dean of the economists the world for the duration of his stay in the position of President of the Assembly.
Chapter V decision to honor the members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award
Gentlemen founding members of the Governing Council of the economists Association decided Without Borders honored members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award For example, if there are three Saudis members of the Assembly are to choose one of them to be represented and speaking about the Saudis economists before the Assembly is called the dean of Saudi economists, although there were four economists Moroccans members in the Assembly are to choose one of them to be represented and speaking about the Moroccan economists before the Assembly is called the dean of the Moroccan economist and are entering Saudi economist to the International Committee of the economists Asia and the entry of Moroccan economist to the International Committee of the economists Africa and the analogy to this in all countries and continents of the world. Chapter VI resolution honoring Ismail Massad making awards Assembly in the form of a statue of him in addition to the value of material prizes. Resolution gentlemen founders and members of the Board of Directors be prizes awarded by the Assembly in the form of a statue of Ismail Massad this along with the value of material prizes.
Part IV awards on the Egyptian level: Chapter One: Best economist at Egypt Chapter II: Dean economists Egyptians Award Chapter III: better economic association in Egypt Award Chapter IV: Best economic newspapers in Egypt at the Arab level: Chapter Five: Best economic in the Arab world Chapter VI: Dean Arabs economists Chapter VII Award: Best Economic Society in the Arab World Award Chapter VIII: better economic newspaper in the Arab World Award at the African level: Chapter Nine: Best economist at the Africa Prize Chapter X: Dean of African economists Chapter Award Eleven: Best economic Society in Africa Chapter XII: better economic Newspaper Award in Africa on the Asian level: Chapter XIII: Best Prize economist at the Asia Chapter XIV: Dean economists Asians Award Chapter XV: better economic association in Asia Award Chapter XVI: Best economic newspapers in Asia at the European level: Chapter XVII: The best economist in Europe Chapter XVIII Award: Dean economists Europeans Award Chapter XIX: better economic association in Europe Award Chapter Twenty: Best economic newspaper in Europe American level South: Chapter Twenty: The best economist at South America Chapter XXII Award: Dean economists South America Chapter III Award Twenty: Best economic association in South America Chapter XXIV: Best economic newspaper in South America to the US level North Chapter XXV: Best economist at the North American Chapter Twenty: Dean economists North America Chapter VII Award Twenty: better economic Society of North America Award Chapter XXVIII: Best economic newspaper in North America to Oceania level: Chapter XXIX: Best economist at America Oceania Chapter Thirty: Dean economists Oceania Award Chapter Thirty: better economic association in Oceania Award Chapter XXXII: better economic newspaper in Oceania award to level the world: Chapter XXXIII: Best economist at the World Chapter IV Thirty Award: Dean of the world's economists Chapter V Award Thirty: Best economic association in the world Chapter XXXVI: Best economic journal in the world
The first chapter in the best economic Egypt Award
The right to stand, the right to run is guaranteed to all economists Egyptians whether they are members of the Assembly or were not members but the right to nominate candidates for the award will be for members of the association only in the sense that the economic Egyptian is a member of the Assembly has been nominated for the award this correct procedure, but who was nominated for the award must be be One of the members of the Assembly. The material value of the award, the Board of Directors determines the material value of the award. The form of the award, the award is a form of a statue of Ismail Massad painted in gold leaf. Award Objectives: 1. ignite strong and honest competition between all economists Egyptians. 2. honoring Egyptian symbols of economic thought who prepared the economic and scientific research, which has affected economic thought in Egypt. Terms run for the prize. 1. To be an Egyptian candidate. 2. to be economists. 3. to have some research and literature. 4. Submission of the biography of the candidate, which includes his most important works, research and literature prepared by.
Chapter Two Egyptian economist Dean Award
Is an award twin adjacent to award the best economist in Egypt it wins the award for the best economist in Egypt automatically wins the prize economist Dean Egyptians complementary award for best economist in Egypt and affiliates and not a stand-alone independent award. The material value of the prize: not material value of the award are only moral. The form of prize: a written certificate that the winner became the dean of the country's economists with a picture of Ismail Massad. Award Objectives: 1. Find dishonest competition among economists Egyptians. 2. Egypt celebrated scientists economists. 3. Work on the establishment of a scientific forum for the presentation economists Egyptians research. The consequences of getting the prize: 1. opportunity and access to economic encyclopedia Assembly. 2. The opportunity and the possibility of notation name of the winner in the economic Heritage Register. 3. the opportunity and ability to make a statue for the winner in the economic Heritage Register. 4. deliver a speech at the World Economic Forum Cairo. 5. possibility of publishing his autobiography in economic Gazette. 6. congratulate him on the International Day for economists.
Chapter III better economic Society Award in Egypt
Definition prize: - is the prize awarded Economic Association the best in Egypt, which was her participation in economic activities and figures and held seminars and conferences that would increase economic awareness. Run for the prize: the right of any association in Egypt run for the prize, but this will be run by a member of the Assembly. The material value of the award: - The Board of Directors determine the material value of the award. The form of the award: - Statue of silver for Ismail Massad beside the certificate image Ismail Massad prove that the Assembly got the prize. Award Objectives: 1. Find an honest competition between economic associations. 2. celebrate associations and encourage development. Terms run for the prize: - 1. be of economic activity Assembly tangible and scientific awareness and education in the economic.
Chapter IV better economic Society Award in Egypt
Definition prize: - is the prize awarded Economic Association the best in Egypt, which provides economic analysis to its readers as it was based Pfaaliat and activities of an economic nature as seminars and conferences that would increase awareness and education economic held. Run for the prize: the right of any newspaper in Egypt run for the prize, but this will be run by a member of the Assembly. The material value of the award: - The Board of Directors determine the material value of the award. The form of the award: - bronze statue of Ismail Massad beside the certificate image Ismail Massad prove that the newspaper got a prize. Award Objectives: 1. Find an honest competition between economic associations. 2. celebrate associations and encourage development. 3. Economic newspapers urged to spread economic awareness. Terms run for the award: - 1 to be Egyptian Gazette economic and scientific activity of economic tangible.
Chapter V better economic in the Arab World Award
The award is the definition of prize awarded to the best economist in the Arab world who participated in the economic figures, seminars and conferences and has published several books and Economic Research. Important Note: In case of Arab or get Arab best economist at Africa or Asia Award is receiving the best economist in the Arab World Award automatically either in the event of an Arab on the best economist at the Asia Award and for Arabs in the same time the best economist at the Africa Prize are trade-offs between them, either in the absence of any Arab as the best economist in Africa or Asia are walking in the award procedures normally. The value of the prize material: Board of Directors determines the material value of the award. The form of the award: the award form a statue went to Ismail Massad. Terms run for the award: 1. be a candidate from one of the countries of the Arab world. 2. be of economists has many economic and scientific research literature.
Chapter VI Dean economists Arabs Award
The definition of the award is an award twin adjacent to award the best economist in Egypt it wins best economist in Egypt automatically wins the prize economist Dean Egyptians complementary award for best economist in Egypt and affiliates and not a stand-alone independent award. The material value of the Award: This award has no monetary value, it is only moral. The form of the award: The award is a testimony of the image Ismail Massad blogger out that the winner became the dean of the Arab economists.
منظمة اقتصاديين بلا حدود
Economists Without Borders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economists Without Borders Association
Ismail Massad strange
From faith to social work met the founders of the Society economists Without Borders and agreed to form non-profit organization to help the poor neighborhood with the necessary food, but was quickly develop the organization to be scientific beacon economists to take care of in Egypt and the world and work on the development and modernization of economic thought.
Preparation Ismail Massad
Part I - Introduction of the association
1. Definition of economists Without Borders. 2. Hardware and organizational structure of the organization. 3. Statement of the names of the founders of the Association.
Chapter One definition economists Without Borders
Economists Without Borders Association is a global gathering of economists, a world association working in the fields of: 1. cultural, scientific and religious services. 2. Economic Development. 3. social assistance. And all through the following activities: - 1. scientific exchange with all the institutions and economic bodies. 2. The establishment of an annual conference under the Cairo WEF name. 3. provide annual awards to those who have made an economic research contributed to the economic progress. 4. The establishment of a scientific courses in Economic Sciences. 5. issuing reports and bulletins and economic rankings. 6. provide scientific and technical support for scientific research centers economic. 7. provide loans and financial aid for economists. 8. dissemination of economic and scientific research in international scientific journals. 9. organization of scientific missions trips to colleges and universities economy. 10. provide scientific support and training to the offices of the economic consulting. 11. establish an economic scientific seminars to increase economic awareness. 12. Help the United Nations organs of an economic nature in the performance of their role.
Chapter II hardware and organizational structure of the Association
Economists Assembly consisting Without Borders of the following organs: - 1. Assembly: It includes all of the founding members and members who have applied for membership of the Assembly after the establishment phase is the General Assembly is the most powerful Assembly devices at all. 2. The Board of Directors: It consists of seven members and has a lot of tasks, for example, elected Chairman of the Board of Directors and the election of the treasurer, which is the legislative authority of the Assembly. 3. General Secretariat: chaired by the Secretary General of the Association, as the Secretariat of the Board of Directors where prepares the Governing Council agenda and minutes of meetings organization. 4. The Executive Committee is composed of five members of the executive branch which is considered within the Assembly, where the implementation of the decisions of the Board. 5. cashier who is on his shoulder all the financial affairs and matters relating to the association financially. 6. experts and training sector, which is the responsibility of the preparation and training of scientific personnel and economic rehabilitation rehabilitation of a scientific mission. 7. Prizes sector which filters to choose the winners of Scientific Society. 8. Goodwill Ambassadors economists sector is the sector members connect financial aid and food to the poor and the needy and the poor. 9. International Commission for the care of the affairs of Africa economists members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Africa. 10. International Commission for the Asia-care economists Affairs Association members economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Asia. 11. International Committee of economists South America take care of the affairs of the members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the South American continent. 12. International Commission for the care of the affairs of Europe, economists members of the Assembly economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Europe. 13. International Commission for the North American economists care of the affairs of the members of the Association of Economists Without Borders belonging to the North American continent. 14. International Commission for the care economists Oceania Affairs Association members economists Without Borders belonging to the continent of Oceania and the care of their affairs.
Chapter III release the names of the founders of the Association
1. Ismail Massad strange 2. naked vine Hanna 3. Mohamed Mahmoud Abdullah 4. Sameh Samir Abdo 5. Nasser Mohammed Abdul Aziz Abdul Wahab 6. Hamdi Abdel Wahab 7. Sayed Abdel Jaber fixed 8. Hany Saad Allah Ozimirs 9. Makram vine Hanna 10. Mohamed Sayed Hassanein
PART TWO belonging to the Association of facilities
1. Cairo World Economic Forum. 2. Museum of economic thought symbols economic Museum. 3. Economic Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of Economic Thought symbols. 4. Economic Gazette. 5. The World Today economists and economists Festival.
The first chapter of the World Economic Forum Cairo
Is a scientific conference economic order is held annually and takes into account the following: - 1. To be held on the International Day for economists, a 10/11 of each year (the tenth of the month of November each year). 2. Delivery of prizes awarded by the Assembly to the winners on the first day of the World Economic Forum Cairo. 3. to be the duration of the Forum annually three consecutive days beginning on the International Day for economists and two days later. 4. be invited all members of the Association of Economists Without Borders to attend the conference, as well as to invite all those interested in the knowledge economy of the outside members of the Assembly, as well as inviting political figures. 5. to be a forum for discussion of economic issues affecting the world every year and the Egyptian and Arab economy. 6. to be President of the World Economic Forum Cairo is the president of Association of Economists Without Borders and the executive director of the forum chosen by the Chairman of the Board. 7. be the venue of the Forum of Cairo and can take place in any other Egyptian city is also possible to be held outside of Egypt.
Chapter Two economic Museum (Museum of economic thought Codes)
Is a museum that is created to honor the World Economic Thought symbols of economists who favored economic thought, where is placed statues of the great thinkers of the economy this is a statue put each thinker economic blogger with his name and date of birth and a profile of this idea and production of scientific and abide by economists Without Borders put the Statue of those wins best economist in the world and shall not put statues for one person.
Chapter III Economic Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia of Economic Thought symbols)
Encyclopedia is designed to honor the World Economic Thought symbols placing their business and scientific production in the economic and scientific encyclopedia to achieve its goals. 1. Scientific cooperation with economic researchers. 2. facilitate the presentation of scientific material
Chapter IV economic Gazette
This is where the newspaper or magazine is the mouthpiece of the International Council of the Association of economists where publishes this magazine News Association and the various activities carried out.
Chapter V of the International Day for economists (Holiday economists)
This day, on the tenth of the month of November of each year and the reason for choosing this day to be the International Day of economists is that this day is the day of the birth of Ishmael Massad strange founder of the International Council of Economists Association is committed Assembly fully committed to be the forum Cairo global economic is the International Day of economists approved the tenth of the month of November globally and are delivered the annual prizes awarded by the Assembly in the same world today economists among all workers in the community and economic institutions and economic field and urged the UN institutions to recognize Badhar of November of each year is the International Day for economists and festival for all those involved in rural economic The Assembly also committed to providing gifts and celebrations in the world today for economists.
Part III resolutions honoring
1. The decision to grant Ismail Massad best economist in the world and the establishment of the century award prizes. 2. The decision to grant Ismail Massad economists Dean World Award. 3. The decision to adopt the birthday Ismail Massad International Day of economists. 4. The decision to honor the gentlemen / heads of international committees and the President of the Assembly by giving them the Dean Award. 5. The decision to honor the members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award. 6. Resolution honoring Ismail Massad Assembly by making awards in the form of a statue of him in addition to the value of material prizes.
The first chapter decision to grant Ismail Massad best economist at the World Award
Gentlemen founders and members of the Board of the International Council for economists management decided to give Ismail Massad best economist at the World Award of Merit from the Association for his efforts in establishing the Assembly and work to develop and expand its membership. Century Awards Awards century economy and Society and the Journal of Economic century in Egypt. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Africa. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Asia. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in North America. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in South America. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Europe. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in Oceania. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in the Arab world. Century economy Awards Association and the economic newspaper century in the world.
CHAPTER II decision to grant Ismail Massad better economic world award
The founders decided gentlemen and members of the Board of Directors economists Without Borders awarded Ismail Massad Dean of the world economists estimate the Founders Award from the gentlemen and members of the Board of Directors for his efforts in the advancement of the association.
Chapter III decision to adopt birthday Ismail Massad International Day for economists
Gentlemen founding members of the Board of Directors economists decided Without Borders adoption birthday Ismail International Day of economists and serve as a National Day of economists and Assembly committed to the celebration in this day and give gifts and to require all members of the inside and outside Egypt to celebrate this day as the Assembly is committed to the establishment of a forum Alagahrh global economic On the birth of Ishmael Massad, corresponding to the tenth of November each year.
Chapter IV decision to honor the Heads of international committees and the Chairman of the Board
Gentlemen founders and members of the Governing Council of the International Council of Economists Association decided to honor the Heads of international committees prizes for life, a dean economists awards as head of the International Committee of the economists Africa is becoming dean economists Africa and President of the International Committee of the economists Asia become dean of economists Asia throughout its lifespan Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee To economists Europe become dean economists Europe throughout its lifespan Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee of economists South America Dean economists South America becomes this for the duration of his stay in the position of Chairman of the Committee and President of the International Committee of the economists Oceania become dean of economists Oceania for the duration of his stay in the position of the Chairman of the Committee has also decided to Gentlemen founders and board members honored the President of the International Council of Economists Association whatever person to become dean of the economists the world for the duration of his stay in the position of President of the Assembly.
Chapter V decision to honor the members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award
Gentlemen founding members of the Governing Council of the economists Association decided Without Borders honored members of the Assembly belonging to one nationality to grant their representative Dean Award For example, if there are three Saudis members of the Assembly are to choose one of them to be represented and speaking about the Saudis economists before the Assembly is called the dean of Saudi economists, although there were four economists Moroccans members in the Assembly are to choose one of them to be represented and speaking about the Moroccan economists before the Assembly is called the dean of the Moroccan economist and are entering Saudi economist to the International Committee of the economists Asia and the entry of Moroccan economist to the International Committee of the economists Africa and the analogy to this in all countries and continents of the world. Chapter VI resolution honoring Ismail Massad making awards Assembly in the form of a statue of him in addition to the value of material prizes. Resolution gentlemen founders and members of the Board of Directors be prizes awarded by the Assembly in the form of a statue of Ismail Massad this along with the value of material prizes.
Part IV awards on the Egyptian level: Chapter One: Best economist at Egypt Chapter II: Dean economists Egyptians Award Chapter III: better economic association in Egypt Award Chapter IV: Best economic newspapers in Egypt at the Arab level: Chapter Five: Best economic in the Arab world Chapter VI: Dean Arabs economists Chapter VII Award: Best Economic Society in the Arab World Award Chapter VIII: better economic newspaper in the Arab World Award at the African level: Chapter Nine: Best economist at the Africa Prize Chapter X: Dean of African economists Chapter Award Eleven: Best economic Society in Africa Chapter XII: better economic Newspaper Award in Africa on the Asian level: Chapter XIII: Best Prize economist at the Asia Chapter XIV: Dean economists Asians Award Chapter XV: better economic association in Asia Award Chapter XVI: Best economic newspapers in Asia at the European level: Chapter XVII: The best economist in Europe Chapter XVIII Award: Dean economists Europeans Award Chapter XIX: better economic association in Europe Award Chapter Twenty: Best economic newspaper in Europe American level South: Chapter Twenty: The best economist at South America Chapter XXII Award: Dean economists South America Chapter III Award Twenty: Best economic association in South America Chapter XXIV: Best economic newspaper in South America to the US level North Chapter XXV: Best economist at the North American Chapter Twenty: Dean economists North America Chapter VII Award Twenty: better economic Society of North America Award Chapter XXVIII: Best economic newspaper in North America to Oceania level: Chapter XXIX: Best economist at America Oceania Chapter Thirty: Dean economists Oceania Award Chapter Thirty: better economic association in Oceania Award Chapter XXXII: better economic newspaper in Oceania award to level the world: Chapter XXXIII: Best economist at the World Chapter IV Thirty Award: Dean of the world's economists Chapter V Award Thirty: Best economic association in the world Chapter XXXVI: Best economic journal in the world
The first chapter in the best economic Egypt Award
The right to stand, the right to run is guaranteed to all economists Egyptians whether they are members of the Assembly or were not members but the right to nominate candidates for the award will be for members of the association only in the sense that the economic Egyptian is a member of the Assembly has been nominated for the award this correct procedure, but who was nominated for the award must be be One of the members of the Assembly. The material value of the award, the Board of Directors determines the material value of the award. The form of the award, the award is a form of a statue of Ismail Massad painted in gold leaf. Award Objectives: 1. ignite strong and honest competition between all economists Egyptians. 2. honoring Egyptian symbols of economic thought who prepared the economic and scientific research, which has affected economic thought in Egypt. Terms run for the prize. 1. To be an Egyptian candidate. 2. to be economists. 3. to have some research and literature. 4. Submission of the biography of the candidate, which includes his most important works, research and literature prepared by.
Chapter Two Egyptian economist Dean Award
Is an award twin adjacent to award the best economist in Egypt it wins the award for the best economist in Egypt automatically wins the prize economist Dean Egyptians complementary award for best economist in Egypt and affiliates and not a stand-alone independent award. The material value of the prize: not material value of the award are only moral. The form of prize: a written certificate that the winner became the dean of the country's economists with a picture of Ismail Massad. Award Objectives: 1. Find dishonest competition among economists Egyptians. 2. Egypt celebrated scientists economists. 3. Work on the establishment of a scientific forum for the presentation economists Egyptians research. The consequences of getting the prize: 1. opportunity and access to economic encyclopedia Assembly. 2. The opportunity and the possibility of notation name of the winner in the economic Heritage Register. 3. the opportunity and ability to make a statue for the winner in the economic Heritage Register. 4. deliver a speech at the World Economic Forum Cairo. 5. possibility of publishing his autobiography in economic Gazette. 6. congratulate him on the International Day for economists.
Chapter III better economic Society Award in Egypt
Definition prize: - is the prize awarded Economic Association the best in Egypt, which was her participation in economic activities and figures and held seminars and conferences that would increase economic awareness. Run for the prize: the right of any association in Egypt run for the prize, but this will be run by a member of the Assembly. The material value of the award: - The Board of Directors determine the material value of the award. The form of the award: - Statue of silver for Ismail Massad beside the certificate image Ismail Massad prove that the Assembly got the prize. Award Objectives: 1. Find an honest competition between economic associations. 2. celebrate associations and encourage development. Terms run for the prize: - 1. be of economic activity Assembly tangible and scientific awareness and education in the economic.
Chapter IV better economic Society Award in Egypt
Definition prize: - is the prize awarded Economic Association the best in Egypt, which provides economic analysis to its readers as it was based Pfaaliat and activities of an economic nature as seminars and conferences that would increase awareness and education economic held. Run for the prize: the right of any newspaper in Egypt run for the prize, but this will be run by a member of the Assembly. The material value of the award: - The Board of Directors determine the material value of the award. The form of the award: - bronze statue of Ismail Massad beside the certificate image Ismail Massad prove that the newspaper got a prize. Award Objectives: 1. Find an honest competition between economic associations. 2. celebrate associations and encourage development. 3. Economic newspapers urged to spread economic awareness. Terms run for the award: - 1 to be Egyptian Gazette economic and scientific activity of economic tangible.
Chapter V better economic in the Arab World Award
The award is the definition of prize awarded to the best economist in the Arab world who participated in the economic figures, seminars and conferences and has published several books and Economic Research. Important Note: In case of Arab or get Arab best economist at Africa or Asia Award is receiving the best economist in the Arab World Award automatically either in the event of an Arab on the best economist at the Asia Award and for Arabs in the same time the best economist at the Africa Prize are trade-offs between them, either in the absence of any Arab as the best economist in Africa or Asia are walking in the award procedures normally. The value of the prize material: Board of Directors determines the material value of the award. The form of the award: the award form a statue went to Ismail Massad. Terms run for the award: 1. be a candidate from one of the countries of the Arab world. 2. be of economists has many economic and scientific research literature.
Chapter VI Dean economists Arabs Award
The definition of the award is an award twin adjacent to award the best economist in Egypt it wins best economist in Egypt automatically wins the prize economist Dean Egyptians complementary award for best economist in Egypt and affiliates and not a stand-alone independent award. The material value of the Award: This award has no monetary value, it is only moral. The form of the award: The award is a testimony of the image Ismail Massad blogger out that the winner became the dean of the Arab economists.
== مؤشر حرية الصحافة العالمي ==